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Posts posted by Bingo69

  1. I could not even install TurnSignal it says error initializing script then tried to send an error report to turnsignal using MSHTA.exe


    Hi Bingo, I am not sure what WPE pro is, and how to use it? ButI think I understand wht you mean, just need clarification on WPE pro.




    It captures packets from Ninja shows you what files its trying to read this is how I get the license file names what I was thinking was you could capture what TurnSignal is trying to read from its server then divert the TS domain to your localhost and put the files there for it to read from.

    But the software wont even install here crashes says error initializing script.

  2. How would you crack a product like Tu_rnSig_nal, it goes straight to the companies website even when you have IIS and a NT 6.5 cracked. I could not do it (crack as normal) and was not sure how too. Just wondering if you knew how to do that type. Again, Thanks. Nate


    Do you have the program to install?You could setup the files it wants to read from its server locally and have them read from there, you could find the names maybe by using WPE pro.

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