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  1. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from longboat in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    So here is today's analysis- was one of the simplest i have seen in a long time.
    Around 9:30 eastern time i got a signal to short- i took it because it was exactly at the 1.272 fib extension.
    I expected a retracement of 61.8 but i got the long signal at the 38.2 so i took that long and stayed.
    Actually i did not stay all the way, i did get out but got back in.
    I am attaching the shorter term chart so you can see both signals.
    once you went long which was at 1580.75 with 2 ticks stop, all you needed to do was move the stop bellow the previous low and it would have taken you UNSTOPPED all the way to 1592.25.
    Note that 1593 is a huge double top so i would not go all the way there but expect some shorts from there.
    Wanted to thank all the members that sent me fresh ideas and suggestions;
    And SPECIAL thanks to YAMANTAKA.
    Take care
  2. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from ⭐ traderdxb in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    So here is today's analysis- was one of the simplest i have seen in a long time.
    Around 9:30 eastern time i got a signal to short- i took it because it was exactly at the 1.272 fib extension.
    I expected a retracement of 61.8 but i got the long signal at the 38.2 so i took that long and stayed.
    Actually i did not stay all the way, i did get out but got back in.
    I am attaching the shorter term chart so you can see both signals.
    once you went long which was at 1580.75 with 2 ticks stop, all you needed to do was move the stop bellow the previous low and it would have taken you UNSTOPPED all the way to 1592.25.
    Note that 1593 is a huge double top so i would not go all the way there but expect some shorts from there.
    Wanted to thank all the members that sent me fresh ideas and suggestions;
    And SPECIAL thanks to YAMANTAKA.
    Take care
  3. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to tryitagainmf in Acme Volume Impression Pack   
    Some additional resources on the developers website...
    http://[email protected]/chart-templates/
    http://[email protected]/acme-screencasts/
    Remember to substitute!
  4. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to kmilo in Acme Volume Impression Pack   
  5. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to futuretick in Acme Volume Impression Pack   
    Acme Volume Impression Pack

    I have found a link where to download it. Please report back if this works or does not work [-O<
  6. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to peterfischer in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way RESPONSE HERE ONLY   
    Thanks for creating this topic Jane! Always nice to see someone willing to share her method. I can't really comment on most of your stuff because Fibs and other indicators are simply not my style. However I see you are interested in volume as well and this suits me more :) Have you ever checked out the @cme suite? If I remember correctly you once said that you are using a cracked Market Delta, in my opinion you can get rid of it by using the @cme products. I also want to point out that the jigs@w tools or of@ are maybe something worth considering but if you are really using a 2tick stop and are successful with that then there really is no need for that stuff because in my opinion this is as good as it gets.
    Take care
  7. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from Karado58 in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way RESPONSE HERE ONLY   
    Would love to see your comments here.
    if you like it you can push the THANKS button or raise my status somehow :).
  8. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from yamantaka in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    So here is today's analysis- was one of the simplest i have seen in a long time.
    Around 9:30 eastern time i got a signal to short- i took it because it was exactly at the 1.272 fib extension.
    I expected a retracement of 61.8 but i got the long signal at the 38.2 so i took that long and stayed.
    Actually i did not stay all the way, i did get out but got back in.
    I am attaching the shorter term chart so you can see both signals.
    once you went long which was at 1580.75 with 2 ticks stop, all you needed to do was move the stop bellow the previous low and it would have taken you UNSTOPPED all the way to 1592.25.
    Note that 1593 is a huge double top so i would not go all the way there but expect some shorts from there.
    Wanted to thank all the members that sent me fresh ideas and suggestions;
    And SPECIAL thanks to YAMANTAKA.
    Take care
  9. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from Posteris in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    So here is today's analysis- was one of the simplest i have seen in a long time.
    Around 9:30 eastern time i got a signal to short- i took it because it was exactly at the 1.272 fib extension.
    I expected a retracement of 61.8 but i got the long signal at the 38.2 so i took that long and stayed.
    Actually i did not stay all the way, i did get out but got back in.
    I am attaching the shorter term chart so you can see both signals.
    once you went long which was at 1580.75 with 2 ticks stop, all you needed to do was move the stop bellow the previous low and it would have taken you UNSTOPPED all the way to 1592.25.
