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Everything posted by Sixer

  1. Here is the complete course again: Size 6 GB http://avxhome.in/ebooks/profesional-trading-forex-mastecalass.html Sixer
  2. You should test James Flanagan of www.gannglobal.com too. Sixer
  3. The correct name is "Larry Williams" !! You can get your own opinion about his courses when you book a training where he is trading with his own money. Sixer
  4. MA expects the next cycle high (8.6 year wave) at the 1st of oct 2015: http://www.economicconfidencemodels.com/ i don`t think this is correct. Sixer
  5. The actual amazon price is unbelievable: http://www.amazon.com/Advanced-Elliott-Wave-Analysis-Relationships/dp/1118291999/ref=pd_sxp_f_pt/189-5243670-1779419 Sixer
  6. fxwin, why don`t you provide the link for articles and books collection also? http://www.fxf1.com/index.php/training/forex-technical-analysis/forex-english-library-books-articles-trading-forex-market Sixer
  7. The Nekretin/Peters book was shared already: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/18788-Naked-Forex-A-Nekritin-W-Peters-Ph-D?highlight=Peters You can read it here too: http://de.scribd.com/doc/173200109/Alex-Nekritin-Walter-Peters-Naked-Forex-High-Probability-Techniques-for-Trading-Without-I Why don`t you use this risk calculator? http://www.fxstreet.com/forex-tools/risk-calculator/manual/ Sixer
  8. CM, "NQoos" provides a good summary of Market Profile too: http://www.trading-naked.com/MarketProfile.htm Sixer
  9. CashManic, why don`t you share something "new" for the MP starters? http://www.amazon.de/Profit-Market-Profile-Identifying-Value-ebook/dp/B006P5O1J0 Sixer
  10. Are you talking about this course ?? http://www.forexmentor.com/priceaction/ Sixer
  11. Sorry guys, you have to ask the original uploader himself for reloading the missing parts: http://avaxhome.ws/ebooks/economics_finances/Market_Essentials.html Sixer
  12. BB, i got this link from google: http://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=10&ved=0CIABEBYwCQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.traderslaboratory.com%2Fforums%2Fattachments%2F131%2F17907d1263785828-wyckoff-resources-wyckoff-method-tape-reading.pdf&ei=YPB8UrmaHYHBtQbN9YHoCw&usg=AFQjCNEKabCqcihB_BWCehyr2_9QmMdv7w&bvm=bv.56146854,d.Yms Sixer
  13. And from the master himself: http://www.traderslaboratory.com%2fforums%2fattachments%2f131%2f17907d1263785828-wyckoff-resources-wyckoff-method-tape-reading.pdf&ei=omh8uq62mijjsgbsoygqbq&usg=afqjcnekabcqcihb_bwcehyr2_9qmmdv7w&bvm=bv.56146854,d.yms/ Sixer
  14. For your Dayton collection: http://www.trademindfully.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/Wyckoff-Bar-by-Bar-Analysis.pdf Sixer
  15. Gladiator858, who shall share information without details to the program or a link: https://www.bigmiketrading.com/psychology-money-management/22901-webinar-ray-burchett-intuitive-development-traders.html http://www.proedgefx.com/IDT.aspx Sixer
  16. chheda, you must download all parts, than you will get the files you are expecting. Sixer
  17. aggravator, fyi, the forum has a search button: http://indo-investasi.com/search.php?searchid=2301247 Sixer
  18. braveheart2009, why don`t you provide the latest version or at least a link to it ? Sixer
  19. jtrader, the link is working - you must use the pw mentioned in post #14. Sixer
  20. bhargav, why don`t you ask the uploader "FenixN" at avax directly ?? Sixer
  21. val2004, you must contact the uploader of the files (FeniXN) if anything is broken: http://avaxhome.ws/ebooks/business_job/A_B-Pr_A_Tr_Course.html Sixer
  22. poly, you should check the site mentioned in the thread name to get infos with regard to the webinar. Sixer
  23. leon1, thanks - perhaps somebody can have look at the AmiBroker codes for transferring it to other platforms: http://www.meanreversiontradingsystems.com/Programs.html Sixer
  24. ankurkanoria, the mentioned book isn`t shared yet: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/18278-Modelling-Trading-System-Performance-by-Dr-Howard-Bandy?highlight=Bandy Sixer
  25. StockJock, it seems you are looking for the Dickson book which was shared already: http://indo-investasi.com/showthread.php/14142-Mastering-Market-Timing?highlight=Dickson Here is the epub version: http://avaxhome.ws/ebooks/economics_finances/mastering_market_timing.html Sixer
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