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    sutripta reacted to ⭐ Aurel88 in The Footprint Deep Dive is a 10 video   
    Hello everyone, I share 10 videos on Order flow (Market Delta Footprint Deep Dive)
    Thank you all for this site and all your sharing is great
  2. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ bomdila in Looking for Belkhayate VWAP   
    It's here if you are looking for this
  3. Like
    sutripta reacted to MojoRisin in A New Dawn   
    Just to confirm there has only been subtle changes for now, but an upgrade of the platform will be carried out ASAP. It will make it a much better experience all round.
    Once that?s done, I?ll look into your concern as it might automatically do it with the upgrade.
  4. Like
    sutripta reacted to MojoRisin in A New Dawn   
    Hi everyone, I'm Tommy the new forum owner and I'd first like to apologise for any disruptions. There might be a bit of data lost from yesterday, too, as I had to restore files to the previous day as connection was lost completely.
    We?re in the middle of updating the software as I?m sure you?re all well aware Indo is a bit dated. All being well we will be on a much newer platform very soon and with no more disruptions.
    Also, going forward, I?d like suggestions for how we could make Indo better. Any suggestion is appreciated and will be considered, even if it might take time to implement.
    Once again, sorry for any disruptions, and I look forward to your feedback.
  5. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ gadfly in Square 9 Calculator???   
    "Does anybody know anything about this?"
    Yes, the moral of the story is: Never let an engineer who has just consumed LSD near a computer.
  6. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ VON KRIEGER in Turtle Trading System (Strategy & Indicator)   
  7. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ VON KRIEGER in Turtle Trading System (Strategy & Indicator)   
    PineScript :-
    // To change this from a Strategy to a Indicator:-
    // 1) uncomment the next line and comment out the strategy line.
    // 2) at the end of the file comment out the last 2 lines
    // study(title="VonKrieger_Turtle_Indicator", overlay=true)
    strategy(title="VonKrieger_Turtle_Strategy", overlay=true, initial_capital=100000, default_qty_type=strategy.percent_of_equity, default_qty_value=10, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent, commission_value=0.1, pyramiding=5)
    stopInput = input(2.0, "Stop N", step=.5)
    pyramidInput = input(1, "Pyramid N", step=.5)
    l1LongInput = input(20, "L1 Long", minval=5)
    l2LongInput = input(55, "L2 Long", minval=5)
    l1LongExitInput = input (10, "L1 Long Exit", minval=5)
    l2LongExitInput = input (20, "L2 Long Exit", minval=5)
    FromYear = input(2000, "From Year", minval=1900), FromMonth = input(1, "From Month", minval=1, maxval=12), FromDay = input(1, "From Day", minval=1, maxval=31)
    ToYear = input(9999, "To Year", minval=1900), ToMonth = input(1, "To Month", minval=1, maxval=12), ToDay = input(1, "To Day", minval=1, maxval=31)
    FromDate = timestamp(FromYear, FromMonth, FromDay, 00, 00), ToDate = timestamp(ToYear, ToMonth, ToDay, 23, 59)
    TradeDateIsAllowed() => time >= FromDate and time <= ToDate
    l1Long = highest(l1LongInput)
    l1LongExit = lowest(l1LongExitInput)
    l2Long = highest(l2LongInput)
    l2LongExit = lowest(l2LongExitInput)
    bool win = false // tracks if last trade was winning trade of losing trade.
    float totalPrice = 0.0 // tracks total price, used for calculating avgPrice
    float buyPrice = 0.0 // tracks the buy price of the last long position.
    float avgPrice = 0.0 // tracks the avg price of all currently held long positions.
    float nextBuyPrice = 0.0 // tracks the next buy price
    float stopPrice = na // tracks the stop price
    int totalBuys = 0 // tracks the total # of pyramid buys
    bool inBuy = false // tracks if we are in a long position or not.
    float l1LongPlot = highest(l1LongInput) // tracks the L1 price to display
    float l2LongPlot = highest(l2LongInput) // tracks the L2 price to display
    float n = atr(14) // tracks the n used to calculate stops and pyramid buys
    string mode = 'L1' // tracks whether we are in a L1 position or L2 position.
    bool fake = na // tracks if this is a fake trade, see comments below.
    string longLevel = na // tracks where long positions, stops, pyramid buys occur.