    Note that 1593 is a huge double top so i would not go all the way there but expect some shorts from there.
    Wanted to thank all the members that sent me fresh ideas and suggestions;
    And SPECIAL thanks to YAMANTAKA.
    Take care
  10. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to Wanderer in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way RESPONSE HERE ONLY   
    That has always made the most sense to me. I would like to learn this system.
    There are volume indicators in this package that look interesting. (Volume Pressure, Volume divergence, etc.)
    Should I attempt to build your charts from your screenshots? I have all the indicators that are visible on your charts. Or are templates available?
  11. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from traderbob in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way RESPONSE HERE ONLY   
    Would love to see your comments here.
    if you like it you can push the THANKS button or raise my status somehow :).
  12. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from ⭐ agares in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    This is a day trading method trading the ES.
    DO NOT RESPOND HERE, I am creating another post just for responses because this is going to be a long post with many screenshots and I want them to be in a perfect order without 50 comments between.
    Why am I posting a method here ? - because I want to thank all of you and because I feel comfortable in this forum so if I go against the regulations please let me know and I will delete this post.
    Why am I telling you how I trade ? because you are not competing with me, if you go long together with me you are actually helping me. ( actually would love to start our own private trading room shared only by us and nobody else and of course no charge at all).
    Why am I trading the ES ? very low commission, very low margin, huge volume so if you stopped out you don't lose 10 ticks like CL on a spike. Slow moves enable to think clearly about each entry and the most important thing- almost perfect fib behavior unlike forex or other markets that just jump up and down.
    What am I asking from you ? Please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions to make it even better. Currently I am using renko spectrum by RJ's which is worth every penny, if you think that there is a better time frame or a better renko or any other type of bars please let me know. i am using Hawkeye volume indicator which shows me when the buyers or sellers take over, and I ask you PLEASE- if there is ANY volume monitoring indicator for ninja that you are aware of please let me know and I thank you in advance for that.
    So lets get started ( and I am not going to make it pretty or neat lol ).
    The reason why most traders are losing is not because they are ****** or inexperience, its because they DO NOT read the market and find themselves at the wrong side.When you use lagging indicators like macd, stochastics and almost every indicator that is out there you are basing you trading on the last 14 or whatever bars and you assume that the market will continue that way.Sometimes it works but many it does not.
    The only way to use LEADING view is by reading the market and watching every leg.the market or at least the ES does not change direction with no reason. 90% of the time it moves according to fib levels so lets analyze friday's moves (4-26-2013 ). I took out all the indicators so we just use fibs- nothing else.
    This is going to be PART 1 of this tutorial because it takes me a long time . According to responses I will continue with part 2 which shows the actual entry.
    So here we are- POINT A on friday around 8:40 am eastern time.: the market reversed to the upside refusing to go down and continue the down lower low trend- go long asap, all the shorts are going to run away and bail out helping our long. our target is 1.272 fib extension and we got it to the tick.
    Point B around 9:40 am we go short IF and ONLY IF the short term allows us ( next chapter ) and it did, the reason WHY we consider a short is ONLY because we are perfectly at 1.272 fib. our target is exactly 61.8 fib to the tick and there we are looking to reverse to long , WHY ? BECAUSE WE HAVE HIGHER HIGHS HIGHER LOWS. our target is EXACTLY 1.272 fib extension no more no less WHICH we got TO THE tick. i DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU THAT BY NOW- 10:05 LESS THAN 2 HOURS OF TRADING WE CAN STOP AND GO TO THE BEACH :) BUT LETS FINISH THE DAY.
    POINT D : 10:05 am, same as point B we go short. This time we actually got lucky and it went all the way down GUESS WHERE TO ? of course you guessed 1.272 extension.
    POINT F : 10:43 am we expected the market to go to 61.8 retracement so we can reshort BUT- it surprised us and was tired and only got to 50 fib to the tick. THE MOMENT we got a short signal there WE TAKE IT and we hold keeping our stop 2 ticks above the entry. OUR TARGET NOW IS fib extension of 1.618 which amazingly we got TO THE TICK at point G at 12:05 where we reversed and went long.
    ok i am tired lol enough, so what do you think ? there were NO INDICATORS involved and you could actually use the renko bars to trade as long as you KNOW where the market is going.
