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Posts posted by LIIonsar

  1. im loking for a method to identify usinbg a indicator o method when Volatility thershold chahne Why? becasue if youare scalper you need chnage in high volatily peroids your timeframe especially if you trade /Es somebody have a Idea how calculate it or geit this thershold into Indicator? thnak you for your advice
  2. I'm seeing that among thos 100% successes, the only one fail only because I put the first contract take profit at 8 ticks. some of them went on the right direction and returned. but the all of them went right for 6.


    you could automate the first 8/8 R/R plus a second runner contract, that trails the current price 8 ticks after. from this you could tune up the automatic


    I recommend ! if you trade renkos use 1 tikc less acording your current Timeframe

    for example if youare trading 6-2 put a 5 ticks target at least

    with the current volatily that dayws i increase timeframes to 10-2 and try get 8 ticks profit

  3. Im begining this post to follOwing the idea some days a go a guy post in other thread forum showing an INTERESTING SIGNAL


    here single template to use with NQ/ 10-2 Renko spectrum

    Notice: when volatility is lower you must change Timeframe to 8-1 or 6-1



    Im requesting original creator a method TO explain us how setup TARGETS








    -You must wait price touch or entering volumen zone then

    -See your tirggers in this example i use original gzt method using entrypatern conlfuence and confirm the short trend with dwan to entering the trade

    -Stop is clearly above poc in the profile or the last price when voluemn bar was added

    -Misiing idea how setup a Target yet if you have idea share us:

    --Aslo im adding Evoprc2 to confirm day trend observing the angle into pcr2


    Notice: im testing some radom days and always get 100% acurated trades but is a little model to determinate if signal is solid and with good ration some fuys tellme get over 90% always

    if that its true i can code a Automatic strat for that signal for all here.but help with Targets

  4. All at standard. Anything changed but eliminating the volume profile inside the zones, to have a clear view of the cut.


    If an up cut is inside or very very close to a green volume zone, I buy. if a down cut is inside or very close, I sell.


    It has like a 90% or more chance to success. then you can obviously miss the runner if you dont give it space to breathe.


    Im not using the Ds or DL triangles, as I noticed that gives me late entries.


    im using Jrayrenko 6-2, because I like the simmetry, ym, tf, nq, ng, cl and 6b


    willbe nice if you share your SETUP with us

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