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Posts posted by bhargav

  1. Thanks hermanhess for revealing truth.. As newbies we run after every course. publicized with pomp .. . hoping that it gives good education but lot times it turned out old wine in new bottle.

    I have learned much from well acknowledged trainers like Sam Seiden ,, Pring.. webinars of fxstreet..


    Just finished watching Ed Ponsi video course.. Your Informed opinion on that please...





  2. Someone has brought out a new book using TS, here is the info, someone get it to use please? http://www.timingsolution.com/TS/Books/


    This is description from Wiley site..

    Timing Solutions for Swing Traders: Successful Trading Using Technical Analysis and Financial Astrology is a remarkable new book that introduces a revolutionary approach to non-day trading that combines the four basic dimensions of trend analysis—price patterns, volume, price momentum, and price moving averages—with a little financial astrology. Focusing on the essentials of technical analysis, the book is filled with examples of reliable indicators and formulas that traders can use to help develop their own styles of trading, specially tailored to their individual needs and interests.


    It seems more of TA book than Financial Astrology book :)



  3. Like any other forum and thread, now this thread also turned into a flamming war. Please stop this.


    hims - Use your head, why did you depend on others to make your money. And when it fails, you complain. Suppose you have become a millianaire, would you attribute your success to the other person. I dont suppose so!


    Ashish - No such detailed explanation is necessary. In any public forum, people always say one is ascamster and others say he is brilliant. Dont stoop to other peoples level, by doing so, you are stooping to their level.


    In any case, in trading, Greed and Fear are the 2 traits which makes you a successful or failed trader. So depending on your luck (or knowledge) you will become one of the above. Take ownership of your success or failure. DONT BLAME OTHERS, even scamsters. That means you got suckered into their scheme and you are not destined to become succesful.


    Again this is my opinion, and I dont want another thread going on for this reply. So PLEASE desist poting further on the topic.


    very wise advise ...


    Ashish .please be kind .. I am also astro student and confidently say it works. I think YOU dont need to be that much sensitive to - hims - post . Dont worry pal.. Keep going ..



  4. Please upload part 2, 3, 4 for Wave59 PowerUser Conference 2011


    You mean parts 2,3,4 of "gero" 's upload ?

    I had them.


    part 2 : hxxp://[email protected]/rar/UESHaaTZ/fivenineconfpart2.html

    part 3 : hxxp://[email protected]/rar/3-pOsKo4/fivenineconfpart3.html

    part 4: hxxp://[email protected]/rar/Qc3o5r4r/fivenineconfpart4.html


    same password

    Psw: Pm1Wh7UsrTQj7n


    [You can extract the archived files ONLY if you have part 1 already ]


    Thanks to Original uploader and "gero"



  5. what about Deposit Files and Turbobit ? They are working fine .

    But rumor is that Deposit Files started removing some copyrighted materials

    like post names containing EXACT TITLE AND ISBN #

    same with all other currently remaining File sharing sites.

    Therefore better to alter title names and forgetting isbn in post links

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