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Posts posted by lola33

  1. thank you for this forum great people helping eachother and i thank u all for that i think we should still have a skype just to get to know some members but everyone enjoy there time on this earth life is short i found that out the hard way so live life u will never see a uhaul behind a hearse u cant take the money with u so go in enjoy
  2. i think the point is he had a problem with admin not us we didt need to see all of this either way im glad he seen his errors and either im trying to make a life of trading fulltime so it is what it is lets get a good systems going that can meet our diffrent rading methods or combined system like i said im here to learn to trade and help when i can
  3. i think the point is he had a problem with admin not us we didt need to see all of this either way im glad he seen his errors and either im trying to make a life of trading fulltime so it is what it is lets get a good systems going that can meet our diffrent rading methods or combined system like i said im here to learn to trade and help when i can
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