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    ⭐ klhk reacted to lululee in [Share] Pr0filetraders.com Market profile course   
    Hi All,
    Here is Pr0filetraders.com Market profile course probably one of the best in my view and also on other website, he has very good reviews, I just took the course and sharing it here with all my friends. I just opened the account with mega.nz...I will have to see if this link works.
  2. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from Spectral_Analyst in Looking for a good visual indicator that will show buy-sell pressure   
    dear admis, it's always great to have you to pull us back in reality, especially not to overlook certain crucial constraints that lead to unrealistic assumptions and inevitable financial losses. thank you so much!
  3. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from lbf4223 in ZeroLog Oscillator   
    nate, i think we all of us here do respect the discretion made by admis and admis did also hint the protection code is not strong, meaning an education can be carried out by some other else in a "straight-forward" way. Admis voiced out the discretion was simply being sincere and we do appreciate, as always, the contributions and generousity admis offered to this community. Same as we do to FatTails for what he has done to the NT community.
    There are many vendors in the market, some sell a tool, some sell a dream. A good salesman can sell a tool like a dream but it's unrealistic to sell hammer by telling the audience it's a way to be a michael angelo. An edu is a good way to find out the quality of the hammer, especially in cases when product information is sparse or free trials with full documentation are not provided. Why not just mention how a trend was mathematically defined rather than presenting a backtest result over the last few bull-run years?! A simple EMA system can do the same job.
    Afterall, there is one thing I am sure, at least for myself, I would not use an educated code for real money trading. I trust other people here do the same for it's fair to pay for the tool (no matter if it's money making or money losing, it's only a tool!). But before that, we have to invest time, resources to evaluate the product. These are our costs and most of the time, not an enjoyable journey indeed.
    I don't need the rolling feature of the VWAP (since such a big product differentiation was not even elaborated in the webinar) and I think, the 3 hour's investment in watching the different product presentation videos is suffice for me to conclude, the product is not for me, at least, for the time being. Instead, I would say NT should have these indis built in to the v9, if not v8...

  4. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from ⭐ flipper26 in ZeroLog Oscillator   
    nate, i think we all of us here do respect the discretion made by admis and admis did also hint the protection code is not strong, meaning an education can be carried out by some other else in a "straight-forward" way. Admis voiced out the discretion was simply being sincere and we do appreciate, as always, the contributions and generousity admis offered to this community. Same as we do to FatTails for what he has done to the NT community.
    There are many vendors in the market, some sell a tool, some sell a dream. A good salesman can sell a tool like a dream but it's unrealistic to sell hammer by telling the audience it's a way to be a michael angelo. An edu is a good way to find out the quality of the hammer, especially in cases when product information is sparse or free trials with full documentation are not provided. Why not just mention how a trend was mathematically defined rather than presenting a backtest result over the last few bull-run years?! A simple EMA system can do the same job.
    Afterall, there is one thing I am sure, at least for myself, I would not use an educated code for real money trading. I trust other people here do the same for it's fair to pay for the tool (no matter if it's money making or money losing, it's only a tool!). But before that, we have to invest time, resources to evaluate the product. These are our costs and most of the time, not an enjoyable journey indeed.
    I don't need the rolling feature of the VWAP (since such a big product differentiation was not even elaborated in the webinar) and I think, the 3 hour's investment in watching the different product presentation videos is suffice for me to conclude, the product is not for me, at least, for the time being. Instead, I would say NT should have these indis built in to the v9, if not v8...

  5. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from tradernate in ZeroLog Oscillator   
    nate, i think we all of us here do respect the discretion made by admis and admis did also hint the protection code is not strong, meaning an education can be carried out by some other else in a "straight-forward" way. Admis voiced out the discretion was simply being sincere and we do appreciate, as always, the contributions and generousity admis offered to this community. Same as we do to FatTails for what he has done to the NT community.
    There are many vendors in the market, some sell a tool, some sell a dream. A good salesman can sell a tool like a dream but it's unrealistic to sell hammer by telling the audience it's a way to be a michael angelo. An edu is a good way to find out the quality of the hammer, especially in cases when product information is sparse or free trials with full documentation are not provided. Why not just mention how a trend was mathematically defined rather than presenting a backtest result over the last few bull-run years?! A simple EMA system can do the same job.
    Afterall, there is one thing I am sure, at least for myself, I would not use an educated code for real money trading. I trust other people here do the same for it's fair to pay for the tool (no matter if it's money making or money losing, it's only a tool!). But before that, we have to invest time, resources to evaluate the product. These are our costs and most of the time, not an enjoyable journey indeed.
    I don't need the rolling feature of the VWAP (since such a big product differentiation was not even elaborated in the webinar) and I think, the 3 hour's investment in watching the different product presentation videos is suffice for me to conclude, the product is not for me, at least, for the time being. Instead, I would say NT should have these indis built in to the v9, if not v8...

