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Posts posted by zoheb

  1. I think this is a nice idea. It is a great initiative to help those struggling to become profitable.


    @kenny123 is just asking members to mention what works/does not work for them.


    If there is a tool that someone finds helpful, why deny someone else looking for an edge to try whether that can work for them. Members who do not like the idea can anyways stay out of the thread, why kill the idea.


    Ofcourse, what works for one, may not work for another without tweaking it basis instrument/time frame/trading style etc, but why not let members looking for something try & decide for themselves.


    I will soon list what I have found useful & post here shortly. @kenny123 how about starting off with what you have found useful, maybe a good idea to leave out what hasn't worked to avoid critical remarks that can derail this initiative. What does not work for one may work for another, let users figure out what does not work ;)


    Thank you @kenny123 for starting this thread =D>

  2. Can't open it can someone post the full tos code?


    This is all that the zip archive has in a text file:






    declare lower;


    def UVol = close("$UVOL");

    def DVol = close("$DVOL");

    def TVol = close("$TVOL");

    def Advn = close("$ADVN");

    def Decn = close("$DECN");

    def Uncn = close("$UNCN");


    def UpDNA_Issues = Advn/(Advn+Decn+Uncn);

    def DnDNA_Issues = Decn/(Advn+Decn+Uncn);


    def UpDNA_Vol = UVol/TVol;

    def DnDNA_Vol = DVol/TVol;


    plot MidLine = 0.5;




    plot TopLine = 0.8;




    plot BottomLine = 0.2;




    plot U_DNA_V = UpDNA_Vol;




    plot D_DNA_V = DnDNA_Vol;




    plot U_DNA_I = UpDNA_Issues;




    plot D_DNA_I = DnDNA_Issues;




  3. Hi Indo members,

    Back in 2014, I purchased 2 top quality,Ninjacator bestsellers, called the ncatVolatility Super Trend and the ncatBollingerMACDBreak indicators from a very good NT Cracker, who is now out of business.(He attracted too much heat from Ninjatrader and other vendors,and had to "disappear").

    In those years,I had changed OS and updated several components of my computer rig,including my hard drives and I had misplaced his customer IDs,without which would render his cracked indicators useless.So I had a big problem as I really loved the indicators as they worked well.

    Until now I had no way to regain the use of his indicators,but my overseas trading friend OsmanIM advised me to approach our brilliant and helpful friend admis,and to see if he could help.


    Well thank you OsmanIM because admis was very nice and offered to help me with the problem! He has managed,very ably, to do away with the OrderID controls and also fully cleaned the indicators for me!

    And they now work and work well!


    So all credit goes to admis. Thank you very much admis!

    Btw these are not the usual free stuff from Ninjacator's Indicator of the Month Club(IOMC).These two are some of their bestsellers where they sell for USD97 each.


    ncat Volatility SuperTrend





    nCat Bollinger Macd Break



    The indicators and pdf manuals are all included in the zips.

    ncat2_e_s.7z (9.88KB)

    Download Page Link


    pw: indo-investasi

    (to unpack the 7z wrapper)


    ncatPDFs.zip (1.13MB)

    Download Page Link


    (no password needed)



    Remember members, when you are alerted to buy/sell signals, always do the necessary and check the S/D and OB/OS levels to see if the triggered level is concomitant and in sync/aligned with the advised trade.Nothing is always 100% correct. That's impossible and unrealistic.

    As always thank you very much admis;)


    The members of this forum are indeed blessed to have admis =D>

  4. Can anyone share a minimalist indicator that can draw naked lines for Open Gaps. AnaPivots can do this, but the lines don't disappear once they have been visited.


    I am aware CDA Volume Profile does this but I do not want to have another volume profile loaded just for highlighting the gaps.


    Thank you

  5. Mate...I genuinely hope that someone is able to find this (I was not).


    I absolutely want to know what a 1299.00U$D e-book looks like?!


    The lovely and stunning MrsMick wants to spend 1299.00U$D on something else for Christmas!






    @Mick: Till such time as someone finds this book for you, suggest you let the "lovely and stunning MrsMick spend 1299.00U$D on something else for Christmas!". Lol :)

  6. With this tool can I get the future data 6E, 6A, ES mini, etc?




    This tool is only for streaming data from Now / Nest trader to Ninja Trader / AmiBroker.


    Can be used for any instrument that can be traded using Now / Nest trader terminals.


    Since "future data 6E, 6A, ES mini" (as far as i know) cannot be traded through Now / Nest, the answer to your query is NO.

