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Everything posted by Iqbal

  1. Watch the "LIve Stream Guide" video in the channel everything is explained there.
  2. That's what happens when you try to fix something which is not broken.
  3. Sure no problem. (1) Suppose I want to link this text to your member's page. (2) I go to your member's page by clicking the insaneike logo on the left. Then I copy the text on the address bar which is /member/69405-insaneike. (3) Highlight the text that you want linked to isaneike page. In this case I highlighted "this text" as in no. 1 above. (4) Then click Link button the one that looks like a chain. See the attached screen capture. A window will open. Then paste the address /member/69405-insaneike (that I already copied in step 2) in the URL field. (5) That's it. I think you can link anything not only member's page.
  4. Go to the member's page, copy the address. Highlight your message, press the link button to link to the member's page you just copied.
  5. Not sure myself if this will work without actually trying it. So here it goes. Go to the member's page, copy the address. Highlight your message, press the link button to link to the member's page you just copied.
  6. I have the infoproductlab version (or at least labeled it as such) in the past and the content is exactly like the fttuts version.
  7. If you still have the course please upload let me watch and decide later.
  8. This feature is not important but out of curiousity I tried and just like the others nothing happen. Have disabled all blockers on the browser and still nothing. Probably you have access to this feature because of certain extension that you have installed on the browser, or probably because you are a "Diamond Member", i.e. Members have its previleges.
  9. Hi Gadfly, since we are not sure when or whether this problem will ever get fixed for the time being if you would like to address a message to many people, probably if you send it in the form of an image attachment I think it will arrive just fine. I know this is not ideal or even it will work out. But while the messaging problem is not yet fixed it's worth the try.
  10. Spend less and less time on the new website. Finding new post is cumbersome.
  11. One thing I notice in the new version is the pronounced buttons for sharing links on facebook and twitter. So link sharing is supposedly encouraged. A positive side effect is group buys would attract a lot more new people from outside thus complete faster and cheaper. You should know the negative side effects.
  12. It's the theme song of the movie "The Sound of Music". An old movie, older than the course itself that looks like very old already.
  13. Thanks. It's nice to hear that. I am also glad to find my assumption to be wrong.
  14. Skimmed through one of his "$400/day challenge" youtube videos, so cmiiw the streaming was live but everything is historical i.e. he did not trade live nor let us watch him making the $400/day, did he?
  15. Google is your friend, kind of. "finance commentator from CNBC that looks like telly savalas or yoda" and you identify the guy.
  16. Try walaz.net. But do your due deligence as of its ability to deliver, trustworthyness etc. etc. etc.
  17. He is looking for the very last part of the latest footprint course. As you can check from the Axia Futures sales page the last section is titled The Footprint Workshop consisting of three parts, and this entire section is NOT in any of the mega links. Part 1 and Part 2 are free, but Part 3 is not.
  18. From the conclusion chapter: "It is to be remembered that each student who receives these lessons is under a strict pledge of secrecy. This is to protect all concerned. We are keeping the system as secret as we can, for if it became a matter of common knowledge much advantage would be lost to those now possessing it". Now that the book has been shared in this forum its advantage is lost.....
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