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  1. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to tradernate in *Req* B00merang Scalp Trader   
    For NT7 4 tick 6E Scalp system-Here is a system that is better then Bummerang, but based on the same principal. I have the notes, templates and indi's:
    Indi's: http://www.mediafire.com/?xoblu5q61bvu1zc All other info: http://www.mediafire.com/?i1o0wlblmf3zbx4
  2. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from Banner in Market Delta 11 or newer   
    I am only using the regular data stream which is free as long as you do some trading.
  3. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from Banner in Market Delta 11 or newer   
    no- never did that, i used either esignal or for a short period iqfeed.
  4. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from pipseeker in Ed's Crossover   
    enjoy and have fun.
    Since i don't have my ts anymore i cannot even check or test it so if it does not work please dont hate me :);)
    Take care
  5. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from ciardim in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    Hello Friends and Traders. Made 10 points NET friday.
    This is today- Friday May 3rd 2013 trading on the ES.These are real results and there is no reason why you cannot follow.
    I am showing each of my entries one by one with explanations.
    If you like it then be polite and click the thanks button. I
    If you like this method please pm me and if we collect enough traders we might start a trading room as long as everyone is experienced and trades the es.
    On a separate note- if anybody has some TAPE READING seminars/ videos please share them with me and i will appreciate it very much. So lets get to work.
    first entry was a long http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/t0unxw
    let me explain- the market was going up very strong, at that time it was up aprox, 12 or 14 points- i dont remember, the fib extension from the 8 30 am leg was much higher than 1.9 or even 2.61 so it was clear as a whistle that there is no sense to even TRY a short but just sit on the sidelines and wait for the long. right at 38.2 fib retracement we got a reaction- but hey wait- do not jump in, let the market prove everything to you, then we got a small double bottom - look at the second chart on the left where the cursor is- that was enough confirmation to go in, i got in with 2 ticks stop moved my stops and got out with 5 points. i could have made more but i will take a target like that every single day lol.
    Second entry at 10:06 am , ok, so the market continued to go up a little higher than my exit, again there was no sense to even try a short no matter what, so i was just sitting and waiting for a long entry.
    i tried to go in at 25% fib because i did have a nice reaction but i lost 2 ticks there- no big deal. once it got to the 38.2 fib it reverse beautifully but there was a report so i waited and entered a little later- DO NOT ever go in during a report, the market will slice right through your levels so dont try it. so look where the cursor is and that is where i go it.
    This time i only made 4 points and now we are getting to my 3rd entry:
    3rd entry- http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/acn422
    so if you look, i decided to exit with 4 points because of 2 reasons, we got to 1.618 to the tick, the chart was showing a lot of small divergences BUT- if you look at the huge time frame chart the 20-3 renko you will see that we reached a fib extension of 1.918 to the tick so that is where i got out and was considering maybe a short , YES a short when the market is almost 20 points up- sounds crazy but... you do what the chart is telling you, so when i got this second top around 11 am and it started to go down i actually shorted with my target to the 50% fib so made 2 points , then ended the day with 5+4+2=11 points on one contract - minus 2 ticks loss gave me 10.5 - commissions 10 points on 1 lot for the day, not bad for a days work. i could have made more but being greedy is not my style.
    Hope you enjoyed it.
    Please- if there are more ES traders pm me with anything, the others just push the thanks button.
    Take care
    p.s- please share any tape reading videos that can help me understand jigsaw tools- thanks in advance.
  6. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to ivan2007007 in orderflowdashpro   
    delete: rrr
  7. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to kungfutrader in Smart money index indicator*   
  8. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to ⭐ flipper26 in REQ To Make It Unlock Day Trading Divergence   
    Once you install, you'll see it on the chart at the top, click on it and it takes you to the manual.
  9. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to gonzo in REQ To Make It Unlock Day Trading Divergence   
    Try this
    hxxp://[email protected]/file/xlov68
  10. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from Nukem in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    Hello Friends and Traders. Made 10 points NET friday.