    // by default use the last value from the previous bar.
    buyPrice := buyPrice[1]
    totalBuys := totalBuys[1]
    nextBuyPrice := nextBuyPrice[1]
    stopPrice := stopPrice[1]
    avgPrice := avgPrice[1]
    totalPrice := totalPrice[1]
    win := win[1]
    // State to track if we are in a long positon or not.
    inBuy := not inBuy[1] and (close > l1Long[1] or close > l2Long[1]) ? true : inBuy[1]
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice ? false : inBuy
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' and close < l1LongExit[1] ? false : inBuy
    inBuy := inBuy[1] and mode[1] == 'L2' and close < l2LongExit[1] ? false : inBuy
    // State to track if we are ia a fake trade. If the last trade was a winning, we need to skip the next trade.
    // We still track it though as a fake trade (not counted against us). as the outcome determines if we can
    // can take the next trade.
    fake := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and win[1] ? true : fake[1]
    fake := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and not win[1] ? false : fake
    fake := close > l2Long[1] ? false : fake
    // Series representing the l1 and l2 levels. If we break out above the l1 or l2 level, we want the
    // line to stay at the breakout level, not follow it up.
    l1LongPlot := iff(not inBuy or (inBuy and mode == 'L1' and fake),l1Long[1],l1LongPlot[1])
    l2LongPlot := iff(not inBuy or (inBuy and mode == 'L1' and fake),l2Long[1],l2LongPlot[1])
    // Variable in the series is only set when it happens. Possible values is L1, L2, SR
    // (stopped out with a loss), SG (exited with a gain), and 'P' for pyramid buy.
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] ? 'L1' : na
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l2Long[1] ? 'L2' : longLevel
    longLevel := not inBuy[1] and close > l1Long[1] and close > l2Long[1] and fake ? 'L2' : longLevel
    // longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] != 'L2' ? 'L2' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' ? na : longLevel // don't switch to L2 if we are already in a L1
    longLevel := longLevel == na and close > l2Long[1] and mode[1] == 'L1' and fake[1] ? 'L2' : longLevel
    // Either 'L1' or 'L2' depending on what breakout level we are in.
    mode := longLevel == na ? mode[1] : longLevel
    // Variables to track calculating avgPrice and nextBuyPrice for pyramiding.
    if longLevel == 'L1' or longLevel == 'L2'
    buyPrice = close
    totalBuys := 1
    totalPrice := close
    avgPrice := buyPrice
    stopPrice := close - (stopInput*n)
    nextBuyPrice := high + (pyramidInput*n)
    // Marks if we hit our next buy price, if so mark it with a 'P'
    longLevel := inBuy[1] and close > nextBuyPrice and TradeDateIsAllowed() and totalBuys < 5 ? 'P' : longLevel
    if longLevel == 'P'
    buyPrice = close
    totalBuys := totalBuys[1] + 1
    totalPrice := totalPrice[1] + buyPrice
    avgPrice := totalPrice / totalBuys
    stopPrice := close - (stopInput*n)
    nextBuyPrice := high + (pyramidInput*n)
    // Tracks stops and exits, marking them with SG or SR
    longLevel := longLevel == na and inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and inBuy[1] and close < stopPrice and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L1' and inBuy[1] and (close < l1LongExit[1]) and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L2' and inBuy[1] and (close < l2LongExit[1]) and close >= avgPrice ? 'SG' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L1' and inBuy[1] and (close < l1LongExit[1]) and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    longLevel := longLevel == na and mode[1] == 'L2' and inBuy[1] and (close < l2LongExit[1]) and close < avgPrice ? 'SR' : longLevel
    // Tracks if the trade was a win or loss.
