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Everything posted by PSmith41

  1. Mahmuxx, You just saved me a lot of typing...Thank you. Olga, Please refer to post #30. Everyone else, As there is room for all of us in the trading world, I have always believed that information about it, for training purposes or otherwise should be free. I am seriously considering writing a book on my 14 years experience as a trader, and then posting it here, so less of the new traders will get sucked into buying so called "winning systems". regards, Paul.
  2. How about you Bugger off Olga, and let US decide if its worth buying or not.
  3. Bump from me too...going to look into options trading in the new year.
  4. "I could go on" Being a Brit, so could I Freddie. Asylum seeker's are put into million pound homes in and around London, while I struggle like F**k trading for a living in a 2 bed flat with a wife, baby, and zero chance of any help from the Gov. I used to risk my life for this country before I was a trader...now I often wonder why I bothered. I'm still proud to be British and always will be..However, I am actually embarrassed by the no brainers that are doing a **** job a running our country. Enough from me, before I really get started. Regards to all, Paul.
  5. I think if I was there, I would of got stuck in and backed him up...jail for me?...so what.
  6. I'm getting the same here. 2 days now.
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