    This is today- Friday May 3rd 2013 trading on the ES.These are real results and there is no reason why you cannot follow.
    I am showing each of my entries one by one with explanations.
    If you like it then be polite and click the thanks button. I
    If you like this method please pm me and if we collect enough traders we might start a trading room as long as everyone is experienced and trades the es.
    On a separate note- if anybody has some TAPE READING seminars/ videos please share them with me and i will appreciate it very much. So lets get to work.
    first entry was a long http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/t0unxw
    let me explain- the market was going up very strong, at that time it was up aprox, 12 or 14 points- i dont remember, the fib extension from the 8 30 am leg was much higher than 1.9 or even 2.61 so it was clear as a whistle that there is no sense to even TRY a short but just sit on the sidelines and wait for the long. right at 38.2 fib retracement we got a reaction- but hey wait- do not jump in, let the market prove everything to you, then we got a small double bottom - look at the second chart on the left where the cursor is- that was enough confirmation to go in, i got in with 2 ticks stop moved my stops and got out with 5 points. i could have made more but i will take a target like that every single day lol.
    Second entry at 10:06 am , ok, so the market continued to go up a little higher than my exit, again there was no sense to even try a short no matter what, so i was just sitting and waiting for a long entry.
    i tried to go in at 25% fib because i did have a nice reaction but i lost 2 ticks there- no big deal. once it got to the 38.2 fib it reverse beautifully but there was a report so i waited and entered a little later- DO NOT ever go in during a report, the market will slice right through your levels so dont try it. so look where the cursor is and that is where i go it.
    This time i only made 4 points and now we are getting to my 3rd entry:
    3rd entry- http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/acn422
    so if you look, i decided to exit with 4 points because of 2 reasons, we got to 1.618 to the tick, the chart was showing a lot of small divergences BUT- if you look at the huge time frame chart the 20-3 renko you will see that we reached a fib extension of 1.918 to the tick so that is where i got out and was considering maybe a short , YES a short when the market is almost 20 points up- sounds crazy but... you do what the chart is telling you, so when i got this second top around 11 am and it started to go down i actually shorted with my target to the 50% fib so made 2 points , then ended the day with 5+4+2=11 points on one contract - minus 2 ticks loss gave me 10.5 - commissions 10 points on 1 lot for the day, not bad for a days work. i could have made more but being greedy is not my style.
    Hope you enjoyed it.
    Please- if there are more ES traders pm me with anything, the others just push the thanks button.
    Take care
    p.s- please share any tape reading videos that can help me understand jigsaw tools- thanks in advance.
  11. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from sousou in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    OK Everyone
    Here is a perfect short that i took last friday at 10:05 am.
    This is an answer to some questions that say that its easy to look backward.
    So here it is : http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/nvr5lw
    Look at the chart and lets start, step by step.
    Lets assume that we are flat doing nothing, we are getting to the 1.272 fib extension where we MIGHT and i repeat MIGHT- not WILL go short as long as the market will tell us.
    Now look at the left 1 tick renko charts on the left- you can see that the market WAS TELLING us that its losing its strength, first we had a small divergence, then we had a small double top and that is enough for us because it happened right wherer we expected it to happen. So once we get our confirmation - i took a short - look at the cursor, my stop was 2 ticks only got in at 1580.75 and exited at the double bottom at 1576.5 for 4.25 points- not bad for win -loss ratio.
    On another note- hundreds of people d/l my screenshots but hardly any comments or any help with indicators, so I guess nobody is interested.
    Take care
  12. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to MidnightPresident in Smart money index indicator*   
    here it is:-
  13. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from sousou in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    Hello Friends and Traders. Made 10 points NET friday.
    This is today- Friday May 3rd 2013 trading on the ES.These are real results and there is no reason why you cannot follow.
    I am showing each of my entries one by one with explanations.