    win := longLevel == 'SG' ? true : win
    win := longLevel == 'SR' ? false : win
    // Variables used to tell strategy when to enter/exit trade.
    enterLong = (longLevel == 'L1' or longLevel == 'L2' or longLevel == 'P') and not fake and TradeDateIsAllowed()
    exitLong = (longLevel == 'SG' or longLevel == 'SR') and not fake and TradeDateIsAllowed()
    p1 = plot(l1LongPlot, title="l1 long", linewidth=3, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.green)
    p2 = plot(l1LongExit[1], title="l1 exit", linewidth=3, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.red)
    p3 = plot(l2LongPlot, title="l2 long", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.green)
    p4 = plot(l2LongExit[1], title="l2 exit", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_stepline, color=color.red)
    color1 = color.new(color.black, 0)
    color2 = color.new(color.black, 100)
    col= (inBuy) ? color1 : color2
    p5 = plot(stopPrice, title="stop", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_circles, join=true, color=col)
    p6 = plot(nextBuyPrice, title="next buy", linewidth=2, style=plot.style_circles, join=true, color=col)
    fill(p1, p3, color=color.green)
    fill(p2, p4, color=color.red)
    plotshape(longLevel == 'L1' and not fake ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L1") // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(fake and longLevel == 'L1' ? true : false, color=color.gray, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L1") // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape((mode == 'L2' or (mode == 'L1' and not fake)) and longLevel == 'P' ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text='P') // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(mode == 'L1' and fake and longLevel == 'P' ? true : false, color=color.gray, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text='P') // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotshape(longLevel == 'L2' ? true : false, color=color.green, transp=40, style=shape.triangleup, text="L2") // up arrow for entering L2 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'L1' ? 1 : 0, colordown=color.black, colorup=color.green, transp=40) // up arrow for entering L1 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'L2' ? 1 : 0, colordown=color.black, colorup=color.green, transp=40) // up arrow for entering L2 trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'SR' ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.red, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for losing trade
    plotarrow(longLevel == 'SG' ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.green, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for winning trade
    // plotarrow(win ? -1 : 0, colordown=color.yellow, colorup=color.purple, transp=40) // down arrow for winning trade
    // plotshape(inBuy[1], color=color.blue, transp=40, text='X') // down arrow for winning trade
    // label.new(bar_index, high, style=label.style_none, text=longLevel)
    alertcondition(low < stopPrice, title="crosses under stop price", message="price crossed under stop price")
    alertcondition(high > l1Long, title="crosses over L1 price", message="price crossed over L1 price")
    alertcondition(high > l2Long, title="crosses over L2 price", message="price crossed over L2 price")
    alertcondition(low < l1LongExit, title="crosses under L1 exit price", message="price crossed under L1 exit price")
    alertcondition(low < l2LongExit, title="crosses under L2 exit price", message="price crossed under L2 exit price")
    strategy.entry("long", strategy.long, comment='long', when=enterLong)
    strategy.close("long", when=exitLong)
  8. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ gadfly in Target Hunter   
    It's nothing special, vwap and pivot indicators. Vallieres is a good salesman, this is the third different trading system he's promoted in the last year, what does that tell you?
    P.S. - I can upload the Target Hunter indicators for TOS and Trading View if anyone is interested, I don't have the course videos.
  9. Like
    sutripta reacted to Traderbeauty in good news- our forum is NOT closing down   
    Hello Everyone
    As you all know our forum was sold and the new owner just took over.
    He has NO PLANS to close down the forum or make any major changes.
    GROUP BUYS are BACK with his permission ( yeeeehaaa - thank you Tommy ).
    I will try to un-delete the previous thread but if i cannot then i will create a new section within the next day.
    The new owner is looking for ideas to make indo better, more interesting and successful.
    I will create a new section for ideas.
