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    tradernate reacted to cornelis in Important {request}   
    Bl@ck Di@mond trader http://[email protected]/file/q8m8o8
    Here you go
  2. Like
    tradernate reacted to john.maddog.doe in Important {request}   
    Bl@ckDi@mondTr@der: create "c:\111111111111.txt" to override license check.
  3. Like
    tradernate reacted to tryitagainmf in Does anyone have the eminisniper indicators for N7?   
    ebizpro...if it still matters to you...the EminiSniperDotO is a poor knockoff of the widely available SMI4. If you are using these types of signals the SMI4 would be the way to go and no "education" needed!
  4. Like
    tradernate reacted to tryitagainmf in Eminisniper Whole pack   
    CashManic...if it still matters to you...the EminiSniperDotO is a poor knockoff of the widely available SMI4. If you are using these types of signals the SMI4 would be the way to go and no "education" needed!
  5. Like
    tradernate reacted to ⭐ osijek1289 in (REQ)TRADEGUIDER VSA For NT7) please John Help unLOCK   
    Not sure I understand your question(s) ... yes, the signal arrows work and plot. If they are not for you, do the install of the full package posted a few posts back, which will create all the right files in the right directories. Then, replace with the educated files. 
    Here's a chart of YM from Friday. I purposefully screenshot with a No Demand signal, which failed, or, at least it moved further up with another ND, and then an upthrust to 14070, where it ultimately failed and retraced back down. With VSA , context and timeframe are important, this is a 5M chart - VSA has to be looked at in multiple timeframes. Also, different instruments can behave differently ... in other words, lots of individual characteristics, that create the 'triggers' you are asking about.
    There are sequences of different signals that can yield higher reliability trades, especially when at other levels of confluence (ie., support, resist, POC, VWAP, overnight/previous lows/highs, etc.). I have other YM charts, usually of higher timeframes, where these levels are plotted for me.
    To help, I've uploaded 4 PDFs into this 1 RAR; one of them is the a Tr@deGuider b00k Sequential VSA Ch@rt P@tterns. There are 3 other VSA summary type documents, collected by entusiasts from other sources, including some decent member VSA posts from Forex Factory, that I think can be helpful to those that want to learn; the file is <7MB and found here:
    http://depositfiles.com/files/e4emo1qh5 .
    BTW, if you are looking for a simple signal system that tells you short or long from a certain place - without you applying any other logic - that is not what this plug in or approach is about: it makes you think and teaches you what smart money may be up to.
    Note: The NoD, PT, NoS supply markings on the chart are a result of the fantastic Bett3rPro@m indi; IMO it can be used in conjunction as a secondary form of confirmation
  6. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from tomtom69 in Hawkeye_Professional   
    @Tomtom...generally if an indicator when unzipped (opened with any .zip software ) and look at the files when it has x86 files those are for 32bit, and when you see x64 those indicators can be used in 64bit NT7. Generally, when and indicator has no x??, (just a.dll) then assume the file is only 32bit files. I do not use a cracked NT7 main program, and all the fixed files on our forum work just fine on the nin cracked system.

  7. Like
    tradernate reacted to CS_ta in Eminisniper Whole pack   
    Maybe this will hold you guys over, I recoded this indicator to look like DotOsc. I named it "EminiSniperDotO":
    http://[email protected]/file/c2g4m5
    Someone let me know if it gives the same signals.
    Also, thaifans, if you look around some of the other eminisniper threads, you'd see ebizpro shared manuals here:
    http://[email protected]/filegroup/iVSIwaid2UJlLaVbGA72UiXUQjkPVKn5iLqCGcJMfUk
  8. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from tomtom69 in Hawkeye_Professional   
    @tomtom69....you must be a NT newbie....make sure your system will compile (no errors first)....To do this....Tools | Edit NinjaScript | Indicator | Choose any Indicator...I choose...ADL..its small....Click on the page....Press F5-to compile, or right click....choose compile. If is compiles with no errors (if errors, fix the errors by generally removing the indicator(s)), shut down NT and copy and paste the 2 .dll's to the following: Documents | NT7 | bin | custom---paste the 2 .dll's in this folder. Now start NT7 as you would as normal....Open chart page.....right click-Indicators, then look for Hawkeye...choose the needed indicator(s). All indicators are in thoose 2 .dlls-Nate

  9. Like
    tradernate reacted to Bill Bundle in NinjaTrader 8 Preview   
  10. Like
    tradernate reacted to thaomoua in (REQ)TRADEGUIDER VSA For NT7) please John Help unLOCK   
    The file is 237meg. Contains setup files, manual, screenshot, two trading session videos, and custom instruction.
    Probably will need to test this in VMware.
  11. Like
    tradernate reacted to cuchuflito in (REQ)TRADEGUIDER VSA For NT7) please John Help unLOCK   
    Sorry for my poor manners guys
    I just thanked!
    I´m new on this forum!:-/
  12. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from growex in (REQ)TRADEGUIDER VSA For NT7) please John Help unLOCK   
    Here is the file you requested: hxxp://[email protected]/file/avioik
    Give a little thanks...it goes a long ways-nate
    Welcome cuchuflito, we try not to email indis that are on the forum. Ask for some to re upload the indis in question....someone will, when you ask. Others maybe looking for it also...so lets all share...and test together-Nate

  13. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from Bill Bundle in (REQ)TRADEGUIDER VSA For NT7) please John Help unLOCK   
    Here is the file you requested: hxxp://[email protected]/file/avioik
    Give a little thanks...it goes a long ways-nate
    Welcome cuchuflito, we try not to email indis that are on the forum. Ask for some to re upload the indis in question....someone will, when you ask. Others maybe looking for it also...so lets all share...and test together-Nate

