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Everything posted by klhk

  1. Has anyone received a Ninjatrader 8.1 update from Jhon?
  2. i would also suggest to take a look on the followings, both from capstone as well, no hwid, with source codes https://clubbingbuy.com/threads/algorithmic-trading-systems-member-area.15354/ https://clubbingbuy.com/threads/seven-trading-systems-members-area.15355/
  3. don't know why, I no longer be able to 1. LIKE a post (click on the heart icon doe not work) 2. see the + and Quote button 3. go into this field to make a reply using 32-bit firefox
  4. everyone should be vigilant when people show their Profit due to buying 7 contracts in each trade. it's exaggerated for 7 times!!!!
  5. Very excited to see the new forum layout. Very modern and fantastic. No need to suffer those unformatted text!!! Great work and thanks to admin! 🙂
  6. thank you mr gadfly! you are always helpful and generous!
  7. up! for those who are interested, join this at a very good price hxxps://clubbingbuy.com/threads/all-6-courses-all-institutional-trading-ebooks.12014/
  8. if possible, could anyone provide a screenshot of stuff available? I want to know how rare they are to justify the membership cost. Thanks for your help!
  9. the indo web site has been very messy for a period of time, ever since the change of ownership. all pages cannot be formatted correctly and there is a buggy script running behind. I simply hope the admin could change it back to the former clean and neat format. BTW, all the advertisements are not displayed on my firefox, even if i config it to unblock everything...
  10. should be great if anyone could help to re-up... TIA
  11. I've been unable to find the slides. @gadfly thank you sir!
  12. expired, could anyone reup please? thanks in advance!
  13. hi, any chance to reup? expired. TIA!
  14. @birdshoof thanks a lot for your help! much appreciated!
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