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Everything posted by laser1000it

  1. is better change the text of this thread to VIRUSES AND TROJANS COLLECTION
  2. There is no free version of TW you only have a few days of trial then you will have delayed data...if you have a way to have it for free let me see it but personally it seems impossible from my side.....in the web you cand find only scam
  3. PLS don't waste your time...this is obsolete release
  4. I confirm.....don't worry it's a false positive.....if it was dangerous I would not have installed it....I agree with ninja_under_da_roof thought's
  5. I'm moving to study this stuff ...I'm still at the beginning but seems like the king of repaint
  6. Many thank for yourreplay, but so far I find it more profitable to use my own simple system with Bollinger Bands and a Supertrend with right calibrations....for this I am looking for further explanations on how to use Kisss (my curiosity)
  7. I've installed this addon..I'm searching for tutorial (is better in pdf) and template....it seems to me that it is a big joke .....but before confirming my thesis I would like to study better Pls provide.....thanks in advance
  8. posted with PUA:Win32/Puwaders.C!ml trojan ...pay attention
  9. I can't install this software .....there are several procedures fos searching to 004FBF9C other 004DC009. in both issue I don't see 0053012C address
  10. a right replacement could be CyclesNavigator by Investimentivincenti (Investimenti Vincenti: Opzioni, Futures, Analisi Ciclica, Intermarket,Statistica) it's not very expensive..... has a 30 day free trial...and I don't think it's hard to unlock
  11. PLS share Beetrader new release. PLS do not comment if you do not know what features the software has because it is the best program available at now for trading in options ... no one else has similar features thanks in advance for any help
  12. Many thanks for your help , unfortunately all files in the advanced get folder is obsolete and not working
  13. Tradingview Demo is very limited compared to the paid one...Related to future Bund I have seen some wrong values
  14. This is Carlo Cudega file 🙂.......don't waste your time for translate the italian slang.....the literal translation is from an outdated/very hold file 🙂
  15. the issue is not whether you like this system or not....but whether it makes you profit or not.....do you think if this system is winning they would have sold it ?
  16. Deleted from my PC the original setup has several functions disabled... I followed several video tutorials and I have nothing of what they show
  17. I see in my trial original from the vendor (always working since I don't need either crack or the emulator) that some functions are disabled.....and most likely either they don't activate or I'm not able to do
  18. I have a look at this software...from my side it doesn't excite me very much.....I understood to have the full version with all add the free trial is not enough, as is done to have the full package ?
  19. is working for you several Strategies inside the platform? I don't get any results....then I see that the activate button never turns green as underline in the help tutorials
  20. my suggestion is to delete this SC thread....no one will post the crack of the platform (it has never been posted since Indo was alive) and the few visible threads are now obsolete, not working and with disabled links
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