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Posts posted by bankroll

  1. Here's his excellent and free course held in 2009 at CEU University:


    But I guess it's a little bit too vague for a trading plan. Do you know of any trading educator who teaches Soros' method? I mean he is just so the opposite of every other method... he goes against effective market theory and so on... but still the best known and one of the most successful currency trader out there.



  2. This,


    and this,


    and this.


    Actually the same stuff, just different medium. Enjoy!


    Someone (with more time than me :) ) actually already read or watched this?


    Anyways, what I really wanted to ask if you can learn about actual trading from this guy in any way, shape or form? Or I should just stick with the "regular guys" on this matter? But hey, the others are not yet billionaires from trading like George Soros, so shouldn't he be the best source to learn from?


    This is Soros's "newest" stuff.

  3. yes ..... you're quite correct ...... absolutely its a personal preference I suppose. Well as for an alternative I've found for me S@m Seiden's approach to have a definitive edge. You can check out his webinars at fxstreet. He doesnt disclose everything of course ... i think the odds enhancers are discussed only at his seminars but the method still works and after watching the webinars you could figure out most of the odds enhancers anyway.


    Thanks for the recommendation on Sam Seiden! However, it seems he just has unlimited courses on FXstreet.com. So perhaps you could point me to for example "see this and this and this from Sam" which equals a complete course from him?

  4. Hermanhess, OK I found out about this:



    But honestly It's not that interesting or disappointing for me. Who didn't blew up accounts when he began? (Actually me but that's not that important again :P)


    Yea, he plays with big money, perhaps with other people's money but then what?


    The way to see the story is this: if I think his style of trading as he teaches it in 2011 (or 2009 as in soundfx's videos) is profitable, works for me then I don't see and cause I shouldn't use it with my cautious money management.


    But I am always open for better options, guys to learn from rather - in this trading style - and so on.

  5. I think Mike Baghdady is just so much way ahead of the curve. He does not complicate things much:

    "Momentum precedes price."

    and that's it.


    Honestly, I got a little sick of all the other trainings lately.


    The only drawback is that the only way to learn from him is pay $5000 for 5 days and see him live in London.


    You can see some introductory videos from him here on the right side:


    but it was not enough for me to grasp his whole method.


    So my basic question is do you know of any similar style alternative course as good as Mike Baghdady's or maybe even better? Obviously I just can't be informed about all the courses out there so that's why I ask.

  6. Ok, this is actually not a trading strategy, more about investing. But hey isn't the forum's name is "investasi?"


    No affiliate links:





    It seems he offers monthly videos and such. Would be nice if you could share.

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