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⭐ V.I.P.
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About Apollo

  • Birthday 06/14/1971

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  1. But weird, how come I didn’t get this in my email box?!! Are they treating their members differently??? That’s why I am asking…
  2. Hmm…, another cycle trading software, let’s see what this is really about.
  3. Sorry to hear that, will upload another version later.
  4. I've also been a member of EWI for many years, but where do you get the above link from!?
  5. Please let me know if it finally works for you.
  6. Finally… Thanks for the fixed & correction!!!
  7. Me too!!! Previously reported on Errors/Bugs' post.
  8. If I’m not wrong, many countries still consider trading Forex as an illegal activity or highly risky asset. You may register and trade on any online Forex trading platform, but you’re on your own, your interest will not be protected & warranted. Otherwise, why not, for hedging purposes.
  9. Remember, any Windows 10 with “Build Version beyond 1809” will not work, it will definitely roll back during the installation process infinitely no matter how hard you try. But Windows 10 with “Build Version 1809 & before it”, you will still need to try at least a few times in order to get it done, the earlier the build version the better.
  10. Couldn’t agree more, and hopefully we won’t be butcher by our own AI in the future then (ha-ha!) …
  11. I always login to search in order to get a full scope of it and thank you for looking into it.
  12. If this is the case, my friend JohnBest here will certainly be very pleased when he sees this since he got way more posts than me, others with more posts previously will be too…
  13. I believe there are some issues in the search area, for example when I search for my post “John F. Ehlers’ latest book”, it will only show up if the keyword is “John”, but if my keyword is “Apollo” it won’t show up at all. Even if the keyword is “Apollo”, some/many of my old posts/threads are a no show, for example like “Daniel T. Ferrera’ 5&9II TradeStation Indicator”. Are there any chances or any other ways to recover them? Because many of them I don’t quite remember, it was many years ago…
  14. Here you go, let’s try this one first… http://www.mediafire.com/file/sd4dp5ivqwo1bie/Trade%2524IXIBU2.zip/file But if your Windows 10 build version is beyond 1809 (still have to try a few times to completely/fully install), Windows won’t let you install at all because of shxxxt security reasons, let me know if it works on Windows 8.
  15. Yes, I’m afraid so, starting from the beginning my dear friend. And have you received my email a few days ago...?!!
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