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Everything posted by munnymachine

  1. I'm missin' you like mad, my friend. You are the only truly selfless person I've ever met.
  2. I would agree with skylady. We don't need another forum filled with trash-talkers, and greedy slimeballs. That's exactly the type of people you'd attract if you start increasing post counts, and giving away free advertising, just for bringing in more people. Who cares what someone's post count is anyway? What counts is the quality of one's posts, and whether or not one is actually contributing something worthwhile when posting. Besides, anytime I've asked a question here, or made a comment expecting a reply, I've always gotten one quite quickly.
  3. I think we're on the right track here Austin. I'd like to hear what the other members think as well. Let's brainstorm here guys and gals! :Lighten:
  4. How about a thread outlining the history of the pts arena, and some tips and tricks geared towards helping newbies understand this industry, and more importantly teaching them how to be a supportive member, and effective upline. I think this arena needs something like this, but I'm too lazy to put it together by myself.
  5. Where are all my Canadian friends?? HAPPY CANADA DAY EVERYONE!! I'm off to Niagara Falls to play some golf and watch some fireworks. How about you guys?
  6. Well, I finally made it back here. Took me long enough, dontcha think?? Thanks for the warm welcome guys!! Gonna go take a look around now. :peace:
  7. Hi everyone!! I saw this link in Exist1's sig in another forum, so I came to check it out and found a lot of familiar faces here already!! For those of you who don't know me, I've been playing with surfs/hyips since the last couple of months that 12dp was running. Lot's of ups and downs for me since then, but it's all in good fun. Never joined a forum until Feb/07, believe it or not. My tardiness contributed to the "downs" I've had in this arena. Too many people here already to say hello to individually so.............. HI GUYS!!! LET'S HAVE A BLAST!!!!!!!
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