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Everything posted by Traderbeauty

  1. dont worry about that i check all the posts few times during the day and i approve all of them. no idea why it does not approve some of the posts but its the new system, not sure if there is anything that we can do. so bottom line either wait - or if its urgent just pm me and i will take care of it at once.
  2. Thank you worm for your valuable share. This is a message for everyone. If you post something and the system is saying that it needs to be approved dont worry- I usually check all the messages few times per day and i approve them all ( obviously unless they are real spam) If there is a problem or you dont want to wait then just pm me. Take care Traderbeauty-Jane
  3. This is a message for everyone. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO SELL OR EXCHANGE SOFTWARE OR COURSES HERE. THE ONLY WAY IN THIS FORUM IS TO SHARE. YOU CANNOT PROMOTE A PRIVATE TELEGRAM CHANNEL. Few members were already banned - so please avoid the headache . We want to keep this forum as clean and pure as possible. Take care and thanks Traderbeauty-Jane
  4. MOF NET Not that I am trying to create competition for indo but what is the other forum ? can you please share.
  5. Thank you MOF NET I just apporved both of your posts- no idea why the system does not approve it but if that happens again just pm me. now I can turn off this super slow download. Thanks again Traderbeauty-Jane
  6. i am downloading it very slow- will take a few days then i will upload it here.
  7. i saw that and deleted the previous one permanently. If any of you have a problem posting then just leave it and pm me, i will take care of any post asap.
  8. Thank you guys Worked like a charm, it looks very interesting, keep in mind that price action is one of the few LEADING indication that can give you an early entry or exit.
  9. maybe you can upload it again without the pw because it gives me the same error again and again
  10. no idea it works for me, i use firefox, try to check it using another browser ?
  11. you have to click on the NUMBER right of the likes then it shows who liked the post
  12. Hello Everyone As you all know our forum was sold and the new owner just took over. He has NO PLANS to close down the forum or make any major changes. GROUP BUYS are BACK with his permission ( yeeeehaaa - thank you Tommy ). I will try to un-delete the previous thread but if i cannot then i will create a new section within the next day. The new owner is looking for ideas to make indo better, more interesting and successful. I will create a new section for ideas. Thank you all, i know that many of you were concerned. take care Traderbeauty-Jane
  13. Hello Everyone As you all know our forum was sold and the new owner just took over. He has NO PLANS to close down the forum or make any major changes. GROUP BUYS are BACK with his permission ( yeeeehaaa - thank you Tommy ). I will try to un-delete the previous thread but if i cannot then i will create a new section within the next day. The new owner is looking for ideas to make indo better, more interesting and successful. I will create a new section for ideas. Thank you all, i know that many of you were concerned. take care Traderbeauty-Jane
  14. I am talking with the new owner , he just took over, I asked him if we can continue the GB, waiting for his response. FYI Jane
  15. Harvard You are looking for troubles Why dont you wait a week or two for the new owner to take over and see what his decission is going to be ? do not even spell GB here till then. Traderbeauty-Jane
  16. this is the owner's decission for now, hopefully he will reverse it in the future.
  17. thanks to magic orb /showthread.php/33995-Anna-Coulling-A-Complete-Guide-to-Volume-Price-Analysis-Read-the-book-then-read-the?p=481503&highlight=Complete+Guide+Volume+Price+Analysis+Anna+Coulling#post481503
  18. SAIG064 We all thank you for everything that you share with us. I just upgraded you to HOF member Take care- great jog Traderbeauty-Jane
  19. NO GB is allowed anymore by the owner instructions.
  20. my pleasure glad i could help. try the new user and let me know if it worked. jane
  21. I have no idea about this problem and i definitely dont have "A Programmenr" standing and waiting for instructions. P.M me his user name and information and i will try to manually register him. Jane
  22. i am open to any suggestions and willing to help.
  23. thanks cryptic- no pun intended. we all welcome you here.
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