    Thank you all, i know that many of you were concerned.
    take care
  10. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ gadfly in Order Flow Insiders Class   
    Order Flow Insiders (Fulcrum Trader) Small Account Trader Class:
  11. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ ESVepara in Order Flow Courses [Big Share]   
    May thanks for sharing incomeback / ootl10.
    Link Deleted - ootl10 has a complete course link below.
  12. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ VON KRIEGER in Logical Trading   
    depends on how u want to approach market... even if u master simple candlesticks breakout and confirm it with ossciliator , say there is triangle breakout and rsi above 50 , adx about 25, then buy it at 20ma pullback and ride the trend , simple !
    easier said then done ! , you need practise thats all :)
  13. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ option trader in High performance Trader by Vishal malkan   
    nothing special in the downloaded materiel , 90% is Advertisement about him..10% is common trading things.
    No use..
    Happy Trading
  14. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ saig064 in Pro Masters Subhadip Nandy’s Scalping (Money control Pro)   
    Pro Masters Subhadip Nandy’s Scalping (Money control Pro)
    twitter id -
    https://[email protected]/file/AMADFQxK#IKvJcSs7NJi_76g5sq5kzGpbVZcHEGYPTwYW3k4a4wk
  15. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ saig064 in banknifty option scalping course by Swapnaja Sharma   
    banknifty option scalping course by Swapnaja Sharma
    download link -
    https://[email protected]/folder/JYg2QQZZ#joQseqcB51gZkRmPGCLLPg
  16. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ VON KRIEGER in Logical Trading   
    Hi Forks,
    I just wanted to share the trading method which is working for me.
    Although I have tried many techniques like Market Profile , Point and Figure , Volume Profile and I find logic of these techniques overlaps with what I'm using .
    So what am I using?
    I'm using Wyckoff , Wave And VSA
    Now the obvious question is what is that ?
    Before I answer it , just open any chart and add 50 moving average , you will find it's very easy to see what if price is above your MA then it's bullish and vice-versa for bearish.
    Maybe in other chart you will find that sometimes price goes above the MA then after sometime it come below it and continue going down instead of up , thus create traps etc ( whatever layman calls it)
    Maybe you will notice that price is moving back and forth of MA without making any real progress( not in trend)
    All these observations points out one thing , market is RANDON most of the time .
    But not all the time , so the obvious question is how to understand when market is not random.
    Now to remove the randomness , I use Wyckoff SCHMATICS to understand the script I'm trading is in which phase.
    Each phases provide us different Knowledge thus removing the total randomness but still some of it is there.
    In other works I use Wyckoff SCHMATICS to understand the structure and phases .
    Then comes Price itself , which is difficult if not impossible to read individually. So for that I look at them in terms of Waves.
    What is waves? , Well it's a one-sided movement of price until it turned otherwise.
    Why waves is important?
    Well one can gauge STRENGTH/WEAKNESS by comparing one wave to another ( just like we did in bar/histogram charts in elementary schools :P)
    For instance , You may have heard if price is making higher - high then it's in uptrend .
    But if you break that logic then what is means is that upwave is large as compare to down wave(thus making lower high) and new upwave is going above previous upwave (thus making higher high)
    Now with knowledge of structure I know whether I should look for long or short opportunity, waves strength/weakness confirm my BIAS to a extend.
    Then comes Volume , simple put I can Futher confirm my BIAS if volume is in favor of price direction or not . I.e if I'm assuming upmove then can I notice good volumes (which shows interest of smart money aka their participation)
    Or perhaps structure was showing me accumulation with good volume .
    Maybe I will CHEAT my way in with Delta Volume, or even better Cumulative Delta Volume to understand the true story.
    Volume is awesome thing, maybe I will even read volume of bar by bar to understand the current sentiment
    Now why I said it overlaps with Market Profile , Volume Profile , Point and Figure etc.
