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Posts posted by wildeazoscar

  1. Any place which hosts all the guppy videos with workbooks?


    I have the Better Trading with GMMA, Trend Volatility Trading and the Catch the Bounce-----


    Badly in need of 1.Precision Pattern,2. Darvas Box, 3.Guppy Theory Stuff and Risk, Position Sizing and Stoploss


    All of them were in the forum earlier but the links got dead-----


    Pray someone is kind enough to reupload

  2. At Last-----


    The TRIPLE STX------- it is a combination of the STX with differing dials ( one following markets very fast, the other very slow)


    The Rainbow ----- NST, NXC and NDX in same frame----- There is a trick of involving the NST and NDX to deliver the MA, which i am yet to decipher


    The Customised rainbow ( to show trend exhaustion)----- same with the inputs as false


    Remaining ones----- 1.The Shadow line ( is it the ZURICH or the TEMA?)

    2. STX7

    3.BTX 4 with their SD and MA


    Anyone got hold of the Ocean Plus Webinars and the Professional Ocean Webinars that Patt came out with? They are a marvel as they show how to pick stocks using Ocean Indicators ( completely untouched earlier)

  3. The Derived Indicator is fine to be included in a trading Arsenal provided it has a trade initiation indicator


    I can think of two such which you may care to include (Again, I do not believe in reading patterns through a program as I believe in human judgement)


    1. Maximum number of cumulative consecutive failures in favour of such swings ( it may be directional, in which case you have the trade direction or non-directional in case of which you have a Breakout on either side)

    2. A failure just at the completion of a Wave5 after completion of a larger TF Wave4 ( to add more cream, you can add one more completion of a Mega TF Wave4)

  4. UDC----


    Let me refrain from posting about Forex markets because what I feel is it is leading no one no where.


    I would just correct you on your views as in: " You somehow seem to believe that making a profitable trade means "to rip the riches" or in other words that to make money means that someone else looses money"


    You essentially read what was never there. What I meant was "Ripping of the riches" that is inherent in the strategy. It is the primary thing any successful trader does. Let me point it out in a clearer fashion. Every strategy has a drawdown period. To convert a strategy ( any strategy rather), you should start employing it under a heavy drawdown. For example, a trend following strategy has a drawdown during the trading range. Inherently it "Rips off riches(Riches of the strategy that is)" only after it has encountered a heavy drawdown. Trading is nothing more than a calculated gambling in which you know how to count your cards and read the tales of the market. ( Tale as in Poker Tale). If you never tried this go ahead and program it over. Check if a MA crossover performs better or not after it has failed say six or seven times. And at such positions martingaling is a Trader's delight. These are the ways to trade and has nothing to do with your trading education


    Regarding that multi-millionaire and multi-billionaire part you again missed my point. I said that 100% return is cakewalk where the upper limit of the fund is capped off. You can never win more than funds simply because they have the monetary power to outbid you in the long run. Say doubling 10000 dollars in equity market every month is cakewalk, doubling 100000 dollars needs a lot of expertise in equity market and doubling 1000000 dollars in equity market every month Just Not Possible. And I never took what you said in personal vain coz I left my ego back as i evolved as a trader. A successful trader is essentially fiercely independent and devoid of ego.


    And I never said people should stop doing useful things that should contribute to the human civilization and turn into professional traders. But just ask yourself if you would not have loved to trade and sustain and develop software at leisure rather than having it the other way around.



  5. UDC------


    Just a curious query.


    I mean why don't you consider yourself a trader?


    With your level of skills and restraint, if you can carry it to the market, you can earn all you need from the market and do whatever you like with your life.


    Let me know of your weaknesses as a TRADER ( i know it is a very horrid thought to come out with something like that to someone unknown) and let me check how fast you can get over them.



  6. UDC------


    I only wanted to point out why i do not trade FOREX.


    As a trader, i had my bad days. And at the end I realised that rather than relying more upon strategies, if people are more concerned about their way of trading, it makes their day.


    For example, say in the ocean theory, if one wants to blindly trade ZH and nothing else, all he needs to do is to find out the stock from the entire gamut he observes, and simply find out that stock which has produced the maximum number of consecutive bad trades. Then he should start martingaling and rip the riches.


    Actually, what i feel is with a preliminary knowledge of trading, and a disciplined way to trade , 100% return per month is cakewalk. ( I know i would have people laughing thinking it as absurd, so let me point out the two iron disciplines involved----- you do not trade with a very big fund and rather than developing strategies, you learn how to use it).


    Regarding FOREX, I should be pointing out, that the main market is determined through players who are no way related to Trading or Investment. To trade in an equity-FO market, i would consider someone with 1000 dollars perfectly equipped.


