Here is a really peaceful video on you tube.
I like it mostly because of the music. I recently built a huge cabinet for my naturopathic doctor to store vials in for identifying the latest toxic pesticide / artificial whatever that we humans seem to be constantly creating. He is finding out about 70 or more new ones a month, just more stuff for him to clean out of his patients . Anyway, while building this cabinet I listened to the type of music in the link above for hours on end. Not a word to be heard, totally right brain music. Btw, the system he has is like 3 million dollars worth of sensitive detection genius. You can lay a glass of water on the tray and he can tell you what is in it way down to the smallest levels. It is really awesome.
Here is a really great chillout / ambient mix that I listen to every now and then
there are quite a few more mixes at ultimae, scroll over " artisis " at the bottom of the web page and select , deejays, or guests.
While listening to music with no words, I sometimes read...
My favorite book is , The ancient secret of the flower of life
If you look at my avatar here on the forum, that is the flower of life. This symbol has been found in almost every Country in the world in ancient sacred temples and places of worship.
One of my main goals in the near future is to visit this house
I found out about this house from studying vortex water principles. If you have ever wondered what the most sustainable house on earth looks like and how it functions, well here it is.