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FAP Turbo - www.fapturbo.com


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I am always on the lookout investigating passive income opportunities and investments that offer diversification with a controlled risk level. Several people I know have substantial knowledge of the FOREX world and the technology used for automated trading. This industry has exploded over the last few years but most of the ‘Holy Grail’ systems simply do not perform well over time. You will understand our excitement and the rush to introduce the FAPTURBO FOREX system after evaluating it over the last few weeks. With the economy in the state that it is in we thought that holding back this information until launch would be hurtful to many that need it. Due to a private launch receiving overwhelming results the creators of this trading robot will be raising the price very soon.

Simply put this automated trading adviser is like none we have ever tested. It controls risk and acts as a ‘pip machine’ every week regardless of the market activity. The best news is that it can trade accounts as small as $400 or as large as several million. The company has a complete support area that uses videos to get most customers up and running within minutes! Here are some of facts:

- 100% Monthly Real Money Testing Returns

- 9 Years Back-test

- 9,645 Total Trades

- 95.9% Winners

- 5,000% NET Profit

- 0.35% Drawdown! (you'll like that!)

- $370 to $3100 in one month

- $2,500 to $6,700 in 32 days

- $10,000 into $32,900 in 90 days

Ok. So this Works. The problem is that 60,000 FOREX traders have already signed up before last week’s public launch and there are a limited number of copies. I am extremely impressed with the trading robot, supporting materials and the FAPTURBO concept.

The FAPTURBO introduction will hopefully bring you and your family financial success and the hope of a great new year! You can review the live account statement and order the trading robot for the special launch price today by visiting: http://fapturbo.notlong.com


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Hi there guys, I've been following this product for the last few days and figured id pop in here and let you know where I'm at. I have minimal trading knowledge..I have the basics down taught to me by babypips.com but I only made it up to the 6th grade...lolol

Anyhoo I figured what the heck for 150$ itll give me something fun to tinker with.

I installed FapTurbo on my copy of MT4 without any trouble and it is currently running on 4 pairs

Long term on EUR/USD at M1 intervals

Scalper on USD/CAD , EUR/GBP , EUR/CHF at M15 intervals

The setup was a breeze for me and the video tutorials walked me right through it very easily.

I have it running on my fxopen demo account without any issues so far. It hasnt executed a trade yet but I'm hoping to see one go sometime tonight. If not ill just start checking back on it on monday because it doesnt trade on friday or the weekends.

I used FXopen because that is a demo account that I already had and it doesnt appear to be an issue. Does anyone have anything to say pro or con on using this on an fxopen demo?

Anyhoo, I'll keep you guys updated but i just wanted to join in the fun here and i figured worst case I'm out 150$.

P.S. - the only properties that i touched were to make sure for the scalper that it was set to true and i also made sure to set the server time for my broker which the propeerty should show 2 because its a 2 hour difference from GMT other than that everything else is left at the default level.

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Well today was a doozy watching this thing perform. It certainly seems that when the markets are going crazy this thing hibernates so to speak...which is a good thing.

I had two profitable sell orders todat on the USD/CAD of about +9 pips each which was nice

While during the same period it did take two buy orders for a loss one on the EUR/GBP and one on EUR/CHF so on a 3000$ demo account I'm up 8$ smile.gif

decent so far considering I only bought the thing this morning.

After doing some reading through a google search there are a lot of fans and a few naysayers alike.

From what I can tell though most of the naysayers seem to be the oldschoolers that wouldnt touch an EA like this with a 10 foot pole so I dont necessarily think they are giving it a fair shot.

So far though from all ive read and seen I'm impressed and I'm looking forward to continuing on the demo account to see where it goes.

There is certainly a large following out there for this product. One thing I do want to mention is that while setup was easy it does seem to be in the best interest of the user to network with others using the FAPturbo EA to gather more info because there does seem to be some variances between brokers and there are certainly some with the different parameters..

Conclusion: I'm having fun!!! thats what its all about anyhow right?...Oh wait money? how about both...Yup I'll vote for all of the above.

Just to let you guys know I just activated FAPTurbo on an FXDD demo account also so now I'm running it on FXopen and FXDD. I read some reports on other forums of FXDD performing well with this EA so I figured I'd give it a shot.

You are allowed to my knowledge to place FAPTurbo on as many Demo accounts as you would like but only one Live trading account.

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A few things that i heard on another forum dedicated to this robot

1) Robots almost always perform differently in live trading then demo accounts. For this reason I'm going to let the bot trade monday and possibly tuesday on a demo and then if all looks good ill go live with a 500$ account on wednesday. I already have a live account waiting and ready to go. I will use the default settings to play conservatively. I'm willing to lose it so no harm there.

2) I hear through the grapevine the price will go up again. They already raised it from the 99$ opening price to the 149$ it is now so I can accept this as possibly being true and not just a sales ploy.

All in all from reading a lot of other peoples experience it appears that the long term trades on the EUR/USD dont seem to be going so hot but the scalper is kicking some booty. I will only be testing the scalper, I'll let others do the testing on the longer term and ill try to grab some info for you guys and bring it on over here for you.

According to the site they say only mess with the GMT ( to align it with your brokers time) and also the scalper=true/false. Also its a wise idea to set the lot size according to the size of the account being traded on of course. this is all I've messed with so far.

