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Posts posted by SureshAbhey

  1. NEVER surprises me how flocks of people keep chasing and searching for the Holy Grail, why they posses it already and don't seem to know where it is.


    There is NO EA out there that can replace what to look for when taking a trade.


    ......and YES, I run Entropy on my PC, but so far it has not outsmarted my method of trading.


    It must be nice to be "Yoda The Savant" mr. freddy and Im happy for you that you possess the secrets of the signs and the numbers, but for the rest of us who can use a edge in our trading Entropy is a secret weapon

  2. Hi !

    How can it use ? Please let me known !


    Thank a lot


    Not sure why this Goiler thing is posted here in this Entropy topic but it has nothing to do with Entropy. In fact it looks useless to me just like every other indictator. It is late in the day Monday here on my first live day of trading Entropy and I have 3 open trades all in the green for a total of 154 pips.

  3. "When processing your PayPal transaction, please indicate your name and any live MT4 accounts that you’d like to have the Expert Advisors authorized for."


    Which details are required regards the mt4 accounts? Broker, acc. numbers ?


    Bluto does offer several other MT4 EA's to members and if you want to run them live then you have to provide your live MT4 account numbers that all. If you dont want to at first thats ok, plus you can always let him know later. Entropy doesn;t use any security stuff on it for now but it probably will later. Entropy is not an EA though, it only uses the price feed from MT4 to determine the signals and then it sends order requests to an MT4 order proceesing EA only for the signals you choose. It's a seperate windows app that runs on your pc separate from your MT4 but it works with the MT4.

  4. I wonder why there is no myfxbook results for any of bluto's EAs...



    1. The ea's are private to FXAW members. the members know whats what and thats all that matters.

    2. He's not out to prove anything or sell anything at least commercially. The ea's and systems arent for sale. You only get them as a member.

  5. to jm & suresh....so your daily routine is just to wait for signals from that Entropy guy ...am I right?




    The way it works right now is this - when you join FXAW, you get the Entropy Signal Client windows app. The app receives any new trade signals for all currency pairs and TFs M5 - D1 every five minutes. The signals come from FXAW servers. You trade these manual right now but in a week or so Bluto will release the MT4 EA bot that automatic trades the signals. Last, bluto will release a "fat client" version of Entropy that runs on your own pc and gets price feed from your own MT4 so you dont need to receive signals from FXAW servers unless you still want to. Manual trading the signals is really easy that even a pet monkey could do it. BUT - those signals are the grail. I swear by this. No indicator or method or ea or anything I have seen is this good at those signals. But - when you read on the forum how bluto processes the price data with neural nets and baysian quantum algos and all of the unusual stuff, its like nothing you have ever seen. Im an engineering Phd student and it makes my head spin. Well I hope that helps.

  6. People, this jmsaffron is a master at Entropy trading. You should see his stuff on the FXAW site. I will say though that this is the easiest and best system I have ever seen. In a short week or so I have been trading all the H4 signals and a few H1 too. Bluto (the owner of FXAW and Entropy) likes H4 and D1 and says the H4 are the "sweet spots" but the H1 and M30 can be lucritive too. If you follow just some simple rules it's crazy good and that is not spam or lies or anything untrue. I have made pips after pips and just about every signal wins the basic TP the signal gives you and much more. I will say again good people that I dont know how much longer this system can be gotten because I bet the doors are going to close because of too many people wanting in but if you ever wanted a system that works this is it my brothers and sisters. On Monday I will go live with my $1k MIG. This is all my money left and I am confident and hopeful I can send some good money home if everything works out.
  7. Why so much hate here? I thought "sharing" also meant trying to help each other to win in trading? This is what I think -


    dannydon - dude you don't have a leg to stand on. If you ask me I think your just mad coz u can't get a free copy of Entropy. I looked at all your posts and all you do is bring more and more **** EAs here to this forum. how many have made any money? none I bet. I think your threatened by jmsaffron that's what I think. You want to be the big cheez around here and you could care less if any members here make any money. You just want to be the "Free **** EA King" and get lots of Thanks points. Last - you have no proof that Entropy is a scam. None! It is not a ripoff of some FxAgency or whatever. Not even close. Since I join FXAW I will telly you and everone here this system is new and unique. And it WINS. I am a college student with barely money to eat but I took a jump of faith and paid the small fee for Entropy and now I can stop looking.


    dannydon you need to shut your big fat mouth until you can bring some real proof here of what you say otherwise you just look like a ****** fool everone knows you are.


    If anyone here wants to know the real deal about Entropy you can pm me or send me an emaill. I am not selling it or get any money but I cant stand haters who sit like little creeps behind a keyboard and tell lies. We should be here to help each other out with the truth. I wish all my friends and people from where I come from could have a chance to make some money and live better and I know Entropy will help me do that.






    Jmsaffron (a...h...) I have had enough of a...h.... like you. I have other better things to do.


    I have got my message across to the members to stay away from enthropy...


    My many thanks to dk1aussie

  8. Does anyone happen to have a copy of this that they can share? I think it comes from a private "FXAW" site from a mr. Bluto. I have seen posts and a lot chatter on a lot of forums about this new system (FF, TSD, etc) and they all rave about it. People are getting crazy pips like 650 or more a week from what I read. Appreciate any links.
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