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Posts posted by Iqbal


    Hello Q,


    Thanks for uploading the file for us. However, after you upload the file to Sendspace please do not copy the link on the address bar.


    In sendspace, go to "My Account->My Files". Then click the file you have uploaded, a popup window will open. Then copy the link the row that looks like "Link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/....." this is the link that we need to download the file that you share.

  2. Hi porinjuwarren,


    I have been trying for RTM videos for a long time and at a lot of places. Some people have promised to share those videos in the future, but I never got them. With you I had great hope and this unfortunate incident happened.


    I have seen some of their videos and they seem very informative. Rarely have I seen people have access to those videos. Also, the cost of their course is truly exorbitant 15,000 euros. I don't know what else to say. Its truly sad what happened, but I wasn't responsible for it. So, please share your videos. I genuinely believe that you will respond positively to this request.





    Porinjuwarren if you read this please simply ignore the negative pm's since these people actually want you to leave the forum. And by your leaving the forum these negative people have succeeded.

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