  6. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from tradernate in ZeroLog Oscillator   
    well, thanks for the note.
    somehow, there are situations when a template is simply used as
    1. a vehicle to learn (the individual or specific settings)/understanding
    2. a way to gauage the value *claimed* by the vendor, depending on the sophiscation of the template
    3. a way to judge if the concerned product fits or not.
    The asking does not necssarily to imply to use it out of the box for "profit" making, ie, being lazy.
    as in this case, if you judge the template by simply refer to the talkings in the webinar or taking the face value of the logic board snapshot and claiming it can be created "quickly", i am afraid it's either an over-simplification or the $99 price tag is a bit exaggerated. i think the vendor should post the template free in order to let potential users to validate it's profit making claims in the webinar. not necessary a bloodhound template BUT the settings, the conditions how that backtest result was achieved. i don't have bloodhound but i believe people here who has the product are eager to help. otherwise, how could a potential customer buy in their product? simply by faith?
    anyway, thanks for reminding people the templates could be version specific...

  7. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to Brasco in Big Mike Trading Ninja indicators   
  8. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to ⭐ JDizzle22 in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    When "Rec: Format" is set to Binary (type of file to write to), Gomi will record data so you can use the true bid and ask data later (you must have write data set to true, otherwise the data will only be good until you refresh your chart). If you set Rec: Format to NinjaTickFile, it will use the built in Ninja database, which does not have bid and ask data.
  9. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to ⭐ flipper26 in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    @yamantaka, it is Gom Delta Volume.
  10. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to Traderbeauty in Traderbeauty Method for the ES.   
    Hello Friends
    Few words before I start.
    I will use the short H for HALLUCINATING.
    There is a reason why %97 of the traders lose money.
    If you think i make billions then you are H.If you think that I dont have losers then you are H.If you think that I will teach you everything I learned in 16 years and feed you with a spoon then H.
    If you think that this method is foolproof then you are H.But then on the good side- am I making money consistently -YES.Do I work very hard every day - YES.
    If you think that this method will give you a simple but- sell - hold then you are H.
    Bottom line - you have to work, learn, study , spend thousands of screen hours before you can trade live- but hey- this is just my humble opinion.
    Instead of one long post I will divide it into many short examples which makes life easier for me.If you read any of this then
    PRESS THE THANKS BUTTON , otherwise I have no other measure to know if anyone is interested.If I see a lot of interest then I will continue- if not then I will just stop, trust me- I have many other things to do over the weekend.
    I ask everyone to comment on every post and try to make it better.Please do not hesitate ;I appreciate every response.
    This is the first example- as you can see right after the market opened we had a lower low lower high - fibs were good so i was looking for a short. once i got a confirmation on the renko 1-1 i got in with few ticks stop. got out half at the double bottom and the rest right above last resistance of 16.25. That was not a bad trade- definitely not a loser.
    here is the full link because it seems that not all the details are in ///http://i.imgur.com/NqfoUyL.png////
  11. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from admis in Looking for a good visual indicator that will show buy-sell pressure   
    dear admis, it's always great to have you to pull us back in reality, especially not to overlook certain crucial constraints that lead to unrealistic assumptions and inevitable financial losses. thank you so much!
  12. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to admis in Looking for a good visual indicator that will show buy-sell pressure   
    Did you start to look for a Grail?... All over the world research are carried, worth millions $, to find this answer...
    Some basics and definitions:

    Reading many posts in the past I found, that quite a lot of members have an incorrect assumtions related to the datafeeds and trading software (in this case NT). Simply saying - too idealistic and optimistic in the comparison to the reality...Most of us (if not all) are on the retail level - for sure, not institutional level.
    IMHO, instead of trying to give you some hints, let's better start from reading the below stuff:
    First of all - I know, you're using IB datafeed, so pay attention:


    I'd like to quote here only a part from the A: link, but I encourage you to visit and read all of them:


  13. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to ⭐ zbear in Req Qwikpop 3dbox for crudeoil   
    Not sure if this is old or new, but it's what I have to share.
    Includes the following:
    KPNT30 1.zip
    KPNT30 2.zip
    KwikPop Links.docx

    KwikPopNT30_all.zip (52.01MB) Includes all the files below in 1 single file.
    KwikPopNT30_all.zip (52.01MB)
    KPNT30 2.zip (152.22KB)
    kpsonarsetup.exe (4.73MB)
    KwikPop Links.docx (13.01KB)
    Kwikpop.xml (41.41KB)
    kwikpopsetup.exe (32.13MB)
    BBBREF.zip (27.98KB)
    BBBSHEETS.zip (141.42KB)
    KPINDICATORS.pdf (19.38MB)
    KPNT30 1.zip (110.71KB)
  14. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to ⭐ zbear in REQ PF@ fully automated strat   
    Includes PFA Indicators, Automated Strategies, Templates, and Video Tutorials.
    Multiple Downloads
    Stop_Strategy_NinjaTrader_Edited.mp4 (21.56MB)
    PFA Strategy.zip (956.92KB)
    PFA Templates.zip (22.74KB)
    PFA_Zoning_3.0_Pro_Fixed.zip (69.55KB)
    PFAZoningMTF2.0.zip (13.44KB)
    SD_Automated_Trading_System_Not_the_settings1.mp4 (65.33MB)
    SD_Model_Strategy_Settings.mp4 (35.90MB)

