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Everything posted by laser1000it

  1. Better software for Option Trading is Beetrader.....TDA and TOS are barred for many European regions.
  2. I can suggest sendspace or mediafire, but there will always be someone who lives in some parts of the world (with restriction) who will have always problems .....I downloaded perfectly
  3. Can you prove that the website wdfiles.ru has problems? if anything it will be the files you download that have problems but not the website
  4. ciao pay attention about Beetrader crack....the owner of the system is boss on reversal engineering....what you absolutely must no to do is to provide to the reseller your HWID...this is because in case of police control they can know your data and identify you as a thief....the prison is currently expected.... .....be very careful about providing yours HWID... you will be considered scammers with terrible future.... in Italy we have a nice word about this issue...."uomo avvisato uomo salvato"...."man forewarned man forearmed"....
  5. I've been seeing bold characters for a few days now, even though the posts aren't being updated
  6. me too ....I have problem only in this forum other is always ok
  7. I need a Trading system for Multicharts...........it doesn't matter if wins or loses ....it doesn't matter if it's right or s.tupid stuff, the important thing is that it must be open source....thanks in advance for any help
  8. thanks for your replay....I use the Edge last release...I have check all setting unfortunately without result
  9. gentlemen, in the last time the format of this forum is unwatchable .... it is a pain every time I read
  10. In the last time I cannot login in this website with Edge browser
  11. Mr MojoRisin I have seen that the entry statistics of this website are lower than in the past. Have you wondered why? Perhaps because in the past there were numerous threads of members who worked for the community and now there are only a few references to the sellers? Also because I understand that the more entries you get the higher your income.... ...also because I would not want you to spend your money to keep a website alive while others earn the money
  12. Iatin be careful that you spend more on equipment and electricity than you will earn
  13. me too.......I can think this forum received the Astrazeneca vaccine rather than the Pfizer by mistake 😁
  14. https://www.mediafire.com/file/jy8rcyll45zx0ej/pdf%252Bvideo.rar/file
  15. https://w0w.mediafire.com/file/jy8rcyll45zx0ej/pdf%252Bvideo.rar/file
  16. I help only cat's avatar not dog :-) PS check is this is useful for you https://[email protected]/file/jy8rcyll45zx0ej/pdf%252Bvideo.rar/file (psw = Indo)
  17. GET or not GET that course is preistoric.....waste time.
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