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  1. Like
    andyshooktrader reacted to admis in [SHARE] V0lumePriceTrend   
    Jane, it seems, you have no choice...X_X
  2. Like
    andyshooktrader reacted to tarar1818 in [SHARE] V0lumePriceTrend   
    relex you are a good entertainer. Please gave your service after hours, Please do not disturb in working hours.
  3. Like
    andyshooktrader reacted to tarar1818 in [SHARE] V0lumePriceTrend   
    relex you are very good, Why not you go somewhere else. We do not need you here. Just go where you came from. After that much insult I think you will never come back.
  4. Like
    andyshooktrader got a reaction from Ghost04 in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
    Hi everybody! Some indicators created by Ana aka FatTails on BigMikeTrading have been updated yesterday to version 43...
    New files are:
    - PivotZones
    - SessionPivots
    - SessionPivotsRolling
    - SessionTWAP_Monthly
    - SessionTWAP_Weekly
    - SessionTWAP
    - SessionVWAP_Monthly
    - SessionVWAP_Weekly
    - SessionVWAP
    If you are interested in having them, here you go:
  5. Like
    andyshooktrader got a reaction from ⭐ shicuco in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
    Hi everybody! Some indicators created by Ana aka FatTails on BigMikeTrading have been updated yesterday to version 43...
    New files are:
    - PivotZones
    - SessionPivots
    - SessionPivotsRolling
    - SessionTWAP_Monthly
    - SessionTWAP_Weekly
    - SessionTWAP
    - SessionVWAP_Monthly
    - SessionVWAP_Weekly
    - SessionVWAP
    If you are interested in having them, here you go:
  6. Like
    andyshooktrader got a reaction from ⭐ laser1000it in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
    Hi everybody! Some indicators created by Ana aka FatTails on BigMikeTrading have been updated yesterday to version 43...
    New files are:
    - PivotZones
    - SessionPivots
    - SessionPivotsRolling
    - SessionTWAP_Monthly
    - SessionTWAP_Weekly
    - SessionTWAP
    - SessionVWAP_Monthly
    - SessionVWAP_Weekly
    - SessionVWAP
    If you are interested in having them, here you go:
  7. Like
    andyshooktrader got a reaction from ⭐ JDizzle22 in [SHARE] V0lumePriceTrend   
    There is a posted antivirus report that says that your first file contains a trojan or a downloader, it's not my opinion...
    Anyway maybe some people said thanks to me because I posted a working indicator and not a .exe sospicious file...
    I also can't understand why you're jealous about my received thanks, every user here is not paid for how many thanks receives from other users...
    I remember you that the aim of this forum is to share indicators, software, books and knowleadge that help to improve our trading instead of counting and being jealous about how many thanks another user receive...
  8. Like
    andyshooktrader got a reaction from melauf in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
    Hi everybody! Some indicators created by Ana aka FatTails on BigMikeTrading have been updated yesterday to version 43...
    New files are:
    - PivotZones
    - SessionPivots
    - SessionPivotsRolling
    - SessionTWAP_Monthly
    - SessionTWAP_Weekly
    - SessionTWAP
    - SessionVWAP_Monthly
    - SessionVWAP_Weekly
    - SessionVWAP
    If you are interested in having them, here you go:
  9. Like
    andyshooktrader got a reaction from ⭐ chullankallan in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
    Hi everybody! Some indicators created by Ana aka FatTails on BigMikeTrading have been updated yesterday to version 43...
    New files are:
    - PivotZones
    - SessionPivots
    - SessionPivotsRolling
    - SessionTWAP_Monthly
    - SessionTWAP_Weekly
    - SessionTWAP
    - SessionVWAP_Monthly
    - SessionVWAP_Weekly
    - SessionVWAP
    If you are interested in having them, here you go:
  10. Like
    andyshooktrader reacted to iksak in (REQ) anyone knows which software is this??   
    ****** = j_i_g_s_a_w_t_r_a_d_i_n_g
  11. Like
    andyshooktrader reacted to ⭐ santoshv2k in [SHARE] V0lumePriceTrend   
    @relex, read ...........

    Why are you using that kind of words? We are here to share and learn...