    If you like it then be polite and click the thanks button. I
    If you like this method please pm me and if we collect enough traders we might start a trading room as long as everyone is experienced and trades the es.
    On a separate note- if anybody has some TAPE READING seminars/ videos please share them with me and i will appreciate it very much. So lets get to work.
    first entry was a long http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/t0unxw
    let me explain- the market was going up very strong, at that time it was up aprox, 12 or 14 points- i dont remember, the fib extension from the 8 30 am leg was much higher than 1.9 or even 2.61 so it was clear as a whistle that there is no sense to even TRY a short but just sit on the sidelines and wait for the long. right at 38.2 fib retracement we got a reaction- but hey wait- do not jump in, let the market prove everything to you, then we got a small double bottom - look at the second chart on the left where the cursor is- that was enough confirmation to go in, i got in with 2 ticks stop moved my stops and got out with 5 points. i could have made more but i will take a target like that every single day lol.
    Second entry at 10:06 am , ok, so the market continued to go up a little higher than my exit, again there was no sense to even try a short no matter what, so i was just sitting and waiting for a long entry.
    i tried to go in at 25% fib because i did have a nice reaction but i lost 2 ticks there- no big deal. once it got to the 38.2 fib it reverse beautifully but there was a report so i waited and entered a little later- DO NOT ever go in during a report, the market will slice right through your levels so dont try it. so look where the cursor is and that is where i go it.
    This time i only made 4 points and now we are getting to my 3rd entry:
    3rd entry- http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/acn422
    so if you look, i decided to exit with 4 points because of 2 reasons, we got to 1.618 to the tick, the chart was showing a lot of small divergences BUT- if you look at the huge time frame chart the 20-3 renko you will see that we reached a fib extension of 1.918 to the tick so that is where i got out and was considering maybe a short , YES a short when the market is almost 20 points up- sounds crazy but... you do what the chart is telling you, so when i got this second top around 11 am and it started to go down i actually shorted with my target to the 50% fib so made 2 points , then ended the day with 5+4+2=11 points on one contract - minus 2 ticks loss gave me 10.5 - commissions 10 points on 1 lot for the day, not bad for a days work. i could have made more but being greedy is not my style.
    Hope you enjoyed it.
    Please- if there are more ES traders pm me with anything, the others just push the thanks button.
    Take care
    p.s- please share any tape reading videos that can help me understand jigsaw tools- thanks in advance.
  14. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to gonzo in Smart money index indicator*   
    here is this--onlya x-86..
    hxxp://[email protected]/file/hjnw8w
    replace the DLL--
  15. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to bassmark in Market Delta 11 or newer   
    you can get second login from amp and trade the same account from 2 different platforms. Will cost you $10/month.
  16. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from soma in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    Hello Friends and Traders. Made 10 points NET friday.
    This is today- Friday May 3rd 2013 trading on the ES.These are real results and there is no reason why you cannot follow.
    I am showing each of my entries one by one with explanations.
    If you like it then be polite and click the thanks button. I
    If you like this method please pm me and if we collect enough traders we might start a trading room as long as everyone is experienced and trades the es.
    On a separate note- if anybody has some TAPE READING seminars/ videos please share them with me and i will appreciate it very much. So lets get to work.
    first entry was a long http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/t0unxw
    let me explain- the market was going up very strong, at that time it was up aprox, 12 or 14 points- i dont remember, the fib extension from the 8 30 am leg was much higher than 1.9 or even 2.61 so it was clear as a whistle that there is no sense to even TRY a short but just sit on the sidelines and wait for the long. right at 38.2 fib retracement we got a reaction- but hey wait- do not jump in, let the market prove everything to you, then we got a small double bottom - look at the second chart on the left where the cursor is- that was enough confirmation to go in, i got in with 2 ticks stop moved my stops and got out with 5 points. i could have made more but i will take a target like that every single day lol.
