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Traderbeauty last won the day on March 9

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About Traderbeauty

  • Birthday 07/03/1980

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  1. i have been using it for 2 month with no problems all these education fixes will show as viruses but you should not worry.
  2. here is the latest version educated- enjoy https://t.me/val1312q_free/133
  3. got a perest for you all. I am not aloud to post actual files here but here is a link for a FREE VIPER the latest version. Enjoy https://t.me/val1312q_free/134
  4. Thank you so much Trad3r Guru for sharing this with us. This is such a wonderful place to share our experiences - the good ones and the not so good... Unfortunately I have no connections or control over nadjib so hopefully people will be careful buying from him. Thanks again Jane
  5. Thank you Epictetus for responding. I saw all his correspondence with Brokey- He purchased it in 2020 and it worked perfectly. Then in 2021 maybe due to a bios or hardware problem his hwid changed and he then changed pc. Bottom line- I consider the case closed and Epictetus had all the rights to complain but he did not want Brokey to resolve the problem which is not that fair. I have Brokey promise to follow up and support any customer and I will make sure that he does that. You have my promise that you can get anything from Brokey and if there are any problems I'll do my best to resolve it. Take care and thanks Traderbeauty-Jane
  6. I am not talking about running Mbox- i am talking about TTP Algo suite- the guy says that he is using mbox but i dont see where . Running Vals mbox is simple- close ninja , run the lic file and dont close it , then restart ninja and all is well.
  7. But i dont understand where do you add the mbox on the ttp algo suite ? is mbox already part of it or do you have to add it on ? any ideas ?
  8. just sent him a direct email to his registered address- Told him that Brokey will fix the software but he needs the information to resolve the issue. Lets see if he will response.
  9. I am not running a police investigation here , not going to do such deep digging but I'll take your advice and send him a direct email to the one he registered that only I have an access to and lets see what happens.
  10. Hello Epictetus This is your THIRD WARNING. I am still waiting for a response from you- your purchase information or just a plain explanation why you made this accusation. I am wating another 24 hours and if I dont hear back from you I'll be forced to act. Traderbeauty-Jane
  11. Dear All This is a copy of a message that I just sent to Epictetus directly. I keep everything transparent here: Hello Dear. Two days ago you reported a problem that you had with Brokey. I spoke with him and he wants to resolve the problem. He could not find anyone under your current user name. Please send me or post the indicators' name you purchased from him, what date , and a copy if possible of the email you sent him. If you dont do that then I will assume that your purpose of complaining was just to throw mud at his face and the complaint was FAKE. If thats the case then I will react. Thank you in advance Traderbeauty-Jane
  12. i looked at the signals and they are lame- i could not find any connection to mbox other than what he says on his site. i looked at some of the videos he shared on youtube and i dont see any mbox- seems to me like a ripoff he want 5700 . let me know if you see any good results for the ES.
  13. you have to wait for the bar to close then you can consider the signal intact. i dont use the signals at all, i look at the buyers and sellers- i have no idea how he does that but its real and gives you a visual representation of buyers and seller even if you use historical values- just amazing.
  14. Please send me a pm with the information- i just communicated with brokey and he is more than willing to help and update the software that you purchased from him. He could not find a user name with your name in fis files- so either contact him directly or send me the info and i will make sure the problem is resolved. Take care and glad i can help. Traderbeauty-Jane
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