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John elmond

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Everything posted by John elmond

  1. or here for even less https://courcine.com/products/larry-williams-forecast-2025-free-download-for-today/
  2. this site has it https://tradesmint.com/product/larry-williams-annual-forecast-report-2025/ for less than 20 bucks
  3. keep us posted...some kind person was nice to upload for free but if we have to kick in some cash then we will
  4. any chance his stand alone Volume profile course is posted somewhere?
  5. yeah he had a conman/student come onto a facebook option group but he disappeared . He only accepts paypal too which can be another sign of trouble. Thanks for the feedback
  6. looking for information on this guy and his course. https://optionstycoon.com/nic-replay . Any resellers? I'll buy it if the cost is right and get it posted.
  7. I don't see any course description either from that reseller or the twitter post. Need a bit more to see if I have it in my collection
  8. oh yeah..please do...I can't find anything without having read through things (posts)I already have read before
  9. The only good program is option net explorer as it keeps track of accurate profit and loss. All of these others mentioned you will have to keep track of P&L manually and it can become quite complicated. It's also great for backtesting these more complex option strategies. To me there is no substitute.
  10. I'd be in on this...I just paid my yearly fee to ONE for 600 bucks...!
  11. This isn't really much of a course. Seems more like a big commercial. The first video he lectures on having plans and has a screen up of Cumulative delta ( Tics nd Volume) along with price and NYSE $Ticks . The next two videos he goes on about a trade plan and shows account statements but never gets into how he uses Cumulative delta. It seemed like a big commercial to me for some of his more expensive stuff.
  12. anyone have a version of ONE for sale ? Does Jhonsnow do this kind of thing?
  13. key word is "audited" by I'll take unaudited in this case...thanks EminiTrader
  14. let me rephrase that....most don't seem to trade live and out of those that do, very few have audited account statements.
  15. Korbs is passionate about what he does......it may not be worth full price but we my learn a few twists on Volume Profile and if not then I'm sure we can all use a refresher anyway. Supposedly he has a series of core trades that is part of the course. That may be good for reference. Nobody seems to really trade live anyway. So perhaps a GB would be the way to go. At worst we'll get the same old FT71 ( Futuretrader71) or kam L2st stuff rehashed.
  16. Frank was way ahead of his time and one of the first to really help get volume profile work out there.......it was a good course worth watching
  17. yeah...count me in as I like all things Volume and Market profile but I'll look for the official group buy page
  18. seems like a tough one to find...maybe someone could do a GB
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