  7. Agree Zoheb. Infact I use cluster function in Print profiler which is enough to find turning points or where volume is happening within the candle.


    Yes, I missed that. The volume cluster box on the print is very helpful too. I used to occasionally place my Long StopLoss / Short Fade Entries below them (& vice versa) !


    Thanx for highlighting that :)

  8. @Abhishek and @zoheb - totally agree with you guys, RTD is amazing, have you guys tried to use this on NT8 ? will it work on NT8 as well? Maybe then i will push myself harder to educate the NT8 indies.




    Honestly never felt the need for NT8 as NT7 has been adequate for my trading needs. Till I come across a compelling trading reason to shift, I will be staying with NT7 for now.

  9. so maybe OFA or GZT can be modified to display a different volume metric instead of Units.


    From my experience, it is adequate to see the dark green & dark red highlighting the bid/ask ratio WITHIN the print (bar). Also setting up bulk tradesize to see where those big orders are coming in within the print are very helpful.


    Seeing too many numbers, honestly IMO is not really required, though it does give us a feeling that we are making a more informed decision.


    For me, all those numbers are quite overwhelming & numbing. I prefer to switch off the volume numbers from displaying & just let the color guide me, which actually IMO better represents the order flow action. This will also enable making the prints more narrow, Try it. Again that is just me wanting things simpler, for me too much data analysis is paralysis.


    I have used these indicators to tune & condition my brain into sensing what is likely to follow, and anticipate price movement, rather than becoming slave to the indicators and not applying mind. Good Luck :)

  10. Guys, with all the respect, you should understand, that such projects are very time consuming. The more, for me, this task is particularly difficult, as I have no chance to test it in practice. I did the previous version for Santoshv2k, who asked me continually (for a few months) to do that. I'm sorry, but at present, I don't have enough free time to spend on that.


    @zoheb: I'd be happy to read your comment about this release.


    @admis: I have previously shared that since NestGoesNT development has been permanently discontinued, the current available version has a life only till Nest & NestPlus does not go through any major upgrade. Indian brokers constantly keep adding updates and it's just a matter of time when this app will be dead.


    However, am not sure if RTD has the functionality to convert volume into contracts. I have used it for OrderFlow with both Acme & GZT, but it's been a while since I have used it now. Will fire up an instance if time permits & check in a day or so to confirm. I can leave the instance running for you admis if you want to test any edu for this.


    Meanwhile anyone who uses RTD may please respond too.


    Except for the big candle issue with OrderFlow, IMO it is better to use RTD which is open source & being actively developed & debugged.


    I have posted 2 elaborate tutorials detailing how both of these can be used:

  11. 1. I am no expert in coding but I can read basic code and see you have left in code that sends the users IP address to this seller.

    Ans.:- Which sellers/vendors, please read the code again and let me know. I have already cleaned all concerning vendors (in your case sellers) like its email, FTP server.


    2. this is not a good idea unless you want him to know who you are !!!

    Ans:- No one, using it, going to send his ip to any sellers, so there is no good or bad idea here.


    3. In my opinion I would suggest it is not used until this code is removed.

    Ans:- In may opinion, there is no harm to use it. It's not going to send your identity to anyone.


    Can someone please share this if fixed? Thank you

  12. @tryitagainmf thank you for highlighting this.


    The count, though by itself is an appreciation of the contribution by @admis, could have gone unnoticed which would have been a shame. I have been seeing admis in virtually all the threads contributing selflessly and supporting as well as guiding other educators & users.


    I bow to your support & efforts @admis =D>=D>=D>


    Thank you !!!

  13. Hie Zoheb ,

    i think tick data collection was hard task as the data only costs high . i found this site where he offers data for some xtra bucks per yearly but only minute data 1 minute . http://www.tradewithme.me . i will contact my friends and provide u if i got .


    thanking u


    Thank you for your reply @traderin.


    I am basically looking for existing traders using order flow or volume profile who will have the tick data in their NinjaTrader / Amibroker irrespective of where they get it from.


    Besides from paid vendors, Tick data will also be available with those who stream data from their trader terminals to their NinjaTrader/Amibroker. But most people who do so, have data missing for a few hours/minutes.


    I realised that quality tick data is not easily available, so hope to compile all tick data I can receive, validate them & then create a free repository for others (especially volume profile traders) who may need it in NinjaTrader / Amibroker format.

  14. Apologies to the moderators if I have posted in the wrong place. Seeking the support of Indian traders here.


    I am looking for intraday tick data, to help an Indian friend who wishes to trade Crude Oil Futures on M C X. He does not have any past data and being a starter, trying to help him remotely learn Volume Profile on Ninja Trader without any M C X data is proving to be quite a challenge for me.


