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Everything posted by hpop

  1. Was this the only seminar series where he is the main or sole speaker? Most of the others are dominated by Gav.
  2. It doesn't seem capable of handling premium rapidgator links.
  3. It's a real shame because he's part of the VSa/Wyckoff gang ... so he would be very knowledgeable. Even when you speed up the videos by 50%, the stuttering and repetition of delivery is just too annoying to maintain interest.
  4. Yours does it too. e.g. ABC's of VSA; Signs of Strength, An Overview.flv, ABC’s of VSA; Learning VSA – One Concept at a Time.flv, ABC’s of VSA; Back to Basics.flv, ABC’s of VSA; Trade Set Ups.flv ABC’s of VSA; Stop Management.flv About half of them.
  5. Thanks gf I'll check it out. The actual content looks pretty basic but hopefully there's some value in there!
  6. How do you fix the flame flickering problem that starts about 50 minutes into the video? It's a problem when it strobes rapidly between a chart and text notes while she's speaking. I've tried de/interlace and other preference options in VLC to correct this. Any other ideas?
  7. Hi GF There's a thread on forexfactory on intraday p&f charts. https://www.forexfactory.com/showthread.php?t=19253 With enough liquidity or ticks intraday like in those currency pairs, p&f charting can be handy. Personally I only use it on the longer time frames but then I only peek at shorter time frames.
  8. lol I got a bite. Actually p&f works well on smaller time frames too. He mentioned Renko bars which does the same thing of updating price changes without the time variable.
  9. Provocative title that is misleading because it depends how you like to look at data and how you want to judge overall moves. Sometimes P&F helps you discern waves of buying and selling much more easily than candlestick or bar charts. Anyway Renko, ZigZag or Weis waves provide the same feel of price "measurement" to P&F charts and filter out noise similarly.
  10. Was there ever a valid session 6 video for the VSA Symposium? Link?
  11. I'll pass it on if I get it and vice versa, you pass it on. Cheers
  12. Are there any other VSA club videos besides the 2009-2010 bundle?
  13. Oh I thought they were links to youtube as Bogonazof has a lot of videos made publicly available.
  14. ok thanks I guess more posts are needed
  15. Did she ever release any full VSA or Wyckoff video/webinar courses?
  16. I deleted it a while ago because I couldn't get it to run either, whether you burn it to CD or run setup.exe
  17. How do I thank posts? and while I'm at it, request the link to this Wyckoff course ;)
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