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Minion last won the day on August 24 2018

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About Minion

  • Birthday 03/15/1965

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  1. If you look at Epictetus profile you can see that he last visited the Forum on Sunday at 3.00 p.m. (more or less when he made his latest post) so I imagine he hasn't yet read your PM and your first, second and even THIRD WARNING (in upper case). So what's the sense of giving him 24 hours to reply? Am I missing something?
  2. Maybe he means the combination of MW (which is free) and the "Emulator" that, as far as I understand, must be run together with MW
  3. OK, so it generates a key that is related to the HWID (Hardware ID)
  4. So the working key cannot be shared, and the emulator has to run while MotiveWave is normally operating? I am not really keen to run "mysterious" programs that I don't know what are doing at my PC...
  5. @RichardGere I have not tested it (yet) but MW license has the form 5555-5555-5555-5555-5555-5555 with any number inside
  6. I am old now. I was a Staff member in a p2p community some 20 years ago and we had a strategical view in that field, a line of conduct, some "musts" (for example being rigorous even towards "active" members that lacked respect to the community... you know, some people think that they are untouchable and can do or write whatever they want). That's why (I repeat it like a broken record) what I didn't understand was the lack of strategical vision that, like a disease, "poisoned" the spirit of some "voluntary contributors". Surely this field (trading) is very very different from the one I was used to (p2p) and, since money is involved, maybe paying some $ for something that is sold at 100/500$ is the right "strategical decision" and, advertising it, is the lesser of two evils. I wish you all the best in re-building this Board. There are a lot of contributors, posting magazines, courses, books. Let's hope they will go on with their appreciated contribution.
  7. Well, 3 years ago, in a similar topic opened by you people replied worrying about like/unlike buttons (sic!) instead of facing a strategical question that in the following years was never solved (apart from banning jhonsnow). Instead he (jhon...) is always remembered (even by the Staff) as a smart guy who sells (sells!) at affordable prices cr@cked content. Why should guys like laser and others, provide for free their "voluntary work"? Did the Staff (previous) ever had a strategical view of what Board they wanted to keep alive?
  8. Thanks for having solved my problem due to a temporary email I used to register at the old Board. Everything is OK now
  9. Today everything has gone to normal. Did you change something?
  10. This is how I see the Forum pages. Is there any way to fix it?
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