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Everything posted by busted

  1. I started getting spammed by same guy, have same story. Asked him how to buy, wants me to send him money blind and no website shopping cart. Scammer for sure!
  2. Hi Jamie. You are quite the story teller. I went down to Sonoma CA for last few days, was to busy drinking wine to worry about sending you a file. Right before I left sent you message in this thread #8 telling you I didn't have your PM. As for my name busted, at the risk of being politically incorrect I chose the name for two reasons, one relating to my fondness of well endowed women and the other for the financial status trading left me in. Got back last night and was trying to catch up and responded to the op looking for a place to download from that wont have links killed. Didnt send you the file at that time since op had already posted links. BTW, have the knowledge of the download links from receiving legal order to take down files I posted and having my uploads deleted repeatedly by op. FYI, I also got taken down on other thread and PM's deleted for sharing the course. Also got negative comments from someone rude who is upset that I offered free files.
  3. Any site or service will take down the files if they contain copyrighted material and are informed that it is being distributed without authorization. They don't do this to be nice, it's a legal requirement, and the hosting service can get fined or sued to the tune of millions if they refuse to kill the links. Simple reason: the user who uploads them is committing a crime and if the host allows it to be distributed from their servers after being informed the material is being distributed without legal authorization, they then become legally responsible for the financial loss incurred by the copyright owner. Simple download like this can cost the host a few hundred thousand dollars, and good luck getting reimbursed by the deadbeat client who uploaded it in the first place. Technically sites hosted on servers outside the US don't have to comply, but most do anyway, as the copyright owner can force the issue and ultimately have the host blocked or blacklisted, and can still seek compensation from both the host and the file uploader.
  4. When they deleted the prior thread my pm's were deleted too, please resend and I will send you the files
  5. Actually warning me that its 15, trying to pump it back up right now...
  6. Thanks Mahmuxx, but the problem is I can't PM anyone but mods, so no way to send a link back through PM. Good point on history - unfortunately mine got deleted when prior threads were taken down.
  7. I can still make it available, but need to PM me with your email address and your desired password to unlock. Posting a download link here only gets it removed in same day.
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