    Second entry at 10:06 am , ok, so the market continued to go up a little higher than my exit, again there was no sense to even try a short no matter what, so i was just sitting and waiting for a long entry.
    i tried to go in at 25% fib because i did have a nice reaction but i lost 2 ticks there- no big deal. once it got to the 38.2 fib it reverse beautifully but there was a report so i waited and entered a little later- DO NOT ever go in during a report, the market will slice right through your levels so dont try it. so look where the cursor is and that is where i go it.
    This time i only made 4 points and now we are getting to my 3rd entry:
    3rd entry- http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/acn422
    so if you look, i decided to exit with 4 points because of 2 reasons, we got to 1.618 to the tick, the chart was showing a lot of small divergences BUT- if you look at the huge time frame chart the 20-3 renko you will see that we reached a fib extension of 1.918 to the tick so that is where i got out and was considering maybe a short , YES a short when the market is almost 20 points up- sounds crazy but... you do what the chart is telling you, so when i got this second top around 11 am and it started to go down i actually shorted with my target to the 50% fib so made 2 points , then ended the day with 5+4+2=11 points on one contract - minus 2 ticks loss gave me 10.5 - commissions 10 points on 1 lot for the day, not bad for a days work. i could have made more but being greedy is not my style.
    Hope you enjoyed it.
    Please- if there are more ES traders pm me with anything, the others just push the thanks button.
    Take care
    p.s- please share any tape reading videos that can help me understand jigsaw tools- thanks in advance.
  17. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from longboat in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    So here is today's analysis- was one of the simplest i have seen in a long time.
    Around 9:30 eastern time i got a signal to short- i took it because it was exactly at the 1.272 fib extension.
    I expected a retracement of 61.8 but i got the long signal at the 38.2 so i took that long and stayed.
    Actually i did not stay all the way, i did get out but got back in.
    I am attaching the shorter term chart so you can see both signals.
    once you went long which was at 1580.75 with 2 ticks stop, all you needed to do was move the stop bellow the previous low and it would have taken you UNSTOPPED all the way to 1592.25.
    Note that 1593 is a huge double top so i would not go all the way there but expect some shorts from there.
    Wanted to thank all the members that sent me fresh ideas and suggestions;
    And SPECIAL thanks to YAMANTAKA.
    Take care
  18. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to groman in Acme Volume Impression Pack   
    I found it.... http://www.5end5pace.c0m/file/sqadnk
  19. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from longboat in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    forgot to put the friday's short so here it is:
    this is the entire setup
    let me know
  20. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from ⭐ traderdxb in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    Hello Friends and Traders. Made 10 points NET friday.
    This is today- Friday May 3rd 2013 trading on the ES.These are real results and there is no reason why you cannot follow.
    I am showing each of my entries one by one with explanations.
    If you like it then be polite and click the thanks button. I
    If you like this method please pm me and if we collect enough traders we might start a trading room as long as everyone is experienced and trades the es.
    On a separate note- if anybody has some TAPE READING seminars/ videos please share them with me and i will appreciate it very much. So lets get to work.
    first entry was a long http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/t0unxw
    let me explain- the market was going up very strong, at that time it was up aprox, 12 or 14 points- i dont remember, the fib extension from the 8 30 am leg was much higher than 1.9 or even 2.61 so it was clear as a whistle that there is no sense to even TRY a short but just sit on the sidelines and wait for the long. right at 38.2 fib retracement we got a reaction- but hey wait- do not jump in, let the market prove everything to you, then we got a small double bottom - look at the second chart on the left where the cursor is- that was enough confirmation to go in, i got in with 2 ticks stop moved my stops and got out with 5 points. i could have made more but i will take a target like that every single day lol.
