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Posts posted by pikachu

  1. Add the following lines to your hosts file to get 5.9 working with existing crack. If you are getting Unregistered with existing crack, then this will not work.

  www.amibroker.com amibroker.com www.amibroker.pl amibroker.pl www.amibroker.net amibroker.net updates.connectify.me


    But if you do a fresh install of windows, then first add these lines to the hosts file and then install amibroker, followed by installation of the crack.


    hosts file is found in C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc on Windows XP. Dont know about location on newer versions.


    Alternatively, dont run Amibroker if you havent from 25th of Jan and first copy/paste these lines in hosts file before you open Amibroker.


    -- OneOfMyCloseFriends


    check it plz

  2. Hi, another blast from the past this one is from good'ol john.maddog.doe(not seen for long time here, Hope all is well and Thanks)(except for the damn advertising--LOL)

    import this--regular way


    this one you create a folder in the nt bin folder name it "vsa" then paste this dll in there(at least that is what I did)--no clue if correct but tested and working on this end win8 nt7 32b


    Hope helps

    --if you find this useful--please post any info/findings that will/might be beneficial to those that come behind you and find this awesome place-- II Rocks!!

    Thanks to all!!!!







    links seems to be expired .............

  3. Hi tbs8877--Here is what I have (Thanks MidnightPresident)-and to all who continue to contribute--Share--and Utmost to those who utilize their knowledge and talent and most precious(and thankfully we dont have to pay for) TIME--Thanks to U all!!

    These are the only .xml (that I have)--which is a chart template(put/paste in Ur Documents>NinjaTrader7>templates>chart folder)




    Here are the indis as I have again(Thanks to all those involved that I have these!!)





    Hope helps---Happy Holidays To ALL!!!!

    We as a community speak to what this Earth should be!! A friendly, sharing place where one can have confidence and calm!!

    Thanks To ALL of U!!


    having trouble using just import utility

    Templates are made prior to nt7 so did not work in my end. sorry


    (just a small joke b4 holiday : i am waiting for space-time indicator based on stiphen hawkins theory AND i am waiting for boson indicator plz share in future =)) )

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