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laser1000it last won the day on May 19 2024

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About laser1000it

  • Birthday 01/18/1962

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  1. I don't need this stuff anyway I chechek...not working
  2. Has anyone tried to install these files ? I have found some tutorial without success. Thanks in advance for any help.
  3. Related my post above I wanted to undrline (usually) if you buy a cracked software you have to be sure that there is no connection to the manufacturer's server and to find out you have to verify the network analysis ......it's right (my suggest) to use Wireshark
  4. Pay attention, BT developer (I met F2F), is very skilled.....therefore is better analyze the several dll's (use Wireshark) .....obviously this is my advice, don't be forced
  5. forget about ChatBPT, don't even use the paid version, move on Deep Seek or QwQ-32B
  6. From my side, you would be able to unprotect/deobfuscated-dll and clear the list of programs you are referring to... Today, unlike a few years ago, artificial intelligence tools can help us. Out of curiosity, try using it (especially mode DeepSeek) and you'll see that it provides useful guidelines in reversal engineering. Unfortunately, lately, my mind has been elsewhere, but as soon as I can, I will try to move in that direction
  7. sorry I am a little bit curios, but then what data feed will you use? If you connect it to Sella, Webank, Fideuram and Directa you must have an open account with these Italian brokers………..the alternatives are IQfeed, IB, Barchart and Deribit which are very expensive
  8. Thanks for your replay, anyway NT8 not working in my case with NetFramework 3.5 into W1123H2. I'm moving to replace W11 with W10
  9. It seems (at least in my case) that the NT8 software no longer works with the Microsoft Windows 11 operating system. I have the same issue on 2 PCs.... Does it work for you? Have you managed to solve the problem in any way.... I can only get it to work with Windows 10. Sorry, but it wouldn't let me write in the first post.
  10. It seems (at least in my case) that the NT8 software no longer works with the Microsoft Windows 11 operating system. I have the same issue on 2 PCs.... Does it work for you? Have you managed to solve the problem in any way.... I can only get it to work with Windows 10.
  11. is better change the text of this thread to VIRUSES AND TROJANS COLLECTION
  12. many thanks for your help....anyway not working
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