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Posts posted by Iqbal

  1. Sure no problem.


    (1) Suppose I want to link this text to your member's page.


    (2) I go to your member's page by clicking the insaneike logo on the left. Then I copy the text on the address bar which is https://indo-investasi.com/member/69405-insaneike.


    (3) Highlight the text that you want linked to isaneike page. In this case I highlighted "this text" as in no. 1 above.


    (4) Then click Link button the one that looks like a chain. See the attached screen capture. A window will open. Then paste the address https://indo-investasi.com/member/69405-insaneike (that I already copied in step 2) in the URL field.


    (5) That's it. I think you can link anything not only member's page.






    Some of the download links from that site are down and they don't renew it. So that's a risk which you have to take in case the link doesn't work. Just from my experience.


    You are talking about the links they provide for free.


    Anyway it's only $20 so if I am drunk enough this weekend I might just go ahead buy the membership myself and later share it here. But I seldom get drunk so don't keep your hope too high though.


    different trader. piranha profit is Adam Khoo. This is Alson Chew


    XSPY is actually Alson Chew. On Adam Khoo website he calls himself the XSPY Trader.


    The PAM course offered under the XSPY label can be obtained for around $20. But a kind member of e-dollar-earn, if there is one, can download it for free then upload it here for us.


    But the one offered under the PiranhaProfits label is apparently more in depth since it consists of 2 levels, but yet we need to find a reseller.


    If there are no alternatives we can purchase the e-dollar-earn membership for $20 then let one of the Admins keep the account password.


    There are quite a few resellers selling the course now, but I do not know if any of them have the complete course, e.g., fttuts has the incomplete version of it that was shared here. Infoproductlab (the original seller) is now selling it for $297.


    I have the infoproductlab version (or at least labeled it as such) in the past and the content is exactly like the fttuts version.



    Right clicking with your mouse on the digit (0+) next to the Like link will have no effect, left clicking on it will show the "Like" stats - works for me on various browsers.


    This feature is not important but out of curiousity I tried and just like the others nothing happen. Have disabled all blockers on the browser and still nothing. Probably you have access to this feature because of certain extension that you have installed on the browser, or probably because you are a "Diamond Member", i.e. Members have its previleges.

  6. There is a serious problem with the forum's messaging system, many members are telling me they have received blank messages from me!! 🙁


    Hi Gadfly, since we are not sure when or whether this problem will ever get fixed for the time being if you would like to address a message to many people, probably if you send it in the form of an image attachment I think it will arrive just fine.


    I know this is not ideal or even it will work out. But while the messaging problem is not yet fixed it's worth the try.

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