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Need help for Gold and Silver Investment.


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Gold and Silver are a good choice for investment because there value is stable and will increase over years. I suggest you to start Gold and silver coins or bullions. Better start with a Gold and buy a five gram gold bullion when the gold price is very low. See how much you will only earn over some month when the gold price is increasing again and reach new records. If this have been happened, you can sell your 5 gramm gold buillion and can buy a 10 gram gold buillion.

Start investing with your free start capital: www.uia.net.au

Please enter my mobile number: 015203846928

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  • 4 years later...

Well, gold and silver is very volatile trading instruments so it would be risky for you if you are not expert enough! I have almost four year trading experience, but I am using gold metal from last six months because of my master trading plan! Interestingly, I get low trading spread facility on gold and silver from regulated broker TradingBanks.

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  • 5 months later...

In all honest way, I don’t think it is really wise to make investment on Gold or Silver especially if we are having lower investment, as the risk bar is simply too high and it’s not easy to handle. I do it all superbly with OctaFX broker and through their fascinating list of features and facilities which not just helps in trading but keeps me at ease. I like their wide range of setup from having 70 instruments to select from to Islamic Account; I can really operate nicely here and bring home serious returns. I don’t prefer commodities instead I prefer currency pairs and look spread and other things make it easier for me to work out smoothly and benefits in big way.

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