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Posts posted by kronstadt75

  1. Hello Danny,

    you can contact any one of those who uploaded the previous links, and download from Skype or other means in private message. We are paid students of the course and we do not wish our course to be uploaded in public links. We have requested Steve and CompassFX to do all they can to request the file sharing host sites to remove the links, based on copyright infringement and proprietary materials rules. But since the links were up for couple of days (Zen and Kaci were VERY SLOW to react) .... quite alot of members already downloaded the entire videos so you should be able to find someone to private message you for the links. Thanks.


    We are not spies or lurkers or bad guys. Just paid students who do not wish our course to be uploaded. Even if you think it is load of hot air or junk or spam or snake oil. That "some people busy to remove the files" are us students, complaining and pushing Steve and CompassFX to do it quicker. Very disappointed with their slow reaction actually, and their passive attitude waiting to students to alert them rather than they do something actively. if none of the students alert them, they would not have bothered to check and let the links be up for downloading for days. For that we are not happy with them too.


    As Marchello said...




    Instead doing your homework under the guidance of your master you spend time talking about nonsense. You decide to paid for sm scam that's you're own egoistical problem, the only one who profit from your behavior is your master SM ($3,500,000 easily earn by his so called students). As I already said instead worship him you should be more critical of him HE WILL NEVER SHARE WITH YOU HIS "HOLY GRAIL". You decide to pay because you're WEAK. I will never be able to expand my knowledge in numerous fields if I was like you, sometimes I pay for books in amazon but not for SM's BS !!!!! You must have a limited IQ to take it personnaly. Stop LURKING this forum and do your homework !



  2. icemaneu,

    Again please don't fall into their trap of revealing MORE. The shared videos are the CompassFX "version" hosted on omNovia in December 2010. Ours is the GotoMeeting version. Don't discuss further ......


    Good for you if you think that with your master you can grab some pips


    Till the next one .. lurker ..

  3. As a wise forex trader said


    You are so predictable and infantile .. you must work for SM .. show us a running statement of your success but without using Photoshop.. and not just a cut/paste from a burst ... uhmmm

    Now that is the only way to dazzle me ..

    All else is pure BS and you probably have an ulcer by now ..


    Till the next one .. lurker ..


    BTW .. you are a waste of time to me and to many people .. thus .. NO MORE ATTENTION WHAT YOU "BLURB" OUT .. it is pure garbage ..

    You are so covered in your own PIPI by constantly doing it against the wind .. you even smell all the way here ..


    Good trading wishes


    An advice ...


    Get a full-time job under the guidance of your master (SM) you will certainly be more successful since you prove nothing !

  4. I see, so you use mathematics to "trade" forex, please show us how you do that? Since you are caring and love to share with everyone here. Please show to all how you do it to help those here in need so that they won't fall in "scam" as you call it, and help them to produce an "interesting" ROI like you. Or are you trying to hide something but yet want to take from others?


    So you want to know how I "trade" FOREX....

  5. People like ianfester, icemaneu,... are just "useless junk" - They think that by invest $xxk on a "GURU" they will share with them their "HOLY KNOWLEDGE" and their "HOLY GRAIL" who will allow them to become rich, and because you could pay this course you think you could have an edge against ME.

    If you want to become rich in Forex without using Mathematics, there are only one tools = HARD WORK. When you could be able to acquire a lot of experience and in the same time increase your knowledge, then you could make a living with. All stuff sell for $xxk are just Ponzi scheme !

  6. Well, say all you want after stealing useful stuff and using it to justify not paying for it.



    What you said is not LOGIC... Why should I pay for something that I already have ??????


    As Marchello said .....



    Did you forget what you learned a little boy ?



    I'm not a full time trader (I'm a Mining engineer/Radar engineer /Chartered Financial Analyst and in few years I will become a Currency Strategist just need 5 years of track) and I already have an "interesting" ROI in currency trading..

    I mainly use mathematics to "trade" Forex, what SM can offer will not help me to get my PhD in Finance. That's why I will never invest $5000 for such stuff.

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