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Just keeping you guys up to date. The sales pitch on the site recommends a company to buy a VPS through. After doing some reading, and not wanting to leave me pc running at all hours, I decided to get one. But certainly not through the company they mentioned because they want something like 70$ per month for that which is a lot of money for a simple VPS. I found a nice vps for 25$ through vps land. I will install the MT4 software on it and then FAPTurbo.

this seems to be a good option so that i dont have to deal with pc crashes or anything of that nature which might hinder my pc from running. I'm looking forward to monday to seeing this thing perform a bit more

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  • 4 weeks later...

I fully agreed with you. FAP Turbo is truly outperform than its previous foreautopilot EA software.

Fap Turbo was created by Ulrice, Mike and Steve, an IT students! They took Marcus Leary's advice and code and then change it into a totally different and much much powerful forex trading system! This is the shocking outcome of technology and a genius working together to give you the most advanced live trading forex robot in existence. This system can double or even triple your accounts in just weeks. This is a very powerful forex trading sstem that can give you massive trading profits.

FAP Turbo build on the knowledge and expertise gained with forex autopilot and forex killer. It is a fast and hard hitting forex robot cuts the profits out of the market with sharp accuracy. This is not the usual gain little loose all trading style. It is the only trading robot that feature live results on real money directly implemented!

Highly recommended!

---- My Ambition is beyond My Knowledge ----
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just keeping you guys up to date. The sales pitch on the site recommends a company to buy a VPS through. After doing some reading, and not wanting to leave me pc running at all hours, I decided to get one. But certainly not through the company they mentioned because they want something like 70$ per month for that which is a lot of money for a simple VPS. I found a nice vps for 25$ through vps land. I will install the MT4 software on it and then FAPTurbo.

this seems to be a good option so that i dont have to deal with pc crashes or anything of that nature which might hinder my pc from running. I'm looking forward to monday to seeing this thing perform a bit more

Thanks very much for your useful posts on FAP Turbo.

I just came across this program a few days ago and your info makes it far more likely that I'll invest in it, and as soon as I also have at least $500 put aside to get myself to the starting gate, I'll go for it.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes this is a good EA but dont be fooled by the marketing hype on the website. Forex isnt about becoming a millionaire overnight or the first time you take a big loss you will be in for a big let down. Keep your risk level at a decent percentage and for anything under 1k in the account be sure that you get a broker that offers microlots.

Fapturbo at some point will take losses so dont let that scare you. The thing we are looking for here is profitability over the long term and so far for me its right on track to fulfill that goal.

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  • 2 months later...

Finally the order in my real live FapTurbo account has closed, GoMarkets Live FapTurbo & Forex MegaDroid Account

MegaDroid hasn't taken a trade on here yet and as you can see FapTurbo only took two trades one just positive and the other one which was open for almost 24 hours closed for a small loss -$10.77 which was a good result considering it was -$130 at one stage.

I must admit i spent a long time looking at another monitor with my charts and indicators plotting out where i thought price was headed and is why i left it in the hands of the robot.

On my demo account which has all 4 pairs that FapTurbo trades and MegaDroid i had a mishap when my computer froze and when i started it up again FapTurbo's arrows had vanished so i took over manually and took 2 loss's but it has performed very well in the 2 days i have had it set up.

Fxcbs demo 4 pairs FapTurbo & MegaDroid

GP :Hi:

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After FapTurbo's 4 hour trade session my Live Account finished with 11 trades all positive:

GoTrader - Live FapTurbo & MegaDroid Account 3 Pairs

Here is my Demo account which is running FapTurbo and MegaDroid, all 4 pairs:

Fxcbs Demo Account

Only early days in my testing but it is fair to say i am impressed with both Forex MegaDroid & FapTurbo so far, all accounts are in profit and more importantly both live accounts are in profit.

GP :Hi:

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Well it has been an eventful night/day for me, the markets have been very choppy so i am not surprised that MegaDroid didn't take a trade as it seems to be very fussy, i have not had a losing trade with it yet.

I have been testing my own trading style with the Gbp/Jpy in my Iko FX Mini Account - MegaDroid and my GoMarkets Live Account - MegaDroid/FapTurbo and you will see in the Gomarkets account that i made a mistake, it is a standard account and when i put the order on i was after $1 a pip but it ended up $10 a pip, very dangerous for such a small account, i stuck with the trade as my Indicators where screaming short and got out way to early but still made way more then what i was targeting.

That is what i get for having 5 demo platforms and two live accounts running at the same time, i need to pay more attention to my trading.

FapTurbo took 8 trades and all of them were positive so it has performed very well so far, the $80 loss i had with it was my own fault as i was seeing if i could turn it on manually which i found out i could, it just happened as i did a piece of news came out for that pair and it spiked and you see the result!

GP :Hi:

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What a crack up, FapTurbo took a buy on the USD\CAD which by my charts was a great set up and after 18 minutes closed up $57.78 but it instantly opened a sell order and almost instantly closed it for a profit of $26.28 and then instantly opened another sell and almost instantly closed it for another $26.28, the two sells were both opened and closed in the same minute, i shut FapTurbo off as it was scaring me....... :Hehe:

GoMarkets Live Standard Account

GP :Hehe:

Edited by Globalprofits
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