  15. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to Gladiator858 in G0lde@n _one Tr@ding   
    Here are GZ SDVolumeZones, VelocityMOMO and GoldenFIBS - Needs to be educated! Thanks.
    Here are the manuals
  16. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to admis in (REQ)OFA Ninja Trader Full   
    OFAVPA is a customized version of AcmeVolumeProfileRange -(made by Gonzo)
    There you can read something more in details:
    btw: The release uploaded by lululee is not fully cleaned/educated...
    If Gonzo doesn't mind, here is the cured: https://www.sendspace.com/file/21tm3q
  17. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to admis in REQ: High % Trading Octopus ATS   
    I'm so glad, there is at last another member, who's willing to help our community in education! So, thank you sqeuta. Finally, I'll be able to spend more time on my own projects.
    If you don't mind, just one note: keep in mind, that many of II members has rather limited IT knowledge. Due to this fact, it's more comfortable way when the educated files are prepared in the standard zip package - ready to import from inside of NT.
    In the case of bars, usually I was trying to provide them in the source form to allow for customisation (bar types slots).
    Below is the zip package, ready to import from inside of NT) including the sources of hptBarsType (default slot: Final4):
    The binary package HptBarsTrialQ has to be removed and NT restarted - before importing the above sources.
    btw: Most of the renko bars available on the market are in fact a derivatives of RJay, UniRenko or Logik (forgive me, if I missed somebody or something). In the case of the current release of HPT, actually we get the UniRenko.
  18. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from newbie0101 in : D ( REQ) educated this indicator   
    Thanks a lot admis, I admire you! Your generosity, your skills, your helpfulness and your consistency... you are a treasure! If there's any indicator that truely works, it surely names **admis**!!
  19. Like
    ⭐ klhk got a reaction from admis in : D ( REQ) educated this indicator   
    Thanks a lot admis, I admire you! Your generosity, your skills, your helpfulness and your consistency... you are a treasure! If there's any indicator that truely works, it surely names **admis**!!
  20. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to admis in : D ( REQ) educated this indicator   
    Yeah, tough task... It's made by a French coder (a freak about the protections). I'm tempted to try, but it's a pity, I have not too much time...
    In your package there was also the PivotSniffer (a classic, simple protection).
    Here is the edu: https://www.sendspace.com/file/we6m84
  21. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to profile in Visual Vtrader sem Patch{   
    Please restrict the creation of new threads. There are already so many duplicate threads here.
  22. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to CashManic in Felton Trading Supreme Deluxe system   
    Well done klhk. You are the exception to the norm. Most people see that it's 120 mins of old man Felton's voice and don't even bother.That's why Roger Felton was pleading with his students and trial members of BMT(back then) to properly study the vids as Felton has a steep learning curve.
  23. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to CashManic in Felton Trading Supreme Deluxe system   
    FeltonEdu.zip (533.44KB)
    Here are admis and sgueta educated files.A great many thanks to them
  24. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to CashManic in Felton Trading Supreme Deluxe system   
    Firstly thanks to admis and sgueta for all their help in educating the Felton Deluxe system! Very generous of them indeed. As promised here are the Felton Video tutorials, their most recent Course in pdf and other descriptive videos of the Supreme Deluxe.
    I must say that the Felton systems have a steep learning curve and requires concentration and screen time,that many are not prepared to put up with.It's a pity because Roger has already warned that if you only skip over the basics,you are gonna feel shortchanged.
    FT Course Manual.pdf (4.96MB)
    consists of the FT Course in pdf.
    FeltonTradingtheIndicatorsVideos.zip (224.91MB)
    consists of
    Video Trading the Indicators Roger Felton Number 1.mp4
    Video Trading the Indicators Roger Felton Number 2.mp4
    FeltonTradingtheIndicatorsVideos2.zip (234.96MB)
    consists of
    Video Trading the Indicators Roger Felton Number 3.mp4
    Video Trading the Indicators Roger Felton Number 4.mp4
    IndicatorswavsandUserGuidepdf.zip (59.42MB)
    consists of
    Deluxe Long.wav
    Deluxe Short.wav
    Supreme Deluxe Users Guide.pdf
    Video Indicator Descriptions.mp4
    Deluxe Long and Short wavs goes to Program Files,Ninjatrader 7,sounds dir.
    Thanks and Cheers,:)
  25. Like
    ⭐ klhk reacted to admis in Renk0m3ter   
    Thanks Cash for a nice words. ;)
    The Edu:
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