    Hope this is helping and please put your comment in the other thread.if you like it then you can press the THANKS button so I know how many enjoyed this post.
    HERE is the chart http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/dn0rc1
    and please help me with any renko or other bars and any volume monitoring indicators.
    Here is also a short I took so you can see the setup and maybe try to see if you can make it better. http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/wnkpkt
    Thanks again for all you help.
    Take care
  13. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from sousou in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    OK Everyone
    Here is a perfect short that i took last friday at 10:05 am.
    This is an answer to some questions that say that its easy to look backward.
    So here it is : http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/nvr5lw
    Look at the chart and lets start, step by step.
    Lets assume that we are flat doing nothing, we are getting to the 1.272 fib extension where we MIGHT and i repeat MIGHT- not WILL go short as long as the market will tell us.
    Now look at the left 1 tick renko charts on the left- you can see that the market WAS TELLING us that its losing its strength, first we had a small divergence, then we had a small double top and that is enough for us because it happened right wherer we expected it to happen. So once we get our confirmation - i took a short - look at the cursor, my stop was 2 ticks only got in at 1580.75 and exited at the double bottom at 1576.5 for 4.25 points- not bad for win -loss ratio.
    On another note- hundreds of people d/l my screenshots but hardly any comments or any help with indicators, so I guess nobody is interested.
    Take care
  14. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from sparky99 in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    This is a day trading method trading the ES.
    DO NOT RESPOND HERE, I am creating another post just for responses because this is going to be a long post with many screenshots and I want them to be in a perfect order without 50 comments between.
    Why am I posting a method here ? - because I want to thank all of you and because I feel comfortable in this forum so if I go against the regulations please let me know and I will delete this post.
    Why am I telling you how I trade ? because you are not competing with me, if you go long together with me you are actually helping me. ( actually would love to start our own private trading room shared only by us and nobody else and of course no charge at all).
    Why am I trading the ES ? very low commission, very low margin, huge volume so if you stopped out you don't lose 10 ticks like CL on a spike. Slow moves enable to think clearly about each entry and the most important thing- almost perfect fib behavior unlike forex or other markets that just jump up and down.
    What am I asking from you ? Please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions to make it even better. Currently I am using renko spectrum by RJ's which is worth every penny, if you think that there is a better time frame or a better renko or any other type of bars please let me know. i am using Hawkeye volume indicator which shows me when the buyers or sellers take over, and I ask you PLEASE- if there is ANY volume monitoring indicator for ninja that you are aware of please let me know and I thank you in advance for that.
    So lets get started ( and I am not going to make it pretty or neat lol ).
    The reason why most traders are losing is not because they are ****** or inexperience, its because they DO NOT read the market and find themselves at the wrong side.When you use lagging indicators like macd, stochastics and almost every indicator that is out there you are basing you trading on the last 14 or whatever bars and you assume that the market will continue that way.Sometimes it works but many it does not.
    The only way to use LEADING view is by reading the market and watching every leg.the market or at least the ES does not change direction with no reason. 90% of the time it moves according to fib levels so lets analyze friday's moves (4-26-2013 ). I took out all the indicators so we just use fibs- nothing else.
    This is going to be PART 1 of this tutorial because it takes me a long time . According to responses I will continue with part 2 which shows the actual entry.
    So here we are- POINT A on friday around 8:40 am eastern time.: the market reversed to the upside refusing to go down and continue the down lower low trend- go long asap, all the shorts are going to run away and bail out helping our long. our target is 1.272 fib extension and we got it to the tick.
    Point B around 9:40 am we go short IF and ONLY IF the short term allows us ( next chapter ) and it did, the reason WHY we consider a short is ONLY because we are perfectly at 1.272 fib. our target is exactly 61.8 fib to the tick and there we are looking to reverse to long , WHY ? BECAUSE WE HAVE HIGHER HIGHS HIGHER LOWS. our target is EXACTLY 1.272 fib extension no more no less WHICH we got TO THE tick. i DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU THAT BY NOW- 10:05 LESS THAN 2 HOURS OF TRADING WE CAN STOP AND GO TO THE BEACH :) BUT LETS FINISH THE DAY.
