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Posts posted by ciardim

  1. as we know, i had errors described in my post. now if i dont want autotrader, but only indicators BPT, you think i'll have the same problems or not? what i must to do if i want only BPT indicator instead of autotrader? thank you to all
  2. good morning everyone, i try to ask if Orfila or Admis or someone, can help me to install BPT. some friends in this forum try to help me, but i have erevy time same errors mentioned in post #117. I don't want waste your time, but if someone can help me..thank you very much.
  3. good morning Orfila, sorry if i write a pm.

    i try to install BPT, but i have those errors.

    Misalto, nnn123, Darktrader helped me, but i have the same errors. so i ask kindky you if you can contact me in pm. i try to send you a pm message, but your box is full.

    i am apologize for my request, but i hope if you can write me.

    no rush, but if you can help me.

    i unistalled, deleted and reupload various times, but nothing.

    here is errors:


  4. yes i followed instructions. now i deleted all files from computer and ninja it's ok, no error in compiling.

    i want to try reinstall, which files i must to download?

    thank you to all and sorry for disturb


    sorry Darktrader i'm writing while you writing.

    thank you i find Orfila's post

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