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Posts posted by seo74

  1. ciao


    ho provato a contattarti in privato

    seguo da molto i tuoi interventi e vorrei contattarti su skype se non ti crea disturbo.

    io da orami oltre 10 anni utilizzo tradestation e multichart, e da 5-6 mesi ho iniziato anche con ninja.

    ultimamente utilizzo le unirenko e devo dire che hanno un ottimo approccio al mercato.

    spero nella tua collaborazione


  2. 1) Install "x32/multicharts.8.0_5620.exe" or "x64/multicharts.8.0.x64_5622.exe"


    2) Replace original tsServer.exe file on work folder with cracked Crack/tsServer.exe


    3) Go to c:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts, open this file in notepad, add below text in end of file :


    #MultiCharts 8 mcauth.com mcauth1.com mcauth2.com


    #MultiCharts plugins www.tssupport.com www.decisionbar.com www.optionprofits.com


    save and exit


    4) Run emulator from /Emu/Mc80LicEmu.exe and press Start button




    Before run emulator check your port 80 must be FREE !!!

    for make sure, exit from your !!!skype!!!, !!!teamviewer!!!, !!!uninstall ISS!! and if you don't know what is it port 80 simple exit from all programs which using internet.. web servers etc.. ftp server and may be some other.. ***ONLY*** after it run your emulator and press button START!!!

    If you do not see any error messages about port problems - THIS IS GOOD and you can continue.. if you see messages about port problems - GO TO BACK and read all above again.. I mean step 3.


    5) Run MC8 and press REGISTER button...


    Registration name: andreybbrv

    Registration code: [email protected]


    now you can see status AUTHORIZED !!!





    my note:


    Found the answer.


    Block the IP address for outbound from the host in Windows Firewall, all ports/protocols. This was the IP address that was used when the client went to Not Authorized.


    I followed the instructions perfectly (MC 5620 32bit version) but can not be authorized.

    I have xp but not sp3

    I have a Hosts file different from other versions: change anything?

    I did not do the block IP address in windows firewall because I do not know how to do it.

  3. Yes, TS 8.7 work offline, but with real time data from Owndata 2.7 (Quotemanager for MC8). In TS 8.7 you can see real time data into the chart.

    All Tradestation work online, only with Tradestation broker.



  4. Hi seo74:


    If you want Metaserver 3.2 for TWS (IB Broker), download from:




    First you must be registered in this web site, and then next, you can download MS 3.2 for TWS. It is demo version. Demo work only with 2 symbols.


    Different connections:


    TWS > Metaserver 3.2 for TWS > Globalserver > Quotemanager > Multicharts (plot)


    MT4 > Metaserver 3.2 Windows DDE > Globalserver > Omega 2000i (plot)


    MT4 > Metaserver 3.2 Windows DDE > Globalserver > Owndata 2.7 > Tradestation 8.7 (plot)


    MT4 > Metaserver 3.2 Windows DDE > Globalserver > Quotemanager > Multicharts (plot)


    But those connections are very long, and many ticks will be lost. I tried. For this, is better:


    TWS > Quotemanager > Multicharts (plot)


    TWS > Owndata 2.7 > Tradestation 8.7 (plot)


    MT4 > Quotemanager > Multicharts (plot)


    MT4 > Owndata 2.7 > Tradestation 8.7 (plot)



    You are really very kind, thank you very much.


    I will try the version of MULTICHART and will connect like this:

    TWS> Quotemanager> Multicharts (plot) (what you mean by plot?)


    I still use TS2000i and is the case of update me!

    Last question then I hope not to bother you more .......


    Multichart i find here https://www.dropbox.com/s/essggts61nv7xfx/MC%208.rar

    Here i find your Owndata:


    and yesterday find version Tradestation 8.7 Build 3085.

    But readme says that the crack work offline , the version online does not exist?

  5. For Multicharts 8.


    Open quotemanager.


    Ctrl + Alt + K


    Add any desired symbol


    You need to have IB client installed.


    Regarding GS I have no idea.



    so it's perfect .... tks


    about GS I can only solve with metaserver for TWS , I asked around the forum but no one

  6. Why use Metaserver unless you are using Globalserver to feed Multicharts. You can directly feed MC Quotemanager thru DDE


    you're right! tks.


    I ask to you if you have a solution for my problem posed above.

  7. Hi seo74;


    The difference, is that x32 is for 32 bits, and x64 is for 64 bits system (in your PC).

    For connect Metaserver to Multicharts, search and look video in Multicharts.com web site, also for different datafeed. If you want connect MT4 to Multicharts, Metaserver is not necessary, is possible to connect directly.

    I recommend that read all this thread.


    tks much!


    I use IB (TWS) as datafeed.

    Then I take the data with EXCELL of TWS DDE -> Metaserver for DDE -> GLOBALSERVER.

    I know it is very cumbersome but I do not have metaserver for IB-TWS. You have a version of metaserver for IB-TWS with crack?


    and now I want to connect MULTICHART directly with IB, but it is understood that it is not necessary DDE but directly with the IB API, as seen on the video multichart.com


    Finally, I would like to provide data from TWS directly to GS and MC as simple as possible.


    All are most welcome advice.

    Sorry for my english


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