    For trading anything more than 10000 dollars, one should shift to commodities.


    For trading FOREX, one should begin with a minimum capital of 100000 dollars ( again, i am posting this beyond my knowledge, just calculated on a three currency study, that too a very basic one)


    For me, doubling of 100000 dollars a month is an idea which leaves me in cold sweat.


    I belong to a country where 1000 dollars per month is considered to be beyond imagination of 95% of the population.


    And no need to get angry. Just tell me a basic thing. Are the people who are trying to get in the forex market actually able to earn 15-20% even on a consistent basis from the Equity-Futures market.


    Just do a back check and let me know how many people who are trading very successfully in Equity and Commodities getting involved in FOREX market.


    Now, let me point out a few positive things about the FOREX market.


    1. It is the only market where the regular technical analysis tools fail, and they fail miserably. For example, any trade needs to be initiated in any market that is TRADED physically (i.e. with a volume) , which FOREX is not is loved by professionals at periods of dried up volatility. The few forex charts I checked in my life were enough to negate my views that low volatility begets high volatility holds in FOREX market. The three basics laws of physics ( namely Newtonian mechanics, Theory of Relativity and Law of Conservation of Mass and Energy which are held in equities and commodities market are more violated than held in FOREX markets). This is an inherent weakness of FOREX market which is actually its biggest strength.


    2. Someone who is involved with the financial Industry ( who is obviously not a trader, but rather a fund manager or sort of----- the difference being a TRADER is independent and needs to work the least, to start with) needs to allocate huge amounts to a large number of markets. They essentially need to do an Intermarket Analysis involving all the Global Markets ( such analysis is very favorite of Traders, especially in the Golf Course or at the Bridge table, but I never found one who actually trades beyond doing such analysis. I personally can add here that the father figure of Intermarket Analysis John Murphy never traded beyond futures and commodities). Now, with an access to the Forex market, a sufficiently large fund may virtually assure that it would never get down below a certain percentage of their original value, simply by buying commodities at floors and selling them at ceilings and hedging out their positions through the Exchange related spreads. Spread trading and getting a decent return against a very big fund is the biggest merit of FOREX market. ( In equity market, however, it is going to kill you sooner or later, either through inflation or through uncontrollable volatility during price drops, which every economy witnesses).


    3. Forex market is a trader's delight for a research work. Almost all my fellow traders, who are away from the market apart from the earnings season actively try to model out the perfect FX trading strategy. But then again, I never find them bold enough to trade FOREX, in spite of earning whatever they need from the market.


    Please do not feel antagonized as I am putting across my views as a person who is happy and content with what the market offers and all I need is to minimise the time spent behind markets to earn my lifestyle.


    ( And I never really checked that this forum is about FOREX traders, so really sorry if I offended people that way)



  7. UDC-------


    " as long as the broker (or "broker") pays"


    Am not very sure about that and that is the reason i call them bucket/pawn shops (Dr. Elder was the first one to point that out, though)


    As for another point, trading 24 hours market is tough for the trader---- who rips off profits on a sum that is not even .1% of a standard mutual fund.


    Volume traders like me, prefer to be away from Forex market, unless they are into realtime trading ( too much work, for most)


    I believe in a single principle----- work the least and earn the most-----


    Waiting for response to my email



  8. UDC----


    Trading FOREX has an inherent pitfall. The brokers out there are merely bucket/pawn shops and offer obscene level of leverage. It is a market in which the retail players can RARELY MAKE MONEY, leave alone a fortune by trend trading. You need to calculate all kind of hedges and slowly start trading like a fund manager ( which essentially means the death of an independent trader). An independent trader rarely plays with a very big portfolio, but consistently gets his bread and butter and hits more home runs than he needs. It is physically impossible to do so in a 24-hour market. (I may sound very prejudiced, but go back to Dr. Elder's book and read about the FOREX market. Combine it with Sloman's views available with STX timeframe in manyblessings where he clearly prefers a human over a machine for trading purposes)


    As regards the data----- i am mailing it outright.


    Regarding screenshots I am sending them over for MIDAS, but kindly do not use them for trading purposes as their launch points are VERY VERY SPECIFIC.


