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⭐ V.I.P.
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Everything posted by FFRT

  1. Mega more useful , always rename the course title or file and it could be saved from.... GDrive with protected persmission also useful
  2. Thanks buddy. Look forward for Level 2, and IronShell and IronStriker as well. Happy Trading
  3. Any new link for this please? As also, for one mentioned in #21 above.
  4. Thanks Brother, you saved my time, as i had uploaded only few parts and rest were in the process.
  5. Let's see if we could make it complete. 2 files are perhaps missing and would seek help of other forum members who could help you, and me to make it a complete set. Day 2 session 6 and Day 4, session 10 Part 1 are missing. https://workupload.com/file/cAtp548Y75z https://mega.nz/file/WDgjiIaB#dANeBX...R6Ls6ZP0C6ZSrY T8 https://mega.nz/file/LDxwDY7B#Oq1IpG2F39URVOj7zDWMN5Lmmb5lpubEMtBOyKyKE 60 https://mega.nz/file/CSACTboa#MxuNtgAI0fFpofqWdmV0Fockw2nueMvz6pTVwzvE1Fc
  6. It appears that latest version is 8.0 P Can someone share the working solution of Dynamic Trader 8. Also, if someone could update, what is new in version 8 compared to old version 7. Thanks
  7. Options behave differently in your region? If not, there are good courses on the forum.
  8. No resource at given Link , can someone repost new links? Thanks https://fttuts.com/adam-khoo-patterns-of-excellence/ Adam Khoo Patterns of Excellence
  9. it is annoying and i visit less here, forum is not like what it was earlier.
  10. I am still uncomfortable to navigate what's new and have reduced my presence here. :(
  11. It is not so easy to see the latest post since last log in.
  12. URL invalid, can reupload to mediafire or so mega good as well, thanks
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