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Posts posted by wcicom

  1. LOL, All the conviction, all projections and Fib levels, all the followers and even a front page of Forbes, and after all that a day later trade is closed ? :) Just kidding Jane....flexibility and not dying with ones opinion is most important....well done !! Thanks for your honesty.



  2. Hi Redbullish,


    Yes...you are measuring exactly the right leg. Have to open a little trick here to make a point. Look where last large bounce stopped on your chart, at exactly what is now 38.2, this is how exact low is projected, by stretching 38.2 from latest largest bounce on the chart. Most folks, including most people who wrote books about Fibonacci, don't know how to use them correctly....and then complain that they do not work. :)



  3. Hi Jane,


    Congratulations on (eventually ) profitable trade.


    The problem that I had with a few of your posts had nothing to do with your forecasts or projections - only with money management. Forecasts and projections have as much to do with trading as winter snow. I can have wrong forecast 80% of the time and make money on most of those trades. Trading allows for many different approaches and methods to work, but one part of trading which is unshakable and unforgiving is money management .


    I don't care what makes you enter or exit the trade, but to allow ES to go nearly 200 points against you, at least on a few of your contracts - is at the very least not something that should be shown in a public Forum as trading method. I remember you even had intentions of selling a few contracts higher, so what would happen if Market just kept going to 2200, 2300, 2400 ? Keep selling more ? What happens to risk reward ratio when one allows Market to go so much against one's position ? Is risking 200 points to possibly make a 100 is something that one can build successful long term trading methodology on ? In trading, more so than in any other business, how we "play the game" is more important than profits on a handful of trades.


    Jane, I hope you will not get too upset with me for simply speaking what I consider truth in trading, my issue was with way too many novice traders being exposed to potentially devastating outcome. Because I forgot the count of all the traders I knew who blew out for good over the years taking similar approach.




  4. Hi microsa2,


    Good questions. There is no way to quantify order flow method simply because there is a lot of subjectivity in this type of an approach. What I think is being miss represented in these tools is that following large orders somehow gives a small trader an edge. Well...for every large buyer there is a large seller, and when big guys are fighting - small ones usually become collateral damage.

    If there is any value in order flow analysis, in my opinion, it would be to determine which way the retail crowed is positioned, and taking opposite side would surely be more profitable than anything else.

  5. HI Jane,


    Thanks for your response. Showing Fib level to explain money management is a new one for me. I am not sure why we would be surprised

    to see you make money in 2014 by shorting, Market did not do much that year, however if you made good profits in 2013 shorting - you are "the one". In any case...I concede my point and congratulate you with all your success.

  6. Hi Jane,


    I personally think we have seen short term low today, maybe a marginal lower low on Monday, and most likely higher levels toward the end of the year. But that's nor here nor there and not the reason for my post.


    What puzzles me is that everyone keeps watching this thread with lot's of interest while you are showing them a complete opposite of a sensible way to trade. And not one reader of this thread asked "WHY". Why would any trader let the Market go a 100+ points against them, and instead of covering and reversing when Market was exhibiting tremendous strength...you were adding to your losers. If you ever watch documentary about one of the best traders ever, Paul Tudor Jones, one sign on the wall in his office reads - " Losers add to Losers "


    I have been trading for a long time, and can tell with a 100% certainty that what you are showing folks here is a disaster waiting to happen. I knew a trader who decided to short SP's in the mid 900's, did not seem so unreasonable since Market was up almost 50% since 2009 lows, well a while later he was still short at 1100, don't know where he got out, but we know it could not have ended well for him.


    I hope it will all work out the way you desire, but eventually Market humbles all, and especially the one's with total lack of money management in their approach.



  7. Hi Jane,


    Thanks for your thread, I know you are a decent trader from our private conversations. We all do what works for us to make money. But going down the memory lane recently - I remembered, how years ago, I use to miss some of the biggest moves while waiting for Market to reverse. This is what makes trading so difficult for most folks - lots of times to make money we have to do things that are not natural and do not make any sense to us personally.


    Hope you're well, Good luck.



  8. Hi Jane,


    admis is correct. The way data is delivered makes it very difficult to get a good read on volume analysis. Most of retail "trapping" takes place during the first 45 - 60 minutes, the rest of the day, especially if we happen to have a trending Market, is simply managed based on levels where most of the retailer traders tried to pick tops or bottoms. Those levels are patiently defended all day until late in the day when most small traders just throw in the towel and cover at the market.


    Volume means different things in futures than it does in equities for obvious reasons, large volume alone does not mean much in ES, you can see how late in the day huge size trades and many times hardly moves the price - zero sum game. I never understood why it would be important to watch large volume blocks in futures, after all for every large buy there is an equally large sell and vice versa. And quite often passive players prevail.


    It is nearly impossible to forecast direction based on simply large volume in something like ES. But, what is possible, and that takes some fancy programming, is to identify levels and times where herd of retail traders picked their spots to try to fade the trend, and that information is a lot more valuable than simply a few large whales slugging it out :)


    Good luck,

  9. Can someone list several exotic pairs? I don't have any idea about advantage of exotic pairs?


    These are considered "Majors" :


    EUR/USD Euro / US Dollar Euro Dollar

    USD/JPY US Dollar / Japanese Yen Dollar Yen

    GBP/USD Sterling Pound / Us Dollar Pound Dollar

    USD/CHF US Dollar / Swiss Franc Dollar Swissy

    USD/CAD US Dollar / Canadian Dollar Dollar Loonie

    AUD/USD Australian Dollar / US Dollar Aussie Dollar

    NZD/USD New Zealand Dollar / US Dollar Kiwi Dollar


    All Majors contain "USD" as one currency.



    Then "Minor" FX pairs are considered all crosses of FX pairs which make up Majors except the dollar, like




    And finally "Exotics" are considered all other available pairs. If a pair does not contain both currencies from Major category it is considered "Exotic"


    Hope this helps.

  10. That's an interesting topic, I was using fib for trading, but it's a tool that I never studied its details

    I know the numbers and draw the lines, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.......


    Hi ryantc,


    That's why I brought up Connie's work. With any tool - knowing how to use it correctly is more important than which tool we use. Fibonacci is not as simple as it seems at first. Just pulling retracements from high to low will give you spotty results at best. Like Gann used to say - "if we start right we will finish right", but starting points are not as obvious as they often seem. Connie gives a bit of heads up on that, and the rest we can expand on ourselves.


    Good luck,

  11. Hi Cash, thanks for sharing the link. I am familiar with Tod's work...his knowledge of Fibs is pretty limited, or maybe he simply stays with very "safe" application of Fibonacci. In all honesty - there isn't a single book or webinar that will show "correct" and powerful use of Fib levels. I don't know if not many really have that knowledge, or nobody is willing to share, but Constance Brown books are as close as it gets to exposing the "real" strength of Fibonacci. Those should be easy to find online if anyone is interested.
  12. Hi Lulu,


    Thanks for your generous share. This will be of great help.


    I have not installed the GOM set up shared by you, but I have a question. I have seen one more file named "VolumeLadderMetroEditionV2_ZeroForFilter".


    I have got a question if the mentioned file is required in addition to your set up files or your set up files already include the functionality of the above mentioned file.


    Sorry for my ignorance on the subject.


    Thanks once again. With best wishes.


    Here is the file, it does not come included in Gomi package but does require Gomi to be installed in order to work.



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