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Review of Stability Surf ...

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Review of Stability Surf

BLOG Team 11/03/2008


This site has some things that are worth talking about, and by worth talking about I do not mean they are good so much as they are discussion worthy.

StabilitySurf has spent some money to get a sticky thread in MMG AND TalkGold, This has not been done for quite some time. The admin also has only 1 paid monitor in fact there is just 1 monitor on the site refback80.com.

Despite the fact that the topics are stickied they are NOT getting much posts or views for that matter even.

There can be many things that cause this and I am betting that most people are not even taking a look at the site since there is not much attention in the forums. Or it could be because there is no admin to tend to people. I would venture to guess that they have so far spent way more developing the site then they have taken in during their 7 days online

Here are some other tid-bits about the site that I felt were worth a mention.

The script is neversay with a not too attractive template form surf templates.com.

The only processor used at the start was Liberty Reserve and recently AlertPay has been added to reach a greater audience.

StabilitySurf is hosted on Go-mama hosting and it appears that the admin didn’t take the time to privacy guard his whois details. Here they are below:


Creation Date: 11-Oct-2008

Expiration Date: 11-Oct-2009

Domain servers in listed order:




StabilitySurf ,

Frank ()

62, rue dâ€Alsace


Not Applicable,92583


Tel. +147.567114


I’m not sure if the name “Frank“ suffices for ICAN but truthfully I don’t think its worth researching further.

The plan offered is 4% for 30 days. This is plan is not so attractive to the majority of online investors. Especially with the emergence of such leaders as FastProfitSurf and MegaLido .

In conclusion I would have to say that the start for this site has been less than mediocre. The design isn’t so great, the plans could use improvement and member support up until this point has been almost appalling. For these reason I would have to recommend the readers stay clear of this one for now unless they can really come out and prove themselves a bit more.


Notice: All 'til CIF Blog gets up

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