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Posts posted by joe_sixpack

  1. Hi Unclepips,

    I use MACD to identify trend. I don't scalp because scalping is extremely stressful for me.


    I only trade trend. Many traders say market is 25% time trending. This is myth for me. I always found a daily trend to stick with it.


    You seem to be confusing things. Yes, daily trends do not occur more often than 20-30 percent of the time, but you can often catch an intraday trend. I do scalp and I do this usually with the trend. You can improve your odds if you scalp with the trend.

  2. So is anyone making money with Mr. Marsh?


    I was considering his course at some point, but I did not find anything positive about it online. Not that I believe everything negative that is posted out there, especially by someone who might as well be his competitor or when it is posted on a competitor's website.


    The main reason I decided against his offer (that includes some trading room if I am not mistaken) is that it was too expensive. I don't believe in paying more than $1000 for things like that. Well, say, plus minus $100-200, but never more than that, so I went for something less expensive and I am happy with my decision.


    Anybody in his trading room that can share some more information about the room and how really profitable it is?



  3. I should add that they run forums that denigrate their competitors, that is other vendors, which I find very unprofessional and sleazy.


    One of the vendors that was really bashed on mypivots.com is David Marsh of eminitradingstrategies.com. I cannot comment on his work as I have never been a part of his trading group, but at least he puts his name on his site and to the best of my knowledge does not engage in denigrating his competitors. I would not trust anything that is posted on a competitor's website unless that competitor really inspires trust.

  4. To me, mypivots.com is one of those sites that I wouldn't waste my time on, and I say so as an online business owner of 10 years, even if my business is not related to trading. Here is why:


    1. the owner does not identify himself; not very professional, does not inspire confidence,


    2. there is no evidence that the people behind this business are successful traders,


    3. they don't have much to offer that you could actually make money with.

  5. this actually sounds quite interesting. could anyone elaborate further?


    Talk to the vendor, study his website, and keep in mind that your mileage will vary, even a lot.


    In short, it's a discretionary trading methodology (quite a mouthful, lol), so it's not a system but a bunch of ideas of how to stalk the market. Since it's discretionary, it's not really possible to backtest it or talk about some objective performance.


    It uses quite a few indicators, rather basic, all standard to Sierra Chart, but how you combine them is more important than what they are. It's a very extensive course, but you don't need to digest all of it to make money. If you are not into discretionary trading, it's probably not for you, but I was not and now I am so as you see you cannot really predict.

  6. Been trading this small time on currencies on and off for a month now. Overall, I'm down, but not much. I don't think egaalh realises how discretionary his trading is ...


    Of course, it's discretionary. I find it odd that some people think there is something wrong with it. I am not saying it's your case, just in general. Discretionary trading can be very powerful, if you have the right mindset. If not, you probably should stick to mechanical trading, and if this does not work, you should not trade at all. I am now a totally discretionary trader and I am loving it. I actually found it harder to trade mechanically.

  7. this is an old story.. some forum spoken of this indicator 2 years ago but no one had this miracle indicator.. and it has ben declassed as scam.... hope somone proof I am wrong :)


    There is no such thing as miracle or magic indicator. Anyone selling one does not take you seriously. To become good at trading you need more than just an indicator (or two), no matter how magic it (they) can be...

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