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Everything posted by Traderbeauty

  1. thanks cryptic- no pun intended. we all welcome you here.
  2. do not dare ask for money from other members i am giving you the benefit of the doubt but this is your first and last warning.
  3. please suraa- be a little gentle- don't hurt others- thanks for all the help
  4. guys will you stop your constant reuests MATA is a seller- he provides links and makes money from people that buy the premium packages. His only purpose is to make money. I allow him to stay in the forum because most of his links are also non premium meaning if you have the patience you can download them very slow but free. So please stop asking him for favors Jane
  5. wow wow wow sorry but this is way above my pay grade lol Dale is the owner , i do have admin rights but its all thanks to him. jane
  6. You are THE BEST We all thank you Traderbeauty- Jane
  7. I have no idea what can cause it but I am here to help if you let me know how. Traderbeauty -Jane
  8. ragveer one time is enough do not flood the forum with useless posts
  9. with pleasure done always here to help. jane
  10. something is wrong either with the link or the pw thanks for the upload.
  11. Very well said EminiTrader. I hardly watch any of the garbage shared. I would dare to say that anything about price action can benefit all of you- drop the indicators - specifically the lagging ones. The only course i would highly recommend is actually an old one "Dynamic Traders"- it was shared here many times and i forgot the details but basically it will teach you everything about fibs- the retracements, extensions and symmetrical. Hope that others will post their experience with videos or courses that they did watch because this can benefit us all. Thank you all again Traderbeauty
  12. totally agree- every a-hole can use his cell cam and "create a trading course" - that does not mean its any good. maybe we should all get together , sift through and recommend the good ones- no idea what to do. I am not watching any of these for me its just a waste of time. But on the other hand- people should be THANKED for their efforts and uploads no matter what so I salute you all.
  13. netgoon dont be a goon there is so much shared so just say THANK YOU and be quiet if you dont have something constructive to say. TRADERBEAUTY insaneike- a HUGE thanks from everyone here for another wonderful share.
  14. Hi Guys I am sick and tired of scammers like zhoom- Unfortunately even though I am trying to read every single post- sometimes these roaches escape my eyes so glad you point me to any suspicious and not forum rewarding activity. I just banned this person- good ridden. Thank you all again Traderbeauty-Jane
  15. wasn't this course already shared here about six month ago ? Thanks again to borsaman for your wonderful uploads Thank you fireflyk for part 7 Traderbeauty
  16. We all thank you borsaman for all your wonderful uploads Traderbeauty
  17. I can do that- Please write down specific ideas and rules and i will gladly create something like that. Traderbeauty
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