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Genius Funds Interview ...

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Genius Funds Interview

Blog Team: 11/25/2008

Hi there everyone! Today I have the pleasure of bringing you the interview that we conducted with Mark Stelvio of Genius fund. This is a company that by all accounts appears to be the real deal. Many companies claim to be real companies but very few actually are and so its imperative that research and interviews such as this take place for the investors to have all of the information. Enjoy!

1. Thank you for allowing the Collective Investments Blog Team to interview you. Could you please introduce yourself to the CIF readers and tell us a little bit about your company?

My name is Mark Stelvio and I am the managing director of Genius Investments Limited, a Cyprus-based investment firm. The firm that I am proud to represent manages two investment funds. Our funds offer exposure to some of the most lucrative equities and bonds, spread out across a wide range of world financial markets.

2. How long has your company been in the industry? What makes you qualified to run an HYIP program? Have you run any other online programs before?

Our investment firm has been in business for over 3 years. I want to note that unlike other business in the market, our firm is not a HYIP program per se. We are an investment firm and we offer access to investment products that earn real income. All of our fund managers are highly experienced in the financial field, with backgrounds in banking and insurance sectors.

3. What do Genius Funds actually offer to its investors?

We offer 3 investment products at this time. First is Genius CD Account. This targets investors that are looking for medium-income, short-term investment. The term of the investment is three months and the interest is fixed at 6% per month, 18% per term. The two other investment products are investment funds. Information on them can be found on our website. They target investors that are looking for long-term commitment with high income expectations. No-sale period on shares is 150-180 days from purchase and income ranges from 5 to 9 percent per week. Income is paid daily on one fund and weekly on the other. It can be withdrawn at any time or automatically reinvested per customer’s request.

4. Could you brief us on your platforms of backing up the returns in your program? Are they guaranteed?

Our fund managers invest funds into equities and bonds on financial markets. As you might know, the markets are not performing that well at the moment. To counter the effects of the looming financial crisis, our fund managers use advanced trading techniques that take advantage of falling as well as rising markets. The funds are licensed outside the heavily regulated US and European financial zones, therefore managers can take advantage of “short†trades and stock options for risk balancing purposes. Managers can also invest into very lucrative unrated corporate bonds, which are unavailable to investment funds from regulated environments, such as UK and the US. This allows our investment funds to yield profit even at times when markets are not performing well.

As far as the guarantee goes, we issue share certificates to those investors that invest more than $500. The certificate guarantees the share price to be the same at the time of sale ($1.00), therefore guaranteeing the safety of invested capital. The certificate also acts as legal tender against the assets of our firm in case of financial difficulties.

5. We noticed that you are accepting Liberty Reserve and U-GotCash only; do you have future plans of catering other payment processors?

We currently accept Liberty Reserve, u-GotCash and bank wire transfers. We are not planning to introduce new payment processors in the near future as we believe that the integrated solutions are sufficient to satisfy the needs of all potential investors.

6. We have read on your news that you are aiming for a Banking License, could you update us on its current developments?

We have applied for a limited banking license from St. Kitts and Nevis. The licensed is expected in the beginning of 2009. Once the license is granted, we will update you on the scope of our future banking operations.

7. How about your plans for Genius Life Insurance? Is it really going to push through or will it just remain a plan for now?

The insurance company is also undergoing a lengthily licensing process. License is expected by the end of 2008.

8. Please tell us where your program is hosted and how are you promoting your program to the online public?

Our website is hosted on a dedicated cluster, using the latest two-tier architecture. To counter possible downtime which can be caused by DDOS attacks, we utilize the services of BlockDos, a renowned DDOS protection service.

9. How about the security of your site? What measures do you have to ensure safe operation and transactions?

As I have previously outlined, we employ a modern two-tier architecture, which coupled with BlockDos DDOS protection service provides the highest level of security possible to our investors. Secure connections are protected by 256 bit VeriSign Extended Validation SSL Certificate. VeriSign goes to great lengths in order to verify the identity of EV Certificate holders. Once our investors see that we own an EV certificate from VeriSign, they can be certain that their personal data is secured by the most advanced encryption technology currently available.

10. How long do you honestly feel Genius Funds would last?

Genius Funds is here to stay. We have been in operation for several years and I see no reason for us to cease operations in the future. Moreover, Genius Investments Limited is planning to extend its operations into banking and insurance sectors in the near future.

11. In your opinion, what makes Genus Funds stand out from the rest of the similar programs out there with similar platforms?

First of all, I am not familiar with any companies that are offering a similar platform. I believe what makes us different is our expertise in financial markets, unrivaled customer support service, attractive investment products and the last, but not least, the fact that our investments are made in real securities that yield real profits.

So there it is folks. It appears that there are some big things in the works for this program and I truly hope that we will see them around for years to come.


Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up

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