  12. Like
    andyshooktrader reacted to admis in [SHARE] V0lumePriceTrend   
    I can see an intriguing behavior of some members. Probably, the imminent changes are awaiting us soon...
  13. Like
    andyshooktrader got a reaction from ⭐ trader1968 in [SHARE] V0lumePriceTrend   
    The indicator I shared if I correctly remember (I downloaded it some months ago), comes from Ninja Trader official forum, but I changed EMA to SMA for the smoothing type line (calculated on PVT values)...
  14. Like
    andyshooktrader got a reaction from tryitagainmf in [SHARE] V0lumePriceTrend   
    please moderate your writing style, you can say everything you want but keeping respect tones when you communicate with other users, I reported your message to a Moderator... Anyway I'm not a ***liar and neither a dumb a**, you have only to check the antivirus report posted from santoshv2k to understand that in your first file there's something wrong...
    Instead, I simply shared an indicator I use everyday (and that I downloaded some months ago before you signed-up to this forum) without putting other users in the situation of using downloader or downloading trojans in a forum that would be useful to improve our work instead of destroying or slowing our PCs...
  15. Like
    andyshooktrader got a reaction from ⭐ santoshv2k in [SHARE] V0lumePriceTrend   
    please moderate your writing style, you can say everything you want but keeping respect tones when you communicate with other users, I reported your message to a Moderator... Anyway I'm not a ***liar and neither a dumb a**, you have only to check the antivirus report posted from santoshv2k to understand that in your first file there's something wrong...
    Instead, I simply shared an indicator I use everyday (and that I downloaded some months ago before you signed-up to this forum) without putting other users in the situation of using downloader or downloading trojans in a forum that would be useful to improve our work instead of destroying or slowing our PCs...
  16. Like
    andyshooktrader reacted to Traderbeauty in [SHARE] V0lumePriceTrend   
    Already took care of that.
    Relex- We welcome you at this forum but please- follow the basic rules of behaviour. Once you do that you will see that this is the BEST FORUM.
  17. Like
    andyshooktrader reacted to newbie0101 in Suspicious EXE's and DLL's being Posted   
    First and foremost
    Howdy relex and Welcome to the best forum U will ever find II! It is a place for friendly sharing--Of which by Ur posts R in Violation---Why Do I say this---
    Because U R trying to capitalize by (Ur own admissions) U get XXX for clicks--
    which brings up a red flag especially when U R claiming to share something that has already been shared(AKA pvdivergence spotter) Been shared here in the Bestest forum ever already---Why should U get a Click$$ for that????
    -We do no operate that way here!! There is no compensation for sharing! If U have set of indis or strategies U wish to share there are numerous sharing sites at which U can post the file----(sendspace--4shared) NO EXE-- these R a couple that come to mind.(and don't require members to jump thru hoops)aka the sites that some choose which say BLAH,BLAH,BLAH in order to download the file.
    I am giving U the benefit of the doubt(which by the way usually bites me in the Arse) but oh well!
    Ur advice to run in Virtual Machine is great but should not be required for One to utilize Ur shares(think of someone that has not the utility to run such machine!!!--In other words--Forget the EXE and just share the file via aforementioned sites--
    Ur intentions may be well (and thus appreciated) yet others that reside here for the moment R very respected and trusted(As U R not--no offense) U have come to a place that is like a for lack of better term a Shrangri-La for us looking for a better way than most.
    With that I will shut-up...
    Take care and Happy Holidays To U and Urs!!
    If anyone finds this post inappropriate?? Please quote the post and respond accordingly with Ur reasons as to why U find it inappropriate??
    Thanks in advance!
  18. Like
    andyshooktrader reacted to Traderbeauty in Suspicious EXE's and DLL's being Posted   
    Thanks again for your gifts
    Please do not upload any exe-
    Please change the rest of the link to sendspace.
  19. Like
    andyshooktrader reacted to admis in Suspicious EXE's and DLL's being Posted   
    Let's better try to ask Mr. relex: what is the reason to upload his stuff in this form?

    As most of us knows, that sometimes, appears here a strange or bad men. So, since relex is a new member, first of all, I'd like to see his work uploaded in a standard way on the sendspace server. Until that moment, please, don't even touch those links or downloaders.
    Don't be greedy or naive.
  20. Like
    andyshooktrader reacted to ⭐ santoshv2k in Suspicious EXE's and DLL's being Posted   
    It does not matter if it's cleaned or not, why one needs to download & install NT Downloader__3687_i1431758518_il928338.exe
    your link
    [share] 0fa
    hxxp://bit . do/VUFW
    redirects to http://yourfreedownloadsnow.com/download.php?id=2751&name=NT&url=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuc2VuZHNwYWNlLmNvbS9maWxlL3N0aG1oZw%3D%3D and download NT Downloader__3687_i1431758518_il928338.exe
  21. Like
    andyshooktrader reacted to standalone in [share] 0fa   
    It's obviously a trojan or a virus, new user posting exe's with no description on weird filehosts should simply be moderated away.
  22. Like
    andyshooktrader got a reaction from ⭐ laser1000it in [SHARE] V0lumePriceTrend   
    The difference between my file and yours one is that mine one is a working indicator, yours one is a trojan or something like rubbish...
  23. Like
    andyshooktrader got a reaction from ⭐ JDizzle22 in [SHARE] V0lumePriceTrend   
    The difference between my file and yours one is that mine one is a working indicator, yours one is a trojan or something like rubbish...
  24. Like
    andyshooktrader got a reaction from newbie0101 in [SHARE] V0lumePriceTrend   
    Price Volume Trend, .cs format...
  25. Like
    andyshooktrader got a reaction from tke1 in [SHARE] V0lumePriceTrend   
    Price Volume Trend, .cs format...
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