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Posts posted by SilentTrader

  1. OK I have entered a long position on EURUSD at 14 GMT on my real account with only 0.5% risk on my balance. Let 's see if this thing worth 395$ !!!




    Because I don't know the ideal exit point for ForexFormula I closed the position with +67 pips . Not bad for the first day. We have to see what this Formula does in days ahead.



  2. This is their Free Prediction of todays EURUSD movement that they have emailed me. Let's see if they are any good !!

    Right now the GMT time is : 12:44 .




    This is the chart right NOW.



    I have to add that my broker's time is same as GMT time.

  3. Hello all,


    I want you to ask one "simple" question:


    If you are allowed to use ONLY ONE indicator in your chart what indicator will be?


    The answer to this question will reveal in what indicator you can trust and what is you best indicator.


    Do this exercise now: open a new chart, put only one indicator and make your decision! Can you trust in this indicator?


    Pls share your indicator and your opinion with us.


    Mine is nonlagma nrp (with length 20)


    Remember: just one indicator!!


    Hi Marcuss,

    price action , but not that simple -----> elliot patterns emerging in price.

    They are very very strong, It took me 2 years to learn why the pros LOVE elliot wave & they are not as subjective as every body think.

  4. After hours of intensive searching I finally managed to find E*L*W@ve 9.2 & it's c***k with the help of google translation in a very unfriendly site , I downloaded it & it works perfectly.

    I have to admit at first I was tempted not to upload it because it was no longer my concern , but on second thought I felt morally responsible, so I uploaded it on a very friendly site like Med!@f!re so everybody can enjoy this magnificent software.

    ENJOY !!


    Best Regards,



    h$$p://[email protected]/?y3czbf9b5wzfvg7

    h$$p://[email protected]/?po2iwlxso3wmwcq

  5. It is a very bold statement, catching tops & bottoms indi !! ------For Just 299$ !!

    But I like the way he express s and market s for his indicator. Not a 1000 line of crap stories before he says pay me , like the rest of the scammers . Just in 7 lines !!! This is impressive .





    anyone have this super duper indicator?!

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