    Can anyone/everyone who trades Crude Oil Futures on M C X India help me by exporting their NinjaTrader/Amibroker Historical Intraday Tick Data (as many days/months/years as possible), and post to s3ndsp@ce please. Intraday One Minute data may also be shared with me, though I am specifically looking for Intraday Tick Data here.


    To reciprocate any help I receive with this, I will consolidate and clean all the data I receive and will host it online (in Ninja Trader format) exclusively for indo-investasi users.


    I offer to do the same for other Commodity Futures if data is sent to me. Will also keep it updated for as long as I keep getting the data updates.


    Please help, thank you

  15. Hi, I understand the way you mentioned.


    Looks like the guy below, somehow built a daily chart, but using Renko Bars on it. He talks crazy some, but looks like good signals.



    I don't trade Renko, but do believe they can be very effective. The key to Renko is the settings you use to optimise the way the renko bars get painted.


    Even I am keen to understand what factors are considered to optimise Renko, I have in the past tweaked the bar body to a number where I can get better directional renko bars with minimum whipsaws, but probably there is more to it..


    Our moderator TraderBeauty uses Renko regularly and it will be nice (and better) to hear from her, or anyone else who is an expert on Renko. Especially more on the Chart Bar Body Synchronizer & New Bar settings in Renko Spectrum.

  16. RT data from terminal comes from terminal to NT, but backfill, both plus (for history) and intraday (I see parse error) is not working for me :(


    Are you using RTD or NestGoesNinja? For NestGoesNinja, check the new how-to for it.


    Incase you are using RTD, check the following:

    • Is NestPlus connected ? From the Menu above, Go to Nest Plus > My Nest Plus Account > Launch Plus. Should show you your Nest Plus version number with an OK button.
    • NestPlus Data Table columns. Are any cols missing (count and see)
    • Are the NestPlus data table columns in the same order as instructed in the video ? Please check again with extreme care & attention, this is mostly the issue
    • Did you try to make any changes from within RTD Backfill settings ? You should not.

  17. Since many members want to install NestGoesNinja (though it is short lived as the development of this utility has been permanently discontinued), am sharing the settings that has worked for me with the paid version.


    Good Luck !!


    NestGoesNinja (ver 0.941 beta) Settings:


    • Program:
      1. Capture Hours: 08:56 to 23:59 (currency market opens at 9am, commodities close at 23:55 (after DST period)
      2. License File: Browse to & select License file (provided by @admis in edu)


      1. Program Title Substring 1: NEST Trader
      2. Program Title Substring 2: <Broker name displayed in window title of Nest/Now>
      3. Market Watch Name: <enter name of the market watch displayed in its tab>
      4. Select Use high/Low for Capture

      [*]Symbol Translation: These are how I wanted my symbols, change as per your requirement

      1. Symbols.. : "(Null Character)
      2. Equities: Symbol
      3. Futures: Symbol_N
      4. Options: TradingSymbol
      5. Indices: Symbol
      6. Leave the remaining checkboxes UNchecked


      1. Select required symbols, change Output name as required


      1. 0.3
      2. 4
      3. 2
      4. 60
      5. 1
      6. 0
      7. Select Minimize Main Window
      8. Backfill Version: 3.11 (select your nearest Nest Terminal version, not higher)

      [*]Plus Backfill:

      1. 5
      2. 3
      3. 60
      4. 1
      5. 60
      6. Select Minimize Main Window
      7. Plus Version: 1.4 (select your nearest Nest Plus version, not higher)

      [*]Click Save


    Daily Morning:


    1. Start Ninja Trader
    2. Start Nest/Now
    3. StartNestGoesNinja

      1. Click the first icon (green tick)
      2. Watch the capture log below for errors
      3. (Optional) Click settings only incase of any errors displayed in the capture log below
      4. Click the Play icon to start data feed
      5. Click cross icon to stop


    Daily End-of-Day:


    • Click Plus Icon to backfill data


    Disclaimer: I am not the developer of any of the above applications, hence am limited in my ability to support any issues with these applications. I do not use this anymore, so will not be able to be of much support if the above does not work for you. But I have tested and used it with the Paid version as detailed above, so I can confirm it works.

  18. Thanks for respond. So its goes to program files . and what next ? How do I connect to free data . ???

    Most of functions are gray out




    Try this how-to for NestGoesNinja:


    Incase you need help with RTD, feel free to ask if you run into any problems while trying the steps detailed in my how-to on RTD here:

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