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Posts posted by wildeazoscar







    sd = ParamDate("Input Date","2012-02-14",0);

    st=ParamTime("input time","1:44",0);

    dn = DateNum();



    start = dn == sd AND tn==st;




    mp = ParamField("Price field",-1);


    PV1= ***(mp * V);

    CV1= ***( V );




    PV=PV1-ValueWhen(sd==dn AND tn==st,PV1,1);

    CV=CV1-ValueWhen(sd==dn AND tn==st,CV1,1);







    startloop=EndValue(ValueWhen(sd==dn AND tn==st,BarIndex(),1));







    for (j=startloop+1;j<endloop;j++)




    while (ET[j]>0 AND k==0)



    if (CV>ET[j])








    if (k==1)


































    Plot(TBF2,"PCT="+WriteVal(PCT,1.0)+"TBF",ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style") );





    (Coded in AMIBROKER by me)


    WORD OF CAUTION----- this is a very sophisticated tool pinpointing the end of a trending move and usually used either to book profits or to add positions------ do not use it without going through LEVINE's basic lessons on MIDAS ( freely available on web) and/or David Hawkins and Andrew Coles work

  2. MIDAS S/R for intraday charts (for UDC)




    sd = ParamDate("Input Date","2009-11-06",0);

    st=ParamTime("input time","9:30",0);

    dn = DateNum();



    start = dn == sd AND tn==st;


    mp = ParamField("Price field",-1);


    PV = mp * V;

    CV = ***( V );

    VSS = CV - ValueWhen( start, CV );


    denom = IIf( VSS == 0, 1, VSS );

    num = ***( PV ) - ValueWhen( start, ***( PV ) );


    M = IIf( BarsSince( start ), num/denom, mp );





    Plot( m, "Midas", ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style") );



    (Code in AMIBROKER by me)


    There are specific launch points of MIDAS, however----- do not try them arbitrarily, though they may seem magical in catching tops and bottoms

  3. Dr. ELDER meets SLOMAN


    Let me point out the beauty of combining strategies------


    This one is giving almost 80% reliable signals and profit-loss ratio of 5:1


    First of all identify a trending market in longer time frame (Let us say, daily)



    1. MARKET TRENDING in Daily frame------ i.e. BTX1> its MA (in DAILY CHARTS)

    2. Trend Direction ------ if UP, the TXPOS in BTX2 must be above its own MA and TXNEG in BTX2 must be below its own MA ( in DAILY FRAME)----- to make signals even more reliable, add a filter so that the Lower Band of TXPOS is greater than lower band of TXNEG in daily frame ( The beauty of BTX is such scenarios are in abundance, unlike its arbitrary ADX counterpart)


    ENTRY SETUP IN LOWER FRAME(i.e. HOURLY)----only long discussed

    1. Let prices test out the extreme of the lower band of the NMA (Reg) in hourly frame

    2. Let price violate the STX Stop in daily frame

    3. However, let price either remain over the NMA(REG) of the Daily Frame or let the NMA(REG) and NMA (fast) be bullishly alligned in daily frame

    4. Let the Kiss of Life appear in hourly frame

    5. Trade the bottom test (where the SL is also placed) without waiting for a cross kiss

    3. Use the third up move in a fifteen minute time frame to take profits if you are not stopped out

  4. UDC


    I am ready to transfer my platform to metatrader but for a problem.



    I arrange my own data directly downloaded from exchange ( the split adjustments done manually) and store them as CSV files in a folder. Is there any way to incorporate an offline database in Metatrader from a folder containing CSV files? I searched a lot but did not find the answer to that.


    I would start by posting my codes of MIDAS over in AMIBROKER, and once translated, I think decoding mt4 would be easier for me.


    STX is terribly interesting as it is incorporated in Ocean. What I hinted was the basic logic was developed by Cynthia Kase in her path breaking work in form of development stops----- that was the first dynamic approach that was initiated in Hurst's studies-----

  5. UDC-----


    Thanks for all the explanation.


    I would certainly get a primer on C and try check out the logic behind NDX/NST and NXC.


    Now comes the tough part.


    NMC and NMC2 is supposed to trace back the countertrend to the end (ZH or first Cross Kiss) non-arbtrarily----- primarily------ What keeps me ticking is why should it do that ( i mean from the way it is programmed)---- especially since we know the counter-trend reactions are not designated to end on basis of the trend strength or the time count----- but instead depends on the volume that is supposed to be expedited till the traders in the main trend are in locked in profit------


    However, I find that NMC and NMC2 zero hits in higher time frames can be traded perfectly in lower frames and as such are excellent measures ( dunno how sloman even came up with the thought----- I mean what is the counterpart of the Physics Law)


    I identified the Logic behind STX calculation----- it is simply an extension of Cynthia Kase Stops and as such is not very original


    But again, I am at loss at how the BTX is programmed ( I mean how does he measure the Trend Non-Arbitrarily)----- can you please ponder a bit and find out exactly what the BTX1 and BTX2 calculation is doing?




    As many would remember----- Patt in one of the last few videos said he did not want "The Kiss of Death" and of Life( i coined the later) to remain on the tape------ Moreover, he insisted that Top and Bottoms should not be traded------


    However, in a higher time frame down trend mode, The Kiss of Death can be blindly traded without any ZH or Cross Kiss------ Extra cautious guys may simply add a MIDAS Support breakdown or Burning out of the LEVIN TOPFINDER ( I have both programmed by me, but alas, for AMIBROKER)---- That way one can incorporate the two best available tools in a single arsenal----- am also thinking of combining the Pristine Setups (Of Greg Capra) in one timeframe, Ocean in one and MIDAS in the other------ any ideas?

  6. UDC-----


    You indeed are "The good samaritan"


    I can fix up the NMA(fast) logic myself


    Would you be kind enough to explain the NMC ( am again at a loss at how it is programmed) and the three bounded Tools (i.e. NDX, NST and NXC)


    I do not think you found the logic behind either STX or the BTX ( I would try to find the logic that makes the ADX non-arbitrary after i grasp the codes)


    Do check the BTX and STX uses in Ocean Pro Charts ( manyblessings has them for Copper ----- it is a natural extension of Schabbe's work on ADX)


    Lastly, do u have any inkling about the way they set up the STX3 and shadow line, the STX7 and the Component4 ? ( it is the Oceanmasters tool)------ once the STX is decoded, i think we can make a go for that


    Thanks again for your selfless help

  7. Thanks Sixer for your kind PM.


    But I was not referring to the OCEANPLUS Indicators (i.e. the BTX and the STX). It was the OCEAN PRO Indicators (STX3 and Shadow Line, Component4 Line and STX7) as illustrated by Patt in the Youtube Videos called "Ocean Software Studies" ( 12 of them , all uploaded by OCEAN BLUE)


    UDC did a fabulous job here. Just for poor guys like me who are hooked to AMIBROKER, can the Basic Logic of Indicators statring from NMA( Regular) be posted in plain English. I found the book as well as lectures to be ok with programming Ocen Indices, NMM and NMR. After that the book is very sketchy on NMA, and the video does not have a clue on how the NMA is built.

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