    POINT D : 10:05 am, same as point B we go short. This time we actually got lucky and it went all the way down GUESS WHERE TO ? of course you guessed 1.272 extension.
    POINT F : 10:43 am we expected the market to go to 61.8 retracement so we can reshort BUT- it surprised us and was tired and only got to 50 fib to the tick. THE MOMENT we got a short signal there WE TAKE IT and we hold keeping our stop 2 ticks above the entry. OUR TARGET NOW IS fib extension of 1.618 which amazingly we got TO THE TICK at point G at 12:05 where we reversed and went long.
    ok i am tired lol enough, so what do you think ? there were NO INDICATORS involved and you could actually use the renko bars to trade as long as you KNOW where the market is going.
    Hope this is helping and please put your comment in the other thread.if you like it then you can press the THANKS button so I know how many enjoyed this post.
    HERE is the chart http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/dn0rc1
    and please help me with any renko or other bars and any volume monitoring indicators.
    Here is also a short I took so you can see the setup and maybe try to see if you can make it better. http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/wnkpkt
    Thanks again for all you help.
    Take care
  15. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from Gladiator858 in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    OK Everyone
    Here is a perfect short that i took last friday at 10:05 am.
    This is an answer to some questions that say that its easy to look backward.
    So here it is : http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/nvr5lw
    Look at the chart and lets start, step by step.
    Lets assume that we are flat doing nothing, we are getting to the 1.272 fib extension where we MIGHT and i repeat MIGHT- not WILL go short as long as the market will tell us.
    Now look at the left 1 tick renko charts on the left- you can see that the market WAS TELLING us that its losing its strength, first we had a small divergence, then we had a small double top and that is enough for us because it happened right wherer we expected it to happen. So once we get our confirmation - i took a short - look at the cursor, my stop was 2 ticks only got in at 1580.75 and exited at the double bottom at 1576.5 for 4.25 points- not bad for win -loss ratio.
    On another note- hundreds of people d/l my screenshots but hardly any comments or any help with indicators, so I guess nobody is interested.
    Take care
  16. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from ciardim in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    This is a day trading method trading the ES.
    DO NOT RESPOND HERE, I am creating another post just for responses because this is going to be a long post with many screenshots and I want them to be in a perfect order without 50 comments between.
    Why am I posting a method here ? - because I want to thank all of you and because I feel comfortable in this forum so if I go against the regulations please let me know and I will delete this post.
    Why am I telling you how I trade ? because you are not competing with me, if you go long together with me you are actually helping me. ( actually would love to start our own private trading room shared only by us and nobody else and of course no charge at all).
    Why am I trading the ES ? very low commission, very low margin, huge volume so if you stopped out you don't lose 10 ticks like CL on a spike. Slow moves enable to think clearly about each entry and the most important thing- almost perfect fib behavior unlike forex or other markets that just jump up and down.
    What am I asking from you ? Please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions to make it even better. Currently I am using renko spectrum by RJ's which is worth every penny, if you think that there is a better time frame or a better renko or any other type of bars please let me know. i am using Hawkeye volume indicator which shows me when the buyers or sellers take over, and I ask you PLEASE- if there is ANY volume monitoring indicator for ninja that you are aware of please let me know and I thank you in advance for that.
    So lets get started ( and I am not going to make it pretty or neat lol ).
    The reason why most traders are losing is not because they are ****** or inexperience, its because they DO NOT read the market and find themselves at the wrong side.When you use lagging indicators like macd, stochastics and almost every indicator that is out there you are basing you trading on the last 14 or whatever bars and you assume that the market will continue that way.Sometimes it works but many it does not.
    The only way to use LEADING view is by reading the market and watching every leg.the market or at least the ES does not change direction with no reason. 90% of the time it moves according to fib levels so lets analyze friday's moves (4-26-2013 ). I took out all the indicators so we just use fibs- nothing else.