    Regarding the afl...... you simply Copy Paste the parts within // and // and name the Indicators suitably


    If it is at all possible, do translate a few Ocean Indicators in AFL. As i hate to write programs ( though i need to do with absolutely virgin ideas, I would love to incorporate the OCEAN INDICATORS in AMIBROKER


    P.S.:--- Am using VIRTUALBOX and finding it much superior to VMWARE. Any one experienced in using PARALLEL

  9. UDC


    I can send you my offline data in your mail as an attachment


    No--- i do not analyse market on real time----- I use the hourly chart for determining my entry and exit points and simply modify them in my Client


    I basically day trade equities during the earnings season and invest in trades spanning from 3 months -2 years during the other period ( in case of investments, I do not use anything lower than daily time frame)


    AMIBROKER ( cracked version) is freely available in 4shared.com and other hosting sites------ kindly let me know if i should be sending you the link


    I am able to download data for the Exchange I trade from Google in Metatrader, but then again, it is for fifteen days only------ while my offline database has a provision for an year at least


    Accepting database from the broker is a strict no no for me as I consider myself , basically, a Volume Trader ( i.e. either my Screening or my entry or exit is guided by volume----- the other two being controlled by Price pattern and Volatility models, to avoid multicolinearilty)----- as such AMIBROKER has a pretty fast looping procedure and I found it pretty easy to pick up its coding which is very akin to C


    The vendor's data, everywhere, has the basic problem of erroneous Volume Data ( as they can not distinguish between institutional and retail trades)------ in COMMODITIES market, i do not consider anything apart from the COT DATA supplied by CFTE worth considering ( as they reflect very narrow views of particular exchanges)------ again trading the COT DATA has a pitfall from a nation outside USA------ u must always keep an eye on the DOLLAR INDEX of the NATION you are trading from and adjust COMMODITY prices accordingly------ i personally remember a scenario when i shorted GOLD at an INTERNATIONAL MARKET TOP and was horrified to find the WORLD MARKET melt down but the Indian Market rally simply because of fall of INR



  10. Code for N-OBV





    sd = ParamDate("Input Date","2009-11-06",0);

    st=ParamTime("input time","9:30",0);

    dn = DateNum();



    start = dn == sd AND tn==st;


    mp = OBV();


    PV = OBV();

    CV = ***(1);

    VSS = CV - ValueWhen( start, CV );


    denom = IIf( VSS == 0, 1, VSS );

    num = ***( PV ) - ValueWhen( start, ***( PV ) );


    M = IIf( BarsSince( start ), num/denom, mp );


    startloop=EndValue(ValueWhen(dn == sd AND tn==st,BarIndex()));





    for (i=startloop+1;i<BarCount;i++)









    SDBANDU1=IIf( BarsSince( start ),M+SD,mp);

    SDBANDU2=IIf( BarsSince( start ),M+2*SD,mp);

    SDBANDU3=IIf( BarsSince( start ),M+3*SD,mp);

    SDBANDL1=IIf( BarsSince( start ),M-SD,mp);

    SDBANDL2=IIf( BarsSince( start ),M-2*SD,mp);

    SDBANDL3=IIf( BarsSince( start ),M-3*SD,mp);


    Plot( m, "n-obv", ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style") );



    (Coded by me for AMI)

  11. Dr. ELDER meets SLOMAN and they decide to listen to LEVINE's Advice


    1. Let a trend initiate in the longer time frame


    CONDITION----1. the TXPOS crosses over the TXNEG and the TXPOS crosses over its upper SDBAND and TXNEG crosses below its Lower SDBAND asking you to go long

    2. The BTX1 crosses over its upper SDBAND asking you to trade the first oppurtunity

    3. NMA(Fast) and NMA(reg) are bullishly aligned


    ENTRY------( keeping in mind the entry of ADAM THEORY) in Lower Time frame find a clearing of foothill pattern as detailed by LEVINE's Notes (Free on WEB)

    Initiate your trade at the first test of MIDAS SUPPORT and keep the previous Pivot Low as stop loss

    Be sure to plot the N-OBV(posting code below) and ensure that the VOLUME is driving in favour of the long trade ( I prefer to see a positive divergence at the last price low)


    EXIT------- once the trade fires off use the Topfinder to fit to a one degree lower Eliot Wave pullback than the one you are trading by incorporating the suitable volume

    Let the trade run till Topfinder boils down to 100%



    A very interesting observation


    COMBINE the BTX1 and BTX2 reading as follows in longer timeframe


    1. (i)BTX1 above its MA, and (ii) BTX1 rising , BTX2 TXPOS lower BAND>BTX2 TXNEG upper Band and (iii) BTX2 TXPOS>its MA and BTX2 TXNEG<its MA----- strong trend

    Initiate a trade in the lower frame ( as per Patts entry technique, not at a ZH but at the NMA(Fast) of daily frame and scalp till the previous high


    2.At least one but not all three conditions of 1 is fulfilled------ trend would resume

    Initiate a trade in the lower frame at a Kiss of Life (Kiss of death while shorting) at a zone above NMA(fast) or even NMA(Reg) of daily frames, provided they are aligned in favour of your trade

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