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Elliott Waves labeling


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Some questions:

1. which is the best Elliott Wave "labeling" stand-alone software?

2. what is the correct way to make it automatically label waves? Starting from monthly chart (for example) and going down to weekly and daily charts? or the other way round, that is starting (for example) from 2 hours and going to daily?

3. apart from MotiveWave which other stand-alone software can use Google/Yahoo data?


By "labeling" of course I mean "calculating automatically the wave number"


I use MotiveWave and, sometimes, if I start from monthly and go to daily charts or if I run the automatic labeling directly in daily charts, I get different labelings.

Is this a common problem?

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Here are some good tips from DK for a correct Elliott Wave labelling:




Take the time to study the other articles of the "Elliott Wave Education" section too.


You should not switch off your brain if you use any Elliott Wave software !





Check this info also:


Edited by Sixer
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  • 9 months later...
Here are some good tips from DK for a correct Elliott Wave labelling:




Take the time to study the other articles of the "Elliott Wave Education" section too.


You should not switch off your brain if you use any Elliott Wave software !





Check this info also:



Thank you for the information.

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