    This is going to be PART 1 of this tutorial because it takes me a long time . According to responses I will continue with part 2 which shows the actual entry.
    So here we are- POINT A on friday around 8:40 am eastern time.: the market reversed to the upside refusing to go down and continue the down lower low trend- go long asap, all the shorts are going to run away and bail out helping our long. our target is 1.272 fib extension and we got it to the tick.
    Point B around 9:40 am we go short IF and ONLY IF the short term allows us ( next chapter ) and it did, the reason WHY we consider a short is ONLY because we are perfectly at 1.272 fib. our target is exactly 61.8 fib to the tick and there we are looking to reverse to long , WHY ? BECAUSE WE HAVE HIGHER HIGHS HIGHER LOWS. our target is EXACTLY 1.272 fib extension no more no less WHICH we got TO THE tick. i DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU THAT BY NOW- 10:05 LESS THAN 2 HOURS OF TRADING WE CAN STOP AND GO TO THE BEACH :) BUT LETS FINISH THE DAY.
    POINT D : 10:05 am, same as point B we go short. This time we actually got lucky and it went all the way down GUESS WHERE TO ? of course you guessed 1.272 extension.
    POINT F : 10:43 am we expected the market to go to 61.8 retracement so we can reshort BUT- it surprised us and was tired and only got to 50 fib to the tick. THE MOMENT we got a short signal there WE TAKE IT and we hold keeping our stop 2 ticks above the entry. OUR TARGET NOW IS fib extension of 1.618 which amazingly we got TO THE TICK at point G at 12:05 where we reversed and went long.
    ok i am tired lol enough, so what do you think ? there were NO INDICATORS involved and you could actually use the renko bars to trade as long as you KNOW where the market is going.
    Hope this is helping and please put your comment in the other thread.if you like it then you can press the THANKS button so I know how many enjoyed this post.
    HERE is the chart http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/dn0rc1
    and please help me with any renko or other bars and any volume monitoring indicators.
    Here is also a short I took so you can see the setup and maybe try to see if you can make it better. http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/wnkpkt
    Thanks again for all you help.
    Take care
  17. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from ivan2007007 in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    OK Everyone
    Here is a perfect short that i took last friday at 10:05 am.
    This is an answer to some questions that say that its easy to look backward.
    So here it is : http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/nvr5lw
    Look at the chart and lets start, step by step.
    Lets assume that we are flat doing nothing, we are getting to the 1.272 fib extension where we MIGHT and i repeat MIGHT- not WILL go short as long as the market will tell us.
    Now look at the left 1 tick renko charts on the left- you can see that the market WAS TELLING us that its losing its strength, first we had a small divergence, then we had a small double top and that is enough for us because it happened right wherer we expected it to happen. So once we get our confirmation - i took a short - look at the cursor, my stop was 2 ticks only got in at 1580.75 and exited at the double bottom at 1576.5 for 4.25 points- not bad for win -loss ratio.
    On another note- hundreds of people d/l my screenshots but hardly any comments or any help with indicators, so I guess nobody is interested.
    Take care
  18. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from Fxheaven in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    OK Everyone
    Here is a perfect short that i took last friday at 10:05 am.
    This is an answer to some questions that say that its easy to look backward.
    So here it is : http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/nvr5lw
    Look at the chart and lets start, step by step.
    Lets assume that we are flat doing nothing, we are getting to the 1.272 fib extension where we MIGHT and i repeat MIGHT- not WILL go short as long as the market will tell us.
    Now look at the left 1 tick renko charts on the left- you can see that the market WAS TELLING us that its losing its strength, first we had a small divergence, then we had a small double top and that is enough for us because it happened right wherer we expected it to happen. So once we get our confirmation - i took a short - look at the cursor, my stop was 2 ticks only got in at 1580.75 and exited at the double bottom at 1576.5 for 4.25 points- not bad for win -loss ratio.
    On another note- hundreds of people d/l my screenshots but hardly any comments or any help with indicators, so I guess nobody is interested.
    Take care
  19. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from hirobo in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    This is a day trading method trading the ES.
    DO NOT RESPOND HERE, I am creating another post just for responses because this is going to be a long post with many screenshots and I want them to be in a perfect order without 50 comments between.