  14. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from 445NDO in (REQ)TRADEGUIDER VSA For NT7) please John Help unLOCK   
    Here is the file you requested: hxxp://[email protected]/file/avioik
    Give a little thanks...it goes a long ways-nate
    Welcome cuchuflito, we try not to email indis that are on the forum. Ask for some to re upload the indis in question....someone will, when you ask. Others maybe looking for it also...so lets all share...and test together-Nate

  15. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from cuchuflito in (REQ)TRADEGUIDER VSA For NT7) please John Help unLOCK   
    Here is the file you requested: hxxp://[email protected]/file/avioik
    Give a little thanks...it goes a long ways-nate
    Welcome cuchuflito, we try not to email indis that are on the forum. Ask for some to re upload the indis in question....someone will, when you ask. Others maybe looking for it also...so lets all share...and test together-Nate

  16. Like
    tradernate reacted to Bill Bundle in (REQ)TRADEGUIDER VSA For NT7) please John Help unLOCK   
    This image may look confusing, but it's just an experiment. I've successfully installed the TG indicator and I've added Karthik Marmar's VPA (volume price analysis) indicator over it. I just wanted to see how Karthik's indicators matched up with TG's. Of course, Karthik's code doesn't have popups and you need a legend to read it; but this is what it looks like.


    For those of you who don't have Karthik's VPA indicator, here it is.
  17. Like
    tradernate reacted to ⭐ osijek1289 in Help Ninjatrader data feed   
    If you check the NT forums, they have confirmed that the CQG feed provided as part of the AMP package is quasi-CQG: the live data does indeed come from the CQG folks. But, when you need historical data (ie., when NT boots, or when you ask for a historical data chart refresh) the historical data gets sent from a server farm that NT runs themselves, by storing the live data on most popular instruments. A 100% real CQG datafeed will run you hundreds of $$$ per month.
    NT used to have issues with hours of the historical data getting lost, and thus if that happened during the London session and you start your NT pre-NY, you did not have historical data until NT restored it on the upcoming weekend, at which point it is almost useless to you. But, they have seemingly resolved this with an API update a few weeks ago.
    And, on the realtime data, I have not seen issues on the realtime CL feed nor most other majors for weeks now, as pushed to me via Amp infrastructure.
    Overall the Amp/CQG/NT partnership is quite reasonable for most traders. I believe they offer Zenfire for free as well, but could hit you with a $25/month charge if you don't take actual trades, but still have a funded account. I use the CQG/Amp combination, and it has been rock solid for weeks, certainly on CL, and my machine runs straight through for 5 days.
    The good thing about pro feeds like CQG, Zenfire is that they are not filtered, meaning they do not approximate volume or ticks, and you get all trade information. This is crucial if you use something like volume footprint charts. If you have a provider like Interactive Brokers, they do not send you all the ticks, and thus you cannot see where nor how many buyers & sellers were at which level. Also, even pro datafeeds have outage & infrastructure problems - nobody can offer a 100% uptime guarantee.
    Update: lol, just seeing this is almost a year old thread ... CL could well have been problematic 11 months ago, but certainly has been great in recent weeks and everything else above stands as current information.
  18. Like
    tradernate reacted to snaiper-x1 in Hawkeye_Professional   
    Hawk - hope will help Bill Bundle

    video installation guide Hawk
    clean image for 720HD
    See video at http://youtu.be/lJbP17pFYGs
    not working only two indicators is Fatboy / fatman
    successful fishing guys............;)
  19. Like
    tradernate reacted to edi025 in Hawkeye_Professional   
    i think Fatman indi is work..put on Instrumentmanager the Symbol..
  20. Like
    tradernate reacted to edi025 in Hawkeye_Professional   
    Remove the old file..and put this..
  21. Like
    tradernate reacted to ⭐ trader1968 in Hawkeye_Professional   
    Let's not make frivolous postings...read the rules on how to correctly post on this forum.
  22. Like
    tradernate got a reaction from tryitagainmf in Eminisniper Whole pack   
    MP-why is the 4shared file in .exe.....these files do not come in that form....only .zip Pls. explain? I will not download an unknown .exe from a new poster-FWIW, and no else should until he lets us know why.

  23. Like
    tradernate reacted to CashManic in Eminisniper Whole pack   
    Greetings Nate. I am wondering if you managed to get the Dot and DotOsc to work?
    I have been trying all the various ways advised but still no show on the charts. Bloody frustrating!
    Btw regarding the usage of his Dot/DotOsc indis, here are a couple of Tube vids on how and why he uses them, how they work, why they work,etc

    NT Partner Presentation
  24. Like
    tradernate reacted to ⭐ trader1968 in Eminisniper Whole pack   
    tradernate, i agree i can't make these 2 , to work also no mater what i do.
    Osc and OscDot, i have given up trying.
    did the steps but nothing they don't show up.
    any help would be welcome.
    Thanks in any case for all the great help regardless,
    take care all,
    and all the respect to our programmers for their help and brains.
  25. Like
    tradernate reacted to tryitagainmf in (REQ)TRADEGUIDER VSA For NT7) please John Help unLOCK   
    Let me add a second to Nate's suggestion for adding "Thanks"
    Too many do not take the additional 2 seconds to hit the Thanks button. cuchuflito...you will have to use the "star" button to "add reputation" until you reach 15 posts. Then the "Thanks" button will appear for you.
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