    Second entry at 10:06 am , ok, so the market continued to go up a little higher than my exit, again there was no sense to even try a short no matter what, so i was just sitting and waiting for a long entry.
    i tried to go in at 25% fib because i did have a nice reaction but i lost 2 ticks there- no big deal. once it got to the 38.2 fib it reverse beautifully but there was a report so i waited and entered a little later- DO NOT ever go in during a report, the market will slice right through your levels so dont try it. so look where the cursor is and that is where i go it.
    This time i only made 4 points and now we are getting to my 3rd entry:
    3rd entry- http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/acn422
    so if you look, i decided to exit with 4 points because of 2 reasons, we got to 1.618 to the tick, the chart was showing a lot of small divergences BUT- if you look at the huge time frame chart the 20-3 renko you will see that we reached a fib extension of 1.918 to the tick so that is where i got out and was considering maybe a short , YES a short when the market is almost 20 points up- sounds crazy but... you do what the chart is telling you, so when i got this second top around 11 am and it started to go down i actually shorted with my target to the 50% fib so made 2 points , then ended the day with 5+4+2=11 points on one contract - minus 2 ticks loss gave me 10.5 - commissions 10 points on 1 lot for the day, not bad for a days work. i could have made more but being greedy is not my style.
    Hope you enjoyed it.
    Please- if there are more ES traders pm me with anything, the others just push the thanks button.
    Take care
    p.s- please share any tape reading videos that can help me understand jigsaw tools- thanks in advance.
  21. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to newbie0101 in Volume Impression templates   
    Thank you tradermic
    Hi kmilo here is link
    http://[email protected]/file/8uhvlp
  22. Like
    Traderbeauty reacted to tradermic in Volume Impression templates   
    :-? http://dfiles.eu/files/eyj13qtyy
  23. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from newbie0101 in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    Hello Friends and Traders. Made 10 points NET friday.
    This is today- Friday May 3rd 2013 trading on the ES.These are real results and there is no reason why you cannot follow.
    I am showing each of my entries one by one with explanations.
    If you like it then be polite and click the thanks button. I
    If you like this method please pm me and if we collect enough traders we might start a trading room as long as everyone is experienced and trades the es.
    On a separate note- if anybody has some TAPE READING seminars/ videos please share them with me and i will appreciate it very much. So lets get to work.
    first entry was a long http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/t0unxw
    let me explain- the market was going up very strong, at that time it was up aprox, 12 or 14 points- i dont remember, the fib extension from the 8 30 am leg was much higher than 1.9 or even 2.61 so it was clear as a whistle that there is no sense to even TRY a short but just sit on the sidelines and wait for the long. right at 38.2 fib retracement we got a reaction- but hey wait- do not jump in, let the market prove everything to you, then we got a small double bottom - look at the second chart on the left where the cursor is- that was enough confirmation to go in, i got in with 2 ticks stop moved my stops and got out with 5 points. i could have made more but i will take a target like that every single day lol.
    Second entry at 10:06 am , ok, so the market continued to go up a little higher than my exit, again there was no sense to even try a short no matter what, so i was just sitting and waiting for a long entry.
    i tried to go in at 25% fib because i did have a nice reaction but i lost 2 ticks there- no big deal. once it got to the 38.2 fib it reverse beautifully but there was a report so i waited and entered a little later- DO NOT ever go in during a report, the market will slice right through your levels so dont try it. so look where the cursor is and that is where i go it.
    This time i only made 4 points and now we are getting to my 3rd entry:
    3rd entry- http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/acn422
    so if you look, i decided to exit with 4 points because of 2 reasons, we got to 1.618 to the tick, the chart was showing a lot of small divergences BUT- if you look at the huge time frame chart the 20-3 renko you will see that we reached a fib extension of 1.918 to the tick so that is where i got out and was considering maybe a short , YES a short when the market is almost 20 points up- sounds crazy but... you do what the chart is telling you, so when i got this second top around 11 am and it started to go down i actually shorted with my target to the 50% fib so made 2 points , then ended the day with 5+4+2=11 points on one contract - minus 2 ticks loss gave me 10.5 - commissions 10 points on 1 lot for the day, not bad for a days work. i could have made more but being greedy is not my style.