    Why am I posting a method here ? - because I want to thank all of you and because I feel comfortable in this forum so if I go against the regulations please let me know and I will delete this post.
    Why am I telling you how I trade ? because you are not competing with me, if you go long together with me you are actually helping me. ( actually would love to start our own private trading room shared only by us and nobody else and of course no charge at all).
    Why am I trading the ES ? very low commission, very low margin, huge volume so if you stopped out you don't lose 10 ticks like CL on a spike. Slow moves enable to think clearly about each entry and the most important thing- almost perfect fib behavior unlike forex or other markets that just jump up and down.
    What am I asking from you ? Please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions to make it even better. Currently I am using renko spectrum by RJ's which is worth every penny, if you think that there is a better time frame or a better renko or any other type of bars please let me know. i am using Hawkeye volume indicator which shows me when the buyers or sellers take over, and I ask you PLEASE- if there is ANY volume monitoring indicator for ninja that you are aware of please let me know and I thank you in advance for that.
    So lets get started ( and I am not going to make it pretty or neat lol ).
    The reason why most traders are losing is not because they are ****** or inexperience, its because they DO NOT read the market and find themselves at the wrong side.When you use lagging indicators like macd, stochastics and almost every indicator that is out there you are basing you trading on the last 14 or whatever bars and you assume that the market will continue that way.Sometimes it works but many it does not.
    The only way to use LEADING view is by reading the market and watching every leg.the market or at least the ES does not change direction with no reason. 90% of the time it moves according to fib levels so lets analyze friday's moves (4-26-2013 ). I took out all the indicators so we just use fibs- nothing else.
    This is going to be PART 1 of this tutorial because it takes me a long time . According to responses I will continue with part 2 which shows the actual entry.
    So here we are- POINT A on friday around 8:40 am eastern time.: the market reversed to the upside refusing to go down and continue the down lower low trend- go long asap, all the shorts are going to run away and bail out helping our long. our target is 1.272 fib extension and we got it to the tick.
    Point B around 9:40 am we go short IF and ONLY IF the short term allows us ( next chapter ) and it did, the reason WHY we consider a short is ONLY because we are perfectly at 1.272 fib. our target is exactly 61.8 fib to the tick and there we are looking to reverse to long , WHY ? BECAUSE WE HAVE HIGHER HIGHS HIGHER LOWS. our target is EXACTLY 1.272 fib extension no more no less WHICH we got TO THE tick. i DON'T WANT TO TELL YOU THAT BY NOW- 10:05 LESS THAN 2 HOURS OF TRADING WE CAN STOP AND GO TO THE BEACH :) BUT LETS FINISH THE DAY.
    POINT D : 10:05 am, same as point B we go short. This time we actually got lucky and it went all the way down GUESS WHERE TO ? of course you guessed 1.272 extension.
    POINT F : 10:43 am we expected the market to go to 61.8 retracement so we can reshort BUT- it surprised us and was tired and only got to 50 fib to the tick. THE MOMENT we got a short signal there WE TAKE IT and we hold keeping our stop 2 ticks above the entry. OUR TARGET NOW IS fib extension of 1.618 which amazingly we got TO THE TICK at point G at 12:05 where we reversed and went long.
    ok i am tired lol enough, so what do you think ? there were NO INDICATORS involved and you could actually use the renko bars to trade as long as you KNOW where the market is going.
    Hope this is helping and please put your comment in the other thread.if you like it then you can press the THANKS button so I know how many enjoyed this post.
    HERE is the chart http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/dn0rc1
    and please help me with any renko or other bars and any volume monitoring indicators.
    Here is also a short I took so you can see the setup and maybe try to see if you can make it better. http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/wnkpkt
    Thanks again for all you help.
    Take care
  20. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from longboat in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    OK Everyone
    Here is a perfect short that i took last friday at 10:05 am.
    This is an answer to some questions that say that its easy to look backward.
    So here it is : http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/nvr5lw
    Look at the chart and lets start, step by step.
    Lets assume that we are flat doing nothing, we are getting to the 1.272 fib extension where we MIGHT and i repeat MIGHT- not WILL go short as long as the market will tell us.
