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Everything posted by Traderbeauty

  1. ideleted both posts just to be safe.
  2. yes i am the new owner is doing an amazing job, its just a pleasure to see how nice the forum looks and how quickly everything responding . I am here to help in any way or form. Thank you all TraderbeautyJane p.s sorry for the late response - was very busy
  3. it all looks good from my side, try to refresh your browser or play with your add blockers. this is the way i had seen the site few times in the past but it was fixed by the owner.
  4. i dont see any problem from my side, if this happens to others i will alert tommy.
  5. Hello Friends Can anyone share the Ultimate Scalper please. Is it any good ? On their website it looks good like any other BS indicator but you never know. Any feedback ? Thanks in advance Traderbeaurty -Jane https://ultimatescalper.com/
  6. Dear All Just banned a new member that tried to scam another member. Please let me know at once if you encounter any suspicious behavior. Thank you all Traderbeauty -Jane Originally posted by apostleeric1 Hello dear friend, How are you doing today? God bless you and your family Amen, please can you partner with me in my business transaction , I have been in family mining business for more than 15 years and also work with the office of presidency and I’m preacher for a big church here I wish to ship some gold to you to sell in your country on a cheaper price 25% for your help, my experience can help us reach our goals without any delay, also my dead business partner funds who died after a brief illness can be transferred by well-known bank with professional bankers to you as a beneficiary for a profitable business investments possible Real Estate and hotel business , I was his next of kin to this funds and also the money I will make from the Gold okay, you are also free to ask any questions, I will be very happy to answer any questions about this business investments in your country. For more details contact my private email address Hope to read from you soon, Sincerely, Apostle Eric. please urgent reply
  7. i had the same problems for the last few days- i contacted the owner but it seems that everything is fixed now. please let me know if there are still any issues.
  8. no idea why, in my end i dont see any problem, does anyone else have problems viewing ?
  9. I told the owner and he fixed it, i see everything the way it should be
  10. I am so sorry- i was away for few weeks and had no wifi or connection , the system does what it wants and you should not bother to understand it. normally i check the forum every few hours and i see at once if there are any un approved posts and i take care of them. so if any of you post is un approved just wait and let me fix it. i did approve both of your messages. sorry about that take care jane
  11. i approved it no idea why the system is doing that but whenever it does just leave it - within few hours usually i am fixing it.
  12. i was away for a week so i could not approve anything. normally i see any posts within hours. you did nothing wrong- its the system that decides for itself.
  13. i am checking all the posts few times a day and i approve them. no idea why the system is doing that. if you get the need to be approved just wait for me to fix it.
  14. Wishing everyone here all the best Merry Christmas and an amazing New Year Traderbeauty- Jane
  15. no problems at all- no harm done. try to find someone that has been here for more than 2 years and posted to take over the GB.
  16. sorry i was away for a week, will watch it more closly .
  17. You cannot start a GB- you just joined- you have to find someone else to take over.
  18. i dont think so i will ask the owner when he gets back.
  19. dont worry about that i check all the posts few times during the day and i approve all of them. no idea why it does not approve some of the posts but its the new system, not sure if there is anything that we can do. so bottom line either wait - or if its urgent just pm me and i will take care of it at once.
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