    Hope you enjoyed it.
    Please- if there are more ES traders pm me with anything, the others just push the thanks button.
    Take care
    p.s- please share any tape reading videos that can help me understand jigsaw tools- thanks in advance.
  24. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from Gladiator858 in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    Hello Friends and Traders. Made 10 points NET friday.
    This is today- Friday May 3rd 2013 trading on the ES.These are real results and there is no reason why you cannot follow.
    I am showing each of my entries one by one with explanations.
    If you like it then be polite and click the thanks button. I
    If you like this method please pm me and if we collect enough traders we might start a trading room as long as everyone is experienced and trades the es.
    On a separate note- if anybody has some TAPE READING seminars/ videos please share them with me and i will appreciate it very much. So lets get to work.
    first entry was a long http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/t0unxw
    let me explain- the market was going up very strong, at that time it was up aprox, 12 or 14 points- i dont remember, the fib extension from the 8 30 am leg was much higher than 1.9 or even 2.61 so it was clear as a whistle that there is no sense to even TRY a short but just sit on the sidelines and wait for the long. right at 38.2 fib retracement we got a reaction- but hey wait- do not jump in, let the market prove everything to you, then we got a small double bottom - look at the second chart on the left where the cursor is- that was enough confirmation to go in, i got in with 2 ticks stop moved my stops and got out with 5 points. i could have made more but i will take a target like that every single day lol.
    Second entry at 10:06 am , ok, so the market continued to go up a little higher than my exit, again there was no sense to even try a short no matter what, so i was just sitting and waiting for a long entry.
    i tried to go in at 25% fib because i did have a nice reaction but i lost 2 ticks there- no big deal. once it got to the 38.2 fib it reverse beautifully but there was a report so i waited and entered a little later- DO NOT ever go in during a report, the market will slice right through your levels so dont try it. so look where the cursor is and that is where i go it.
    This time i only made 4 points and now we are getting to my 3rd entry:
    3rd entry- http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/acn422
    so if you look, i decided to exit with 4 points because of 2 reasons, we got to 1.618 to the tick, the chart was showing a lot of small divergences BUT- if you look at the huge time frame chart the 20-3 renko you will see that we reached a fib extension of 1.918 to the tick so that is where i got out and was considering maybe a short , YES a short when the market is almost 20 points up- sounds crazy but... you do what the chart is telling you, so when i got this second top around 11 am and it started to go down i actually shorted with my target to the 50% fib so made 2 points , then ended the day with 5+4+2=11 points on one contract - minus 2 ticks loss gave me 10.5 - commissions 10 points on 1 lot for the day, not bad for a days work. i could have made more but being greedy is not my style.
    Hope you enjoyed it.
    Please- if there are more ES traders pm me with anything, the others just push the thanks button.
    Take care
    p.s- please share any tape reading videos that can help me understand jigsaw tools- thanks in advance.
  25. Like
    Traderbeauty got a reaction from ⭐ traderdxb in Make money consistently trading the ES Traderbeauty way, 2 ticks stop.   
    So here is today's analysis- was one of the simplest i have seen in a long time.
    Around 9:30 eastern time i got a signal to short- i took it because it was exactly at the 1.272 fib extension.
    I expected a retracement of 61.8 but i got the long signal at the 38.2 so i took that long and stayed.
    Actually i did not stay all the way, i did get out but got back in.
    I am attaching the shorter term chart so you can see both signals.
    once you went long which was at 1580.75 with 2 ticks stop, all you needed to do was move the stop bellow the previous low and it would have taken you UNSTOPPED all the way to 1592.25.
    Note that 1593 is a huge double top so i would not go all the way there but expect some shorts from there.
    Wanted to thank all the members that sent me fresh ideas and suggestions;
    And SPECIAL thanks to YAMANTAKA.
    Take care
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