    Now look at the left 1 tick renko charts on the left- you can see that the market WAS TELLING us that its losing its strength, first we had a small divergence, then we had a small double top and that is enough for us because it happened right wherer we expected it to happen. So once we get our confirmation - i took a short - look at the cursor, my stop was 2 ticks only got in at 1580.75 and exited at the double bottom at 1576.5 for 4.25 points- not bad for win -loss ratio.
    On another note- hundreds of people d/l my screenshots but hardly any comments or any help with indicators, so I guess nobody is interested.
    Take care
  21. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from Nukem in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    OK Everyone
    Here is a perfect short that i took last friday at 10:05 am.
    This is an answer to some questions that say that its easy to look backward.
    So here it is : http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/nvr5lw
    Look at the chart and lets start, step by step.
    Lets assume that we are flat doing nothing, we are getting to the 1.272 fib extension where we MIGHT and i repeat MIGHT- not WILL go short as long as the market will tell us.
    Now look at the left 1 tick renko charts on the left- you can see that the market WAS TELLING us that its losing its strength, first we had a small divergence, then we had a small double top and that is enough for us because it happened right wherer we expected it to happen. So once we get our confirmation - i took a short - look at the cursor, my stop was 2 ticks only got in at 1580.75 and exited at the double bottom at 1576.5 for 4.25 points- not bad for win -loss ratio.
    On another note- hundreds of people d/l my screenshots but hardly any comments or any help with indicators, so I guess nobody is interested.
    Take care
  22. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from Gladiator858 in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way RESPONSE HERE ONLY   
    Sure - I will sometimes later today-the way to trade is to expect a move at a certain location- level, once you get there you watch the smaller time frame and if it signals you then you enter.
  23. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from tradernate in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    OK Everyone
    Here is a perfect short that i took last friday at 10:05 am.
    This is an answer to some questions that say that its easy to look backward.
    So here it is : http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/nvr5lw
    Look at the chart and lets start, step by step.
    Lets assume that we are flat doing nothing, we are getting to the 1.272 fib extension where we MIGHT and i repeat MIGHT- not WILL go short as long as the market will tell us.
    Now look at the left 1 tick renko charts on the left- you can see that the market WAS TELLING us that its losing its strength, first we had a small divergence, then we had a small double top and that is enough for us because it happened right wherer we expected it to happen. So once we get our confirmation - i took a short - look at the cursor, my stop was 2 ticks only got in at 1580.75 and exited at the double bottom at 1576.5 for 4.25 points- not bad for win -loss ratio.
    On another note- hundreds of people d/l my screenshots but hardly any comments or any help with indicators, so I guess nobody is interested.
    Take care
  24. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from newbie0101 in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    OK Everyone
    Here is a perfect short that i took last friday at 10:05 am.
    This is an answer to some questions that say that its easy to look backward.
    So here it is : http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/nvr5lw
    Look at the chart and lets start, step by step.
    Lets assume that we are flat doing nothing, we are getting to the 1.272 fib extension where we MIGHT and i repeat MIGHT- not WILL go short as long as the market will tell us.
    Now look at the left 1 tick renko charts on the left- you can see that the market WAS TELLING us that its losing its strength, first we had a small divergence, then we had a small double top and that is enough for us because it happened right wherer we expected it to happen. So once we get our confirmation - i took a short - look at the cursor, my stop was 2 ticks only got in at 1580.75 and exited at the double bottom at 1576.5 for 4.25 points- not bad for win -loss ratio.
    On another note- hundreds of people d/l my screenshots but hardly any comments or any help with indicators, so I guess nobody is interested.
    Take care
  25. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from longboat in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way RESPONSE HERE ONLY   
    Hi Bumper- thanks for your comments, can you please send me the links for these indicators so i can compare them with what i am using right now and see if i get better results ?
    regarding automatic trading, at one time i had 24 computers running and trading the EC , its good but not as good as our brain.
    I guess i can give you exact rules so maybe you can code them and create a strategy.
    Take care
    p.s EVERYONE- i am posting 2 of friday's entries in my other post in few minutes which will answer kungfutrader.
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