    Because all these tools are use to show you one thing that is STRUCTURE
    But hey we are 2 step ahead , we are looking at STRUCTURE, along with PRICE WAVE and VOLUME.
    "Be a Bull, Be a Bear, Don't be a Pig*""
    -Von Krieger
  17. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ VON KRIEGER in Break   
    Guys , pls avoid sending req to EDU this or that indicator.
    Currently I have educated many indicators (unfortunately thread for deleted) anyhow many of you have downloaded them.
    I'm planning to sit back and relax for 2 Month.
    Then I will educate the most demanding indicators including NextGen(90% work is already done) , Neurostreet Latest , Bell TPO 2021 S edition ( I'm waiting for setup but I should be able to get it soon), Ninja - Add-ons latest ( heard they are difficult so worth a try :P), MTPredictor latest(Thanks for setup Nadja) ( it's Easy to edu), Tieo One Trading , ,HPC , Also Optuma Enterprise Edition LATEST( already have it working but can't release due , crack is made by someone else I will seek her permission first)
    About forum is closing etc , I'm not exactly sure if forum(Indo-investasi) is gonna be shut down or now. For an alternative Admins can create Telegram Group or Better Discord Channel. I believe instead of any member creating it , if admins do it , it will be better. But that isn't necessary immediately once it's confirm that forum will be closed then admins can proceed with this plan.
    There is some hedge fund software PANOPTICON , I have received a request to educate this.. Somehow developer of this software is asking quite a hugeee amount.
    Although they provide Trial to hedge funds etc. I might be able to arrange their trial and perhaps educate it too , that will be a great gift to this communication, unfortunately it will be released for only HOF members.
    About other Reverse Engineers :-
    1)My Congratulations to Mateyboy , I have knows him from Reverse Engineers Forums , he is very dedicated to his work and it's great to see him break the Enigma Protections( Even I have to use help of LCT- Script or GGLoader to break till Enigma Version 5) , So it's a great achievement to break them without these tools.
    2)To RanjanAnand , I got all Bookmaps Add-ons also I have educated Bookmap Standalone) , Ping me on Telegram (you have my id) , I will forward them to you. Size is above 500mb so can't upload in temp upload sites.
    Also Great to see that you have BUILT YOUR OWN INDICATOR that is awesome and very helpful for beginners. So kudos on that :)
    If possible try educating Data Feeder like TrueData etc , indicators etc I will educate but server side education isn't my cup of tea.
    It will be great if you can educate data feeders.
    @Mateyboy, since you have crack Enigma , will it be possible for you to crack AligeDotNet? Let me know .
    Thanks all for reading this ( If you have read till end , you have my thanks :P)
  18. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ trader1968 in ABC123 NT8 indicators(new 30 day Trial)   
    Here is the latest, uneducated, but i believe it works with edu nt8 from what i remember
    Take care all and good trading
  19. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ gadfly in The Art and Science of Short Selling   
    New Links....
    Jeff Bierman -Art and Science of Short Selling -3/2018:
    Jeff Bierman - Implications of Technically Overbought and Oversold -7/2018:
    Jeff Bierman - Overbought/Oversold Tactical Hedging -2/2021:
    Don Kaufman - Guide To Shorting Stocks and Collecting Income:
  20. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ VON KRIEGER in NT8 - Fixed   
    Sit tight till month end, I will release something more interesting than NexGent3
  21. Like
    sutripta reacted to birdshoof in Req:   
    If the concern is with sharing certain material should we consider creating an invitation only telegram channel to share such things.
    Discussions can continue here as usual.
  22. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ VON KRIEGER in Req:   
    This is DAY TRADING ACADEMY indicator
    https://www49.zippyshare.com/v/MzJlFkud/file.html. Enjoy
  23. Like
    sutripta reacted to thanos in NT8 - Fixed   
    No PCID.
    v 80222.
  24. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ VON KRIEGER in Req:   
    Light blue cid
  25. Like
    sutripta reacted to ⭐ VON KRIEGER in Req:   
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