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Recommended advertising methods...

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I'm curious to know which online (or even offline) advertising methods people here use that have gotten them a lot of either hits and/or sign-ups with their opportunities? Just to show people that I'm not here simply to ask that question but to also provide my input, here's one that works very well for me:


I've made at least a couple of videos for YouTube prompting people to goto my site and sign up. So far, in just under a month using two videos I produced and put on YouTube, I've gotten 39 people to sign up with me because of those videos.

Other thoughts/input/real-life examples are definitely welcome!

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For me, it depends on what I am trying to market. Hits are not a problem. Getting signups

for free or low cost programs is fairly easy if it's a half-way decent program. Reeling in

referrals for the higher priced MLMs can be quite a challenge though. Word of mouth seems to

work well for these types of programs.

Experimenting with just the right text ad, banner, or splash page, I have had success with traffic

exchanges, PTRs, safelists, classifieds, forum signatures, and PTCs. Generic affiliate sites do not do

well for long, since thousands of others are using the same site. I usually try to create a unique splash

page and banner to stand out from the crowd.

When I find an ad program that works, like ClixSense, Hits4pay, and a few choice traffic exchanges,

I concentrate on building a strong downline early on so I can benefit from my referral's efforts in addition

to my own. The few dollars I earn from downline upgrades and ad purchases helps cover the cost of my

paid advertising campaigns.

One of these days I would like to get into blogging...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had a lot of signups through surf sites recently, believe it or not. I also believe that permission emails work well. I look for email addresses in spam, in any mlm, affiliate sites, magazines, etc... and I send out an email with a compliment of their business and ask for permission to send my information, that has worked well for me and best of all it's free. I take it one at a time...

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Advertising...to us is not selling...its creating relationships...then communicating with those people daily if necessary. We never advertise any program or product directly to any person.

We advertise ourselves and our organization instead.

Our message is the same today as it was in 1983...be consistent and honest..upfront and success will come.

There are many good longtime paying programs on the internet but can you show me how to make them work for me!..is the question...so make your ads about me!...not the program.

As to forms of advertising ...hits and traffic exchanges are a waste of time in our opinion.

CraigsList has been good to us as we can advertise to a particular state and town. Cover you home state first its much easier to communicate with local people.

Solo ads...are the best and then we use newspaper and radio...but again our best source is joining forms like this one and other sites where you can simply visit with others...many people ar looking for HELP...make them a success and you have a friend for life...forget about making them millionaires...if you can show them how to earn $300 a month without it costing then out of pocket money you have friends for life.

Safelist have been good over the years (4,000 Yahoo Groups) but don't seem to be as good in the last few years.

We also have T/shirts that say.."work from home with me" ..then contact info...and a bumper sticker on our car that says my homebased income bought this.

We agree with your idea of Splash pages and making them different so they stand out.

hope this helps you

Be Blessed

the Murphy's..Lutian & Anne

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  • 4 weeks later...

Text Ad Exchanges have been an excellent advertising medium for me.

I have had good success with medium and large exchanges.

There are multiple ways to advertise on them including banner placement,

hot links, text ads and of course the wildly popular permission-based solo ad.



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  • 4 weeks later...
Text Ad Exchanges have been an excellent advertising medium for me.

I have had good success with medium and large exchanges.

There are multiple ways to advertise on them including banner placement,

hot links, text ads and of course the wildly popular permission-based solo ad.



Here is my latest Earnings on IB


here is the link if you all are interested!

No Reff links in the general discussions forum

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