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Posts posted by Sentinel

  1. In cryptos all that one has to do is invest in a solid project or 2. The scene is littered with projects but 97% (if not more) of them are ****. Just do a literature review of the white papers and choose well. I went nearly all in on Chainlink, some 0x and Bitcoin. Ethereum is also great. Avoid dubious projects which imho includes even XRP. This one seems more of a Ponzi scheme. It seems many bought at a high price and are not willing to make a loss. These are in turn convincing others to get into this gigantic mess.
  2. By now those who invested when I wrote the first post should have at least tripled their capital. Once Google announced their partnership with Chainlink, price hit $2. Soon Oracle will demo the use during the expo on the 24th of the month. More partners will roll in. IBM in project Accord. Microsoft possible too. Keep your links going on... price will go much much higher. As stated initially, this is a life changing opportunity.
  3. Revisiting this post just to tell those who bought Chainlink to keep holding.... The amount of profits I believe will be huge. After yesterday's announcement and literally shooting to the top spot for the 24hr % change, keep accumulating any dips and reassess things a year from now. While Ethereum unleashed tokenization. Chainlink will unleash smartcontracts. This will be VERY valuable.


    That is all for now :) Best of luck, profits and health to all.

  4. Hope there were members who took this opportunity. Those who did should be in nice profits... the bull run has started as predicted a few months ago, pullbacks will be there but the way is up for good now ;) Remember to try to keep them till around 2024-5. Blockchain tech is being ushered in and apparently going to be adopted within the coming months. After this, Smart Contracts should kick off. If you do make a nice amount of profit remember to think about those less fortunate .... life is too short not to enjoy it and help others :)
  5. hi all,


    This might be out of point as it is not related to Forex but just want to share what might be a golden investment (NOT TRADING) opportunity. I got nothing to gain if you invest or not in it really unless you are a big shark with millions of $ in your pockets :) If anyone got anything to risk (even just $100) with a high probability of massive returns in say a couple of years and better by 2025 check Chainlink out. This is middleware between blockchains and the real world, oracle of decentralized networks. I believe this one might be a life changer and can really return to the early investors a life changing opportunity. Would not be amazed if it hits $100 in a couple of years. This would mean for every $1 one would be getting $200 if it were to reach it since price is $0.50 at the time of writing. Smart Contracts might possibly be wildfire and Blockchains might soon be taking off. If you are after a fast buck ignore this.


    Further details about this one can be found in this amazing article:




    The white paper is available online and can be easily Googled.


    If you want more details let me know. Also if admins find this as a pain, kindly delete it. My intention is just to try to and give something to those who wish to attempt make a possible profit even though nothing is guaranteed. However worth the risk at this point, remember anticipating is better than participating :)

  6. My question is: IF one is really making so much profits which in this case should be of Biblical proportions, why are they being sold?


    A quick search around showed that these courses are not even worth a rusty penny. Not going to repeat the content here but if anyone wants to check, the users feedback is here:




